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DrCrowTStarwars said:

Ryan McAvoy said:

This is one reason I don't get the constant calls from people that "Well of course Han should have died in ROTJ, the film would've been so much better". Yes because shocking major character deaths in Alien3, X-Men: The Last Stand, ST7 & ST10 were so popular with the fans and those films are so well respected for it.

However, for the record 'Alien3' is awesome and if you want Newt and Hicks to be still alive then read this excellent book...

...although they did have to change the names to Billie and Wilks (The comic it's based on still has the proper names though).

 I didn't know that existed,thanks.

That is the one thing no Alien movie has done that I am still waiting for.  I want to see the Aliens on earth.

 Then totally read those books in order, they follow Hicks (Wilks) and Newt's (Billie's) adventures after Aliens, then Earth gets swarmed by Aliens and Ripley finally returns to save the day in book 4 I think.

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


DrCrowTStarwars said:

But what point does it serve in the end other then to say "Life's a bitch and then we die"?  Okay fine if that is the point you want to make more power to you but did we really need three movies to do that?  The second movie doesn't really fit into the story and really should be removed.  For the story they wanted to tell in Aliens 3 to work I think they should have just had Ripley crashing after the events of Alien and pretended the second movie never happened since it doesn't work at all with the tone or message of the third film and it makes everything feel disjointed.  I mean the second half of the second movie wasn't needed at all and we really didn't need any sequels to tell this story,they could have just had the alien in the lifeship kill Ripley at the end of the first movie and gotten the same point and story across.

Sorry but to me it just made the first two films feel like padding so I would rather right off one film then two.

Largely the problems with Alien 3 as it stands stem from the bolted on prison planet plot strand which is barely touched upon beyond the design ethic.

As a wooden monastery, with the Alien as Satan and Ripley as the sacrificial lamb the piece makes sense. Her impregnation as a metaphor for possession and infection panics (like the AIDS crisis). Ward's Alien 3 is one of the great unmade movies. The environment, the Bosche nightmares. The feeling of crawling dread would have made it as unique as the first film.

The theatrical version of what we got was a mangled version of a mangled version but it's better than Alien 4 which is better than Prometheus.

As for aliens on Earth, I can't see the point. Earth in the time period of the films is as alien a place as any of the other planets in the films.

The only Earth we can really relate to is the one of our lifespans so AVP2:Requiem for all it's hideous rubbishness is as close to  the 'Aliens on Earth' film that makes sense as to make no odds.


Amazon had a super deal of the Alien Quadrilogy Blu-ray plus Prometheus for $20. However, I already own Alien and Aliens, so I felt I didn't need 3 movies I don't care for.

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Bingowings said:

DrCrowTStarwars said:

But what point does it serve in the end other then to say "Life's a bitch and then we die"?  Okay fine if that is the point you want to make more power to you but did we really need three movies to do that?  The second movie doesn't really fit into the story and really should be removed.  For the story they wanted to tell in Aliens 3 to work I think they should have just had Ripley crashing after the events of Alien and pretended the second movie never happened since it doesn't work at all with the tone or message of the third film and it makes everything feel disjointed.  I mean the second half of the second movie wasn't needed at all and we really didn't need any sequels to tell this story,they could have just had the alien in the lifeship kill Ripley at the end of the first movie and gotten the same point and story across.

Sorry but to me it just made the first two films feel like padding so I would rather right off one film then two.

Largely the problems with Alien 3 as it stands stem from the bolted on prison planet plot strand which is barely touched upon beyond the design ethic.

As a wooden monastery, with the Alien as Satan and Ripley as the sacrificial lamb the piece makes sense. Her impregnation as a metaphor for possession and infection panics (like the AIDS crisis). Ward's Alien 3 is one of the great unmade movies. The environment, the Bosche nightmares. The feeling of crawling dread would have made it as unique as the first film.

The theatrical version of what we got was a mangled version of a mangled version but it's better than Alien 4 which is better than Prometheus.

As for aliens on Earth, I can't see the point. Earth in the time period of the films is as alien a place as any of the other planets in the films.

The only Earth we can really relate to is the one of our lifespans so AVP2:Requiem for all it's hideous rubbishness is as close to  the 'Aliens on Earth' film that makes sense as to make no odds.

 Now that is a movie I would watch because it has a point and isn't just a tacked on depressing ending to a story that had already ended.  That version of Alien 3 is the one I want to see.


doubleofive said:

Amazon had a super deal of the Alien Quadrilogy Blu-ray plus Prometheus for $20. However, I already own Alien and Aliens, so I felt I didn't need 3 movies I don't care for.

 Yeah I was tempted for the extras but since I already own the two movies I like it was a no go for me.


The assembly cut of Alien 3 with the sound re-mixed and the new voice work might have enough curio value for me to fork out for it.

I wish someone would do an Adywan style reworking of it though because the fx work, the dialogue and the score are a real mess.


Ryan McAvoy said:

DrCrowTStarwars said:

Ryan McAvoy said:

This is one reason I don't get the constant calls from people that "Well of course Han should have died in ROTJ, the film would've been so much better". Yes because shocking major character deaths in Alien3, X-Men: The Last Stand, ST7 & ST10 were so popular with the fans and those films are so well respected for it.

However, for the record 'Alien3' is awesome and if you want Newt and Hicks to be still alive then read this excellent book...

...although they did have to change the names to Billie and Wilks (The comic it's based on still has the proper names though).

 I didn't know that existed,thanks.

That is the one thing no Alien movie has done that I am still waiting for.  I want to see the Aliens on earth.

 Then totally read those books in order, they follow Hicks (Wilks) and Newt's (Billie's) adventures after Aliens, then Earth gets swarmed by Aliens and Ripley finally returns to save the day in book 4 I think.

 Just ordered it from amazon,thanks!

Now if only someone would do a series of books like that for Mass Effect:)


The Aliens comics are great stuff. Book One and Book Two are definitely worth a read. Earthwar I didn't like at all due to the absolutely hideous art style it was drawn in which didn't allow for me to care about the story.

Personally, I'm a huge fan of Aliens. It's the quintessential sci-fi alien shoot-em-up, but I really think that it ruined the franchise.

Alien was amazing because it was a horror piece. The alien got very little screentime (in large part because they couldn't make it work as well as they wanted) and when it was seen, it was usually quick flashes from extreme distance or extreme close up, but its presence was palpable throughout the entire film; it was infinitely powerful and unkillable, like any good horror film baddie.

Aliens was just a shoot-em-up. Hordes of the once-invulnerable xenos getting blasted left and right just took all the power away from it as an enemy. So much so that they had to come up with an even bigger and badder version to try to recapture some of the feeling that just one of the creatures had in the original film.

I know you can't really compare different genres, which Alien and Aliens are, but I just feel like Aliens devalued the creature.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


I personally would have liked Aliens better if most the soldiers hadn't been colossal douchebags and the xenomorphs themselves had been depicted as possibly sentient creatures rather than as giant, instinct-driven bugs.


DuracellEnergizer said:

I personally would have liked Aliens better if most the soldiers hadn't been colossal douchebags and the xenomorphs themselves had been depicted as possibly sentient creatures rather than as giant, instinct-driven bugs.

Well, I don't mind the soldiers so much as I always saw them as an analogy for the hubris of man and all that rubbish, how bravado is insufficient in the face of a true threat and blah blah blah.

But the xenomorphs were just kneecapped by the script and they lost a lot of their threat. It was a great movie and I love it, but I think it really hurt the franchise.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


Tobar said:

Which is why I'm SO looking forward to Alien: Isolation!

Yeah buddy!

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


The Machine (2013).

This was an unexpected pleasure.

Okay it's sort of like a harder hitting version of Caprica or a mechanical version of Splice (2009)

The film makers are aware of that and make coded references to Galactica, Blade Runner, The Terminator, Species and Demon Seed to name but a few.

But the film is so rich in ideas that even if the final reel is predictable you can forgive it. It has a rich 1980's sci-fi feel to it (particularly the score which is exeptional) and it was made for next to nothing in modern terms (less than a million) but at times looks very pleasing.

Lovely to see Denis Lawson playing a really horrible douchebag too.

I really recommend this one.

Four Balls.


The Furious Gods: Making of Prometheus (2013)

This was ridiculously long and I can't believe I watched the whole thing. At the very least I now know the majority of the film's failings don't all fall upon the shoulders of Damon Lindelof. Despite the length of this documentary they don't get very deep into the conception of the film. From what I can gather the studio had been bugging Scott to return to the franchise but were struggling with coming up with an idea on how to go about it.

Eventually they start talks with a wet behind the ears screenwriter who comes up with this idea to focus on the Space Jockey from the first film.

The studio loves this idea and decides to let him roll with it and present it to Scott. Scott loves the idea and starts to roll with it from there. So the whole worn out ancient alien, Chariots of the Gods bullcrap came from there.

It was kind of sad really, he wanted to do something new and exciting and to him that idea was. Not knowing what a tired and boring trope it's become these days. You know it's time to put a concept to bed when Michael Bay latches onto it.

They don't discuss it at all in the documentary but I recall hearing it was a mandate from the studio that they specifically didn't want to focus on the Aliens but for it be mainly on the Engineers. Which in my opinion was incredibly stupid. You sell everyone on the idea that this is a prequel to Alien and then give them something completely different. It felt incredibly dishonest.

What I will say about the film is I love the devotion to practical effects. Ridley's methodology was if it can be done practically do it that way. Only use digital effects as a last resort. It was also nice to find that they shot a majority of the film at Pinewood Studios. They did an excellent job. So I'll be very happy if a majority of the craftsman that worked on this end up working on the upcoming Star Wars projects.

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From what I've gathered, about 85% of the problems I had with Prometheus were there before Damon got involved.

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DrCrowTStarwars said:

There is a difference between an adaption and a remake and what is more you should only do a remake if the original was lacking in some way and I have yet to see any proof that any director in Holywood can one up Hitchcock.

As for the remake of The man who knew too much,everyone makes at least one mistake if they work on movies as long as Hitchcock did and that was his. The original didn't have a thing wrong with it and it's pace was nice and tight. Remaking it just to use colour and big name stars was a bad idea and didn't work.

This idea that every movie should be a remake of an older movie and making new movies or adapting books that haven't been made into films before is some how wrong is what is killing Hollywood and is the biggest reason I rarely go to the movies any more.  Nothing creative or original gets released any more.

 ...Well...you see I think the '56 remake gets the short end quite often. It certainly drags in a few places, but the overall thematic quality to the story and characters far outdoes the 1934 version which in comparison is a bit clipped due to the shorter runtime and technical limitations of a British production at the time. Technically it is a masterpiece, with the Albert Hall sequence remaining one of the great moments in cinema. Stewart foreshadows his Scottie characterization in Vertigo, the hugely underrated Doris Day is really convincing as the distraught mother, and overall the '56 version feels much more polished than the original. The current transfers are s***, and the film is still being neglected by Universal after 30 years of ownership.

FanFiltration said:

X-Men  (2000) 7/10

Good cast and decent writing, but suffers from a poor production design.

X2 X-Men United (2003) 8/10

More solid production value, and more involved story.

X-Men: The Last Stand (2006) 5/10

A very disappointing entry, and one that is also a very mixed bag. Great casting choice for Beast, but some of the costumes looked terrible. Some of the scenes are good, but the majority is just garbage. That entire concept with the Golden Gate Bridge is utter crap. Not the world's worst film, but far below the standards set in the first two movies in the series. 

X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009) 5/10

Yet another disappointment. This felt more like "X-Men Lite" then a stand alone Wolverine adventure. Also the story just re-treads old ground with the Striker story.  The casting of Liev Schreiber was the best thing about the film. I was truly starting to lose faith in this series at this point.

X-Men First Class (2011) 8/10

Now that is more like it! A return to form with an amazing cast and engaging story. This film will be re-watched by me a number of times in the future.

The Wolverine (2013) 4/10

Fine production values (yet a few very bad green screen scenes), interesting scenic locations, completely boring and ridiculous -- even for an" X-Men" film. My least favorite of the entire series. 

 A good summary FF. I plan on seeing DOFP at some point, but don't really have much hopes for it being really spectacular. I'm really underwhelmed by this series overall--especially in how very little is ever developed other than Jackman's Wolverine. The best films are X2 and First Class, and my favorite part of them all is Brian Cox's wonderful Stryker. I wish they had just followed him for a movie to be honest.

Jack Ryan Shadow Recruit-A dull, tepid, uninspired pointless waste. Thinking man's thrillers are dead, and the Ryan series was long pissed away by Paramount. I'm not a Clancy expert but shouldn't they have used Costner as an older troubled Ryan in the midst of a grand crisis?

1.5 ball out of 4 bored Kevin Costners.


Never have I seen this all the way through. Finally did with the Criterion CLV 1977 theatrical and must say that somewhere along the way, Spielberg must have forgotten why he started making pictures. This is a reminder of why we make pictures, why we hold faiths in the inexplicable, how damn good Richard Dreyfuss is, how wonderful Spielberg's innate decisions can be and of what science fiction can provoke in our hearts and minds.

The LD is faultless and original save for one 30 sec shot from the asinine Special Edition. I compared the three cuts with the new BD and prefer the '77, plus the Criterion to my eyes has better color. The sound mix has stereo surround on the new release (not original) and is too clean for a 1977 film. The Dolby surround mas straight from the 1980 master, and is as close as one can get to the original 1977 70mm that many claim was never equaled.

4 balls out of 4 crazy ideas to present aliens. Unforgettable though not perfect.

The Hunt for Red October-to get the bad taste out of my mouth from the new film I had to go back to this. There should have been a sequel, there should have been more Baldwin Ryan adventures, this should have spawned a successful and innovative series that blended action filmmaking with thinking man's writing. But Paramount said let's dump it. Go figure.

I think this is really almost as good as McTiernan's work on Die Hard. It's much more subtle and puts no foot out of place. The original LD retains the warm look of release prints and is framed closer to a 70mm print. The audio is the 35mm Dolby Stereo and while not as fully detailed as the later discrete remixes, I prefer this track for the overall better presentation in the lower frequencies. The new transfer is good but lacks the color accuracy of the original.

This film is so good that our favorite Scot is a believable Soviet submarine captain.

4 balls out of 4 guys crawling around in steam vents.

VADER!? WHERE THE HELL IS MY MOCHA LATTE? -Palpy on a very bad day.
“George didn’t think there was any future in dead Han toys.”-Harrison Ford
YT channel:



This doc has some cheap and chearful production values maybe but still a fascinating portrait of one of the greatest ever Writers and Directors, John Milius.

The lack of much real documentary footage (Animated photos aplenty) is more than made up for with wonderful interviews with his friends Spielberg, Lucas, Coppola, Harrison Ford, Arnie etc. All telling some crazy stories about his larger than life exploits e.g. Him making Martin Sheen hold onto a loaded gun while recording his voiceover for 'Apocalypse Now' to give it the required edge.


VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


Just saw the new GODZILLA.


All the sophistication, grittyness, and Bryan Cranston the previews seemed to offer went out the window at about 20 min, and it was a ball to the wall monster fest with a nice dull (and dumb as dirt) white soldier protaganist. 

Decent monster action. A fun ride. Really, all I could ask for. 


DuracellEnergizer said:

^And I was actually looking forward to seeing it. *shakeshead*

 I thought it was a really good movie that capture the spirit of the 1954 original better then any film in the franchise since and the focus on the human characters made everything extremely intense.  It is one of the more intense PG13 rated films I have seen in a while.  If anything the biggest complaint I have heard from people is that there were not enough monsters in it,so i wouldn't call it a monster fest.  I know some people who didn't like it and some people like me who loved every second of it.  I think it's one of those movies that no one can tell you how you are going to feel about it.  I think it is well worth seeing and you are talking to someone who spent his last $10 for the month seeing it.  I say see it and judge for yourself.


DrCrowTStarwars said:

DuracellEnergizer said:

^And I was actually looking forward to seeing it. *shakeshead*

 I thought it was a really good movie that capture the spirit of the 1954 original better then any film in the franchise since and the focus on the human characters made everything extremely intense. 

 Mmmmm....the trailers maybe tried to capture the feeling of the original 1954 film. But I'd say this film captured the feeling more of something like Godzilla vs. Mothra. Either way I loved the film.

Forum Moderator

Watched Mean Streets last night.

I have not seen it before and had it on the shelf for about a year. Thoroughly enjoyed it and I'll say if you have not seen it go get it and watch it. Great soundtrack and great acting.

Well worth a watch if you like human stories.


Prometheus - Special Edition (fanedit released 2013)

Finally a decent film! I still don't care for the core concept behind it but at least it's not a giant muddled mess anymore. The film feels tighter and more streamlined. The reincorporated scenes help clear up various character motivations. All of the bloat has been excised. I really don't understand how Lindelof scored this gig. Something simple like the handling of Fifield and Millburn was just so incredibly botched. But this fanedit really saved the film.

The only problem with it was that the audio wasn't very good. The parts that had a new score would drown out the dialog and whenever scenes got really loud everything would mush together into unintellible noises. But those problems were few and far between. Had the audio been done flawlessly I would say this was the most perfect fanedit I've ever seen. I was really impressed with how he managed to salvage the film.

Forum Moderator

Tobar said:

DrCrowTStarwars said:

DuracellEnergizer said:

^And I was actually looking forward to seeing it. *shakeshead*

 I thought it was a really good movie that capture the spirit of the 1954 original better then any film in the franchise since and the focus on the human characters made everything extremely intense. 

 Mmmmm....the trailers maybe tried to capture the feeling of the original 1954 film. But I'd say this film captured the feeling more of something like Godzilla vs. Mothra. Either way I loved the film.

 That is a good comparison too,and it may fit better with there being more then one monster.  I just think 54 because the movie is really about the monsters as a force of nature and how they their battles effect the human characters and whenever I see a monster movie try to do that I think Gidzilla 54 because that is the movie that did it best.

Speaking of Mothra I wonder if there is a sequels will they bring her into the mix.