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Last movie seen — Page 250


DuracellEnergizer said:

Star Wars Revisited (2008) - 9.5/10

 Someone tell me that date is wrong.


Tyrphanax said:

. Total pile of shit. And this from a guy who doesn't mind a John Woo film now and then. Was utterly shocked to see it being totally lauded by critics and reviewers. At best it's a "so awful it's good" film. But it's really just crap.

5/10 Faces... Off.

 Thank you!


DuracellEnergizer said:

eXistenZ (1999) - 8.5/10

 I know right! So underated.

DuracellEnergizer said:

Rear Window (1998) - 6.5/10

 I was about to b*tch slap you but then I saw the "1998" part LOL. Saw it once, it was alright I guess. Reeve was good though.

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


Wait what? Some remade Rear Window?

Why do people keep trying to remake Hitchcock?  I guess it's only a matter of time before we get a remake of The Seventh Seal with giant robots.


TV's Frink said:

DuracellEnergizer said:

Star Wars Revisited (2008) - 9.5/10

 Someone tell me that date is wrong.

When it comes to fan edits, I go with the year it -- not the original movie -- was released in.

Unless you're saying the edit wasn't actually released in 2008 (fanedit.org does list January 2008 as it's release date, though).

DrCrowTStarwars said:

Wait what? Some remade Rear Window?

Why do people keep trying to remake Hitchcock?

It was a TV movie that came and went without drawing any real attention to itself. The production values are predictably mediocre, though Reeve's performance does elevate it somewhat.

I guess it's only a matter of time before we get a remake of The Seventh Seal with giant robots.

And Vin Diesel as Death. *shudder* 



Pretty much the ultimate revisionist fairy tale.  Angelina Jolie was incredible in this film, and I really enjoyed the way the story of Sleeping Beauty was reimagined.  Maleficent's origin story seemed to be a horrifying metaphor for sexual assault, and it was utterly impossible not to feel bad for her—even when she became inexcusably cruel and spiteful later on, I was still rooting for her much of the time.  Seeing the usual Disney tropes deconstructed so thoroughly, only to be later upheld in quite unexpected ways, was very interesting.

If, like me, you like the show Once Upon a Time or the movie Enchanted, chances are you'll enjoy this film quite a lot.  It isn't perfect, of course, as the script probably could have used some additional fleshing out of certain elements, but it adds up to a very satisfying whole, and I highly recommend it.


DrCrowTStarwars said:

Wait what? Some remade Rear Window?

Why do people keep trying to remake Hitchcock?  I guess it's only a matter of time before we get a remake of The Seventh Seal with giant robots.


Even Hitchcock remade Hitchcock.


Many of Sir Alfred's films are better known than the books/stories they are based on.

Robert Bloch wrote a couple sequel novels to Psycho, which have nothing to do with the movies.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


There is a difference between an adaption and a remake and what is more you should only do a remake if the original was lacking in some way and I have yet to see any proof that any director in Holywood can one up Hitchcock.

As for the remake of The man who knew too much,everyone makes at least one mistake if they work on movies as long as Hitchcock did and that was his. The original didn't have a thing wrong with it and it's pace was nice and tight. Remaking it just to use colour and big name stars was a bad idea and didn't work.

This idea that every movie should be a remake of an older movie and making new movies or adapting books that haven't been made into films before is some how wrong is what is killing Hollywood and is the biggest reason I rarely go to the movies any more.  Nothing creative or original gets released any more.


Hitchcock was, in a way, the best person to remake his own film, so I don't think that point is valid.

However, I'm the type of person who doesn't have a problem with the idea of a remake. Though I think they should only happen if the original film isn't great or if the new film has a new twist on the story. 

But Rear Window's just about perfect so that'd be a no on the first one, and, as for the second, there have been a number of films that have reimagined its premise, so a straight remake was highly unnecessary.


The Wolf Man (1941) - 6/10

Desperation (2006) - 6/10

Get Out of My Room (1985) - 4/10

The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996) - 8.5/10


X-Men  (2000) 7/10

Good cast and decent writing, but suffers from a poor production design.

X2 X-Men United (2003) 8/10

More solid production value, and more involved story.

X-Men: The Last Stand (2006) 5/10

A very disappointing entry, and one that is also a very mixed bag. Great casting choice for Beast, but some of the costumes looked terrible. Some of the scenes are good, but the majority is just garbage. That entire concept with the Golden Gate Bridge is utter crap. Not the world's worst film, but far below the standards set in the first two movies in the series. 

X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009) 5/10

Yet another disappointment. This felt more like "X-Men Lite" then a stand alone Wolverine adventure. Also the story just re-treads old ground with the Striker story.  The casting of Liev Schreiber was the best thing about the film. I was truly starting to lose faith in this series at this point.

X-Men First Class (2011) 8/10

Now that is more like it! A return to form with an amazing cast and engaging story. This film will be re-watched by me a number of times in the future.

The Wolverine (2013) 4/10

Fine production values (yet a few very bad green screen scenes), interesting scenic locations, completely boring and ridiculous -- even for an" X-Men" film. My least favorite of the entire series. 

“First feel fear, then get angry. Then go with your life into the fight.” - Bill Mollison


Forcing myself to watch Lone Survivor with my girlfriend tonight. Just a few minutes in. Shaking like a leaf. Doesn't have to be a war movie, could be a comedy. Just this weird anxiety about movies.

No idea why.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


Lone Survivor

Maybe in large part due to my namesake, I'm a sucker for patriotism; as such, I found this movie fantastic. It was, and was not, your typical "America, Fuck Yeah" movie, and did endeavour to show some of the deeper complexities of the region, specifically the Afghani/Taliban relations. I was glad to see that not all "brown people" were painted with the terrorism brush, and I was really rooting for the villagers and Gulab. The dedication to the Afghanis at the end was very nice.

But at the same time, the Americans died (mostly) poetic and heroic deaths while looking like heroes. But what would you want besides that? It was nice to see them get banged up pretty good along the way, so they weren't just shining, beautiful, invincible men up until the point they were required to die. The final battle was a bit gratuitous in terms of hand-to-hand combat and satisfying deaths, but, again, you get what you pay for. I was no less pleased. It always breaks you heart to be reminded that these were real people at the end of these films, but it is necessary as well.

I never quite understand why people think these types of films romanticize war, because I always leave films like this with a renewed interest in moving towards a utopia where war is an embarrassing part of our past, rather than a constant in our present day. I also leave with renewed respect for the men and women in the military.

As a military/gun nerd, I enjoyed the overall authenticity in those respects of the film. It was nice to see accurate scope crosshairs, gunplay, and whatnot throughout.

All-in-all, I would call this as decent a dramatization of a real-life wartime situation involving Americans as you could ask for.

8/10 Patriotism Boners

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


The Adventures of Captain Zoom in Outer Space (1995) - 6.3/10

The Pilgrim (1923) - 7.5/10

Beverly Hills Family Robinson (1997) - 6/10


Lord of Tears (2013).

As a kid stories of the Mothman/Owlman fascinated me so I really tried to love this Kickstarter funded low budget (locally made) horror film.

The idea is sound.
The location atmospheric, the photography very good.
The 'owl man' and the some of the effects make up were very good too.
The soundtrack was slick if sometimes misused.

Sadly the acting and some of the editing lets this film down. I know that the actors weren't very experienced and there is nothing wrong with that but perhaps the scenes where they have to deliver dialogue should have been handled by a stage director as they feel very clunky. The director has flare when it comes to establishing atmosphere and the nightmarish imagery is really great but the a lot of the exposition scenes felt like padding. The main character spends much of the time carrying a dictaphone and reporting events that we have just seen Ric style.

If someone were to rework the film into something more akin to the BBC Ghost Stories for Christmas it would be a huge success. Indeed if I were an executive of BBC Scotland I would approach Lawrie Brewster with a proposal to rework the film with perhaps some more established acting talent.

The packaging was lovely though (wrapped in black tissue with a real owl feather) and the soundtrack and a glossy booklet but the disc was badly authored and I couldn't get into some of the extras.

This was much better than the actual film.


X-Men: Days of Future Past 6/10

*No Spoilers*

Not a bad film, but packed with continuity plot holes that are driving me nuts.

I'm feeling that there should be another film between "The Wolverine" (with it's post credits scene) and "DoFP".  I would be very happy if the next stand alone Wolverine film took place in that time period, and answer the biggest question that DoFP failed to address. I'm feeling a bit unfulfilled, but happy this entry was better then "X-Men" The Last Stand" and the two Wolverine solo films. 

“First feel fear, then get angry. Then go with your life into the fight.” - Bill Mollison


DuracellEnergizer said:

The Adventures of Captain Zoom in Outer Space (1995) - 6.3/10

The Pilgrim (1923) - 7.5/10

Beverly Hills Family Robinson (1997) - 6/10

 Wait a minute, is Captain Zoom out on DVD somewhere?

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Not as far as I know. I just watched a home recording someone had uploaded onto YouTube.


Rats! There's a Hong Kong LD release, but I've never seen a copy up for sale. Very few of those Universal "Action Pack" tv movies seem to have ever come out on video.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Edge of Tomorrow

No Spoilers

I should start by pointing out that I have a tremendous dislike of Tom Cruise.  He's ok as an actor, but more often than not he's just a script reader.  He looks and sounds like Tom Cruise pretending to be a ... (insert any type of character). 

Why then would I bother with this, you may be asking.  Seemed mildly interesting in the trailer and after a long week of work and work-related travel, I was up for a night out.  Plus, the Alamo Drafthouse has great popcorn and a decent wine list.  ;-) 

I was pleasantly surprised.  The story was interesting, the two leads were interesting, and Cruise came across as the character he was playing.  It was nice to see him breaking away from his usual, oh-so-cool guy with all the answers.  He plays someone wildly out of their element and as scared and confused as we would be.

Emily Blunt was the same. I enjoyed her character's switching back and forth of leading\supporting Cruise's character.  It was an interesting dynamic that worked for me.  By the second half of the film, I cared about what would happen to them, and was genuinely interested in seeing it. 

With such a strong female and male duo as the focus, it could have easily devolved into cliche'.  To the film's credit, they didn't go that route.  To me it felt much more like what I would expect from two people brought together under such circumstances.

The film was 3D, which wasn't a distraction at all.  In fact, it felt completely natural after a few minutes.

In closing;  Hats off, Mr. Cruise.  I went in very jaded and you proved me wrong. I give it 5 out of 5 pairs of handcuffs.

Forum Moderator

Santa sangre (1989) - 8.5/10

Jodorowsky's Dune (2013) - 9/10

El topo (1970) - 7/10

The Holy Mountain (1973) - 8.5/10


How To Train Your Dragon (2010)

A wonderful film that doesn't speak down to its audience. One of those film's that's truly for everyone.

How To Train Your Dragon 2 (2014)

Like the main protagonist this franchise has definitely matured. A fantastic film that doesn't pull its punches. In time I could see this franchise becoming as beloved as Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings. Definitely looking forward to the next entry.

Forum Moderator

Edge of Tomorrow

I predicted the end but otherwise it was enjoyable.


It sucked.