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Last movie seen — Page 253


A million ways to die in the west.

some pretty funny moments and some pretty dull moments. Most of the best bits are in the trailer.

Sigourney wants to make another movie. I wonder if they would pretend Alien 3 and Resurrection never happened?

She's been saying that for years. I don't think it will happen. is there anywhere left for the story to go at this point?

Maybe cast her and Ahnold [sic] in AVP 3?


Johnny Ringo said:


Sigourney wants to make another movie. I wonder if they would pretend Alien 3 and Resurrection never happened?

She's been saying that for years. I don't think it will happen. is there anywhere left for the story to go at this point?

How about a musical? That hasn't been done yet. Think about it; Alien 5: I've Grown Accustomed to Your Facehugger.


DuracellEnergizer said:

Johnny Ringo said:


Sigourney wants to make another movie. I wonder if they would pretend Alien 3 and Resurrection never happened?

She's been saying that for years. I don't think it will happen. is there anywhere left for the story to go at this point?

How about a musical? That hasn't been done yet. Think about it; Alien 5: I've Grown Accustomed to Your Facehugger.

 Now that would be the first movie in years I would pay the $15 to see the 3D version of in theaters!


Let's not give them any ideas!

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Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

Let's not give them any ideas!

 I don't know. I think that photo sold me on the idea.


I'd love it if they did an animated adaptation of the Aliens comic that continued the story before Alien³ stomped all over it. Be great to bring back Sigourney and Biehn.

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Alien: Resurrection - Special Edition (1997/2003)

Joss Whedon....what the heck man? I never got to see this in theaters or watch it in its entirety. What a giant pile. Started off on a really bad foot with all the terrible "humor." It improves toward the middle while they're on the run and then just craps out again at the end.

They're supposed to be outside of governed space to conduct these top secret experiments. One of the cornerstones of this franchise is that space travel takes ages. So long that they have to put the crew into suspended animation but this giant installation can just scooch over who knows how far a distance to reach earth in about the time it takes to watch an episode of Law and Order: SVU?

Then there's the whole Newborn...thing. Just blechhhh.

It feels like Jon Spaihts was heavily inspired by this "film" while writing Prometheus.

Oh and it was quite the surprise to see Adrian Cross from this season of 24 pop up.

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Tobar said:

Oh and it was quite the surprise to see Adrian Cross from this season of 24 pop up.
I had the opposite reaction. I was like "Hey, it's the guy from Alien 4. Glad to see he's still getting work."

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That great gruff American voice he does would be perfect for video games.

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I don't see how anyone can say Prometheus is the worst film in the franchise when AR is out there.  At least Prometheus returned the franchise to body horror and was the first film since Alien to really scare me.  AR didn't make sense and there wasn't a single moment that scared me.  Once you have them cloning Ripley what is there to be worried about?  I mean even if she dies they can just bring her back in the next movie so why get invested. Oh and what was up with them trying to make us feel sorry for the alien that wanted to eat everyone,that was just insane.  This film is proof that Joss Wheadon is not perfect and needs someone looking over his scripts to keep them from going off into complete unfocused insanity.


DrCrowTStarwars said:

This film is proof that Joss Wheadon is not perfect and needs someone looking over his scripts to keep them from going off into complete unfocused insanity.
Or proof that Joss Whedon scripts should not be directed by surrealist Frenchmen. ;-)

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Last seen movie was "John dies at the end".

Fun to watch and a great movie for drinking beer with friends. 


The Breakfast Club (1985)

Aside from all the sex talk, which was no surprise in an R-rated movie, I quite enjoyed it. The acting was good, the characters had personality, and it had some good humour throughout. This was also the first time I've seen Ally Sheedy, who is related to me somehow or other (we have the same last name), in a movie.


RicOlie_2 said:

This was also the first time I've seen Ally Sheedy

 You mean you've never seen Short Circuit?!?!?! 

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009)

Sheesh. A decent fanedit might be able to salvage an at least watchable film out of this. But the theatrical cut is just awful. The idiotic attempts at "humor" were turned up to 11 this time. And how did the twins EVER get approved at any level in the chain of command? People take issue with Jar Jar but they make him look eloquent by comparison. The most offensive characters I've ever seen in a film.

Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011)

This was more like it. I can understand why no one ever bothered to do a fanedit of this. The majority of the horrendous crap in the previous films was toned down a lot. It could still use a little slimming but in terms of distasteful humor it was nowhere near as offensive as the others. Unfortunately, what they do to Ironhide and Optimus Prime is unforgivable and unfixable.

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The Mummy 1999

Now normally I hate remakes that are dumber then the film they are a remake of. Also I am huge ancient history buff so there are a huge number of things in this movie that should bug me to death,but you know what? They don't.

This movie is big,loud,and goofy but it knows that and it doesn't pretend to be anything it's not or try to have any deep moments.  When people talk about movies as theme park rides this is the type of film they are talking about. It's there to get a few scares and laughs and then it goes away.  The cast is all in on it and Jerry Goldsmith's score is a lot of fun to just sit back and listen to and it captures the spirit of high camp adventure perfectly. The CGI is done on a pretty impressive scale for the time and the whole film just feels epic and fun.

Is this movie perfect? No,but you know what when I am in the right mood this movie hits the spot.



Tobar said:

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009)

Sheesh. A decent fanedit might be able to salvage an at least watchable film out of this. But the theatrical cut is just awful. The idiotic attempts at "humor" were turned up to 11 this time. And how did the twins EVER get approved at any level in the chain of command? People take issue with Jar Jar but they make him look eloquent by comparison. The most offensive characters I've ever seen in a film.
One of my biggest complaints when it came out was how it was just the same movie as the first but double. I loved finding out last night that RedLetterMedia has proved it by watching all three at the same time.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


Tobar said:

RicOlie_2 said:

This was also the first time I've seen Ally Sheedy

 You mean you've never seen Short Circuit?!?!?! 

 Never, but there are lots of movies I haven't seen. I've got plenty of time to see more, though. :)


The People vs. George Lucas (2010)

While I liked the middle portion of the movie which focused on discussions of Lucas' alterations to the movies and on the fans' struggle to see the OOT preserved, I found the rest either embarrassing and shameful (the first third with all those weird fans) or simply underwhelming (the final third where Lucas is being treated as if he were a victim of his own success).



A Night at the Opera.

And two hard boiled eggs!

What can be said about this movie that has not been said before. It is one of the best comedies ever made and one of The Marx Brothers best films.  if you have not seen this movie drop everything you are doing and go watch it now.



DrCrowTStarwars said:

A Night at the Opera.

And two hard boiled eggs!

What can be said about this movie that has not been said before. It is one of the best comedies ever made and one of The Marx Brothers best films.  if you have not seen this movie drop everything you are doing and go watch it now.


 Only 9.5? I gonna join a club and beat you over the head with it ;-) (and one Duck egg)

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


A perfect ten goes to Duck Soup.

"This is the fifth trip I have made today and I haven't been anywhere yet."

"Remember while your out there dodging through shot and shell we'll be in here thinking what a sucker you are! Goodby."


DrCrowTStarwars said:

The Mummy 1999

Now normally I hate remakes that are dumber then the film they are a remake of. Also I am huge ancient history buff so there are a huge number of things in this movie that should bug me to death,but you know what? They don't.

This movie is big,loud,and goofy but it knows that and it doesn't pretend to be anything it's not or try to have any deep moments.  When people talk about movies as theme park rides this is the type of film they are talking about. It's there to get a few scares and laughs and then it goes away.  The cast is all in on it and Jerry Goldsmith's score is a lot of fun to just sit back and listen to and it captures the spirit of high camp adventure perfectly. The CGI is done on a pretty impressive scale for the time and the whole film just feels epic and fun.

Is this movie perfect? No,but you know what when I am in the right mood this movie hits the spot.


Totally agree. I love this movie. All the problems with it that would bother me in another film just melt away and I can just enjoy myself with a decent popcorn flick.

I even enjoyed the Mummy 2 for the same reasons (though less so).

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


Tobar said:

Prometheus - Special Edition (fanedit released 2013)

Finally a decent film! I still don't care for the core concept behind it but at least it's not a giant muddled mess anymore. The film feels tighter and more streamlined. The reincorporated scenes help clear up various character motivations. All of the bloat has been excised. I really don't understand how Lindelof scored this gig. Something simple like the handling of Fifield and Millburn was just so incredibly botched. But this fanedit really saved the film.

Agreed, this edit was really well done.

The only problem with it was that the audio wasn't very good. The parts that had a new score would drown out the dialog and whenever scenes got really loud everything would mush together into unintellible noises. But those problems were few and far between. Had the audio been done flawlessly I would say this was the most perfect fanedit I've ever seen. I was really impressed with how he managed to salvage the film.

 Do you know which version you watched?  The original only had stereo sound but he did an updated version with 5.1.  I saw the stereo one and have had the 5.1 version on my HDD waiting for a watch for a while now.


Tyrphanax said:

DrCrowTStarwars said:

The Mummy 1999

Now normally I hate remakes that are dumber then the film they are a remake of. Also I am huge ancient history buff so there are a huge number of things in this movie that should bug me to death,but you know what? They don't.

This movie is big,loud,and goofy but it knows that and it doesn't pretend to be anything it's not or try to have any deep moments.  When people talk about movies as theme park rides this is the type of film they are talking about. It's there to get a few scares and laughs and then it goes away.  The cast is all in on it and Jerry Goldsmith's score is a lot of fun to just sit back and listen to and it captures the spirit of high camp adventure perfectly. The CGI is done on a pretty impressive scale for the time and the whole film just feels epic and fun.

Is this movie perfect? No,but you know what when I am in the right mood this movie hits the spot.


Totally agree. I love this movie. All the problems with it that would bother me in another film just melt away and I can just enjoy myself with a decent popcorn flick.

I even enjoyed the Mummy 2 for the same reasons (though less so).

 I think one of the reasons these movies work is that they have a quick pace and a real flow and Brendon Faser comes off as some sort of lost action hero from the 30s and 40s.  I can't put my finger on it but he just fits right in and has a real likability that just fits right in and the cast does have chemistry and that helps a lot.  The movie is just a lot of fun to watch.

The Mummy Returns

This is another movie I should hate but I don't.  It has a few problems that don't make it as good as the first. For one thing it feels a little slow paced and the few horror elements that were in the first film are gone,in this one it is all out silly action. Also while the first one was set in a cartoon version of the 1920s this one is set in it's own silly universe that has things like flying ships in it.  Still if you are willing to go along with the silly bits there is a lot of fun to be had in this movie.

This movie does pull off some things that I didn't think it would be able to when I first saw it.  For instance I wanted to hate the kid and at first he is just getting in typical home alone style antics but as the film goes on the film makers seem to find the right balance between having him solve problems and having him in trouble. He never seems to go too far one way or the other and they don't make the adult characters useless or have the kid save the day as so often happens and having him in trouble is a good motivator for Rick and Evelyn to go on another adventure and makes this one far more personal then the last one. Also the kid while not a great actor is far better then the average child actor you see in a film like this so I didn't mind him.

This movie's plot does feel a little contrived and it is one of those sequels where it is basically the same story as the first movie only done much much bigger. Still again it seems to know this and Rick even makes a few jokes about it so you don't feel like you are being insulted and asked not to notice that it is the same thing happening again,so it's not as bad as some other sequels of it's type.

Still Brendan Fraser and Rachel Weisz do have good chemistry and that helps the movie flow along and makes the movie a lot of fun to watch.

The action scenes are exciting and very well paced and better shot then a lot of scenes in more recent films in that there is never a moment where I am having trouble figuring out what is going on,I can see everything and they don't go on so long that they overstay their welcome.

All in all it isn't as good as the first film but any movie that has armies of dog people,a fight on double decker bus,and someone defeating a mummy with a three stooges eye poke is above average in my book.

If you are in the right mood and willing to go along with the movie this is an enjoyable thrill ride.



TV's Frink said:

 Do you know which version you watched?  The original only had stereo sound but he did an updated version with 5.1.  I saw the stereo one and have had the 5.1 version on my HDD waiting for a watch for a while now.

 It was the updated release with the 5.1 audio.

Transformers: Age of Extinction (2014)

Now that was definitely more like it! A quantum leap above the dreck that was RotF. Michael Bay actually delivered a great movie about transforming robots. All of the idiocy from the previous entries was nowhere to be found. Optimus was still a little too edgy but overall it was a breath of fresh air compared to the others. I'm actually really looking forward to the sequel.

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