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Last movie seen — Page 249


I'd love to see an X-Men movie which focuses on the original team from the '60s -- Professor X, Cyclops, Beast, Iceman, Angel, and Marvel Girl -- but at this point, I know it's unlikely to happen.


Ghost Rider (2007).

Utterly bizarre schizoid film. It's starts off much like recent Marvel adaptations with a pretty well done origin story, nice little nods to the 70s stunt riding craze which spawned superheroes like this one :

Then it morphs into a mild John Walters adaptation of Spawn or The Crow with Nicholas Cage looking like George Formby with a bad dye job.

Sam Elliott was my first love, cursed with being too macho to fill Burt Reynolds' or Tom Selleck's slot (oh dear that sentence is just too nasty).

He is utterly charming in this film and Peter Fonda lends the bad guys some class as the rest of them are really crap Twilight kids pretending to be American Wrestlers.

It is a shame that the bonkers stuff and the actual comic adaption stuff aren't kept separate.

I would love to see a film where Cage played an eccentric pug ugly stunt driver and I would love to see a Ghost Rider film, but if the combination of the two isn't entirely successful it is at least hilariously arresting stuff.

I want to see Cage do a series of films as George Formby now.

Infinate Balls.


Ah, Ghost Rider, the movie that cemented my utter dislike for Eva Mendes.


I'm old enough to remember owning this. Don't know why Evel never got his own monthly title, (this was a one shot) as it would have been interesting to see him in the Marvel Universe.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


DuracellEnergizer said:

Ah, Ghost Rider, the movie that cemented my utter dislike for Eva Mendes.


Forum Moderator

SilverWook said:

I'm old enough to remember owning this. Don't know why Evel never got his own monthly title, (this was a one shot) as it would have been interesting to see him in the Marvel Universe.

There may have been legal issues preventing that. He was a real guy, after all.


That never stopped KISS:

Forum Moderator

Tobar said:

That never stopped KISS:

 Or Mr. T!

“First feel fear, then get angry. Then go with your life into the fight.” - Bill Mollison


The mother of all 70's crossovers! Bigger than Spidey teaming up with Superman! ;)

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

The mother of all 70's crossovers! Bigger than Spidey teaming up with Superman! ;)

 Ha! I love that they drew Gilda Radner to look like Al Franken.

“First feel fear, then get angry. Then go with your life into the fight.” - Bill Mollison


She's drawn as her Emily Litella character though.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


or Ronald MacDonald vs The Burger King...

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


Tobar said:

DuracellEnergizer said:

Ah, Ghost Rider, the movie that cemented my utter dislike for Eva Mendes.


Don't worry. I dislike Will Ferrell even more. 


SilverWook said:

She's drawn as her Emily Litella character though.

 Oh? Nevermind.

“First feel fear, then get angry. Then go with your life into the fight.” - Bill Mollison


Jodorowsky's Dune (2014)

Great documentary about a fascinating man. I really wish he had been able to make the film.

Forum Moderator

X-Men: Days of future past.

It was fun but pretty uneven. The future timeline stuff was a bit of a novelty but felt kinda flat. Overall I think First Class felt a lot more polished.

There's kind of a weird logic at play in the film that they sort of explain, but in a nonsensical sort of way.

[mild spoiler]

Take Charles for example - In First class he lost the ability to walk after taking a bullet to the spine. In DOFP if he takes the serum that Hank designed to supress mutant genes....he can walk again.

And he is alive again in the future after being torn apart by Jean in X3. It's implied that he posessed the body of a braindead man on life support [x3 post credit scene] - and here he appears looking exactly like his old self...and apparently still paralyzed.

Monuments Men

I wanted to like this film, I really did. The pacing is all over the place. They probably could have stretched the last part into a full movie and really fleshed things out.

It feels like someone was trying to rip-off Band of Brothers ala Transmorphers...


The Lost Boys (1987)

It was in no way a masterpiece, but I enjoyed it overall.


Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls (1995) - 6.5/10

Tango Tangles (1914) - 6/10

A Film Johnnie (1914) - 6/10

Cruel, Cruel Love (1914) - 6.5/10

Tom and Huck (1995) - 7/10


Tobar said:

Jodorowsky's Dune (2014)

Great documentary about a fascinating man. I really wish he had been able to make the film.

I watched this yesterday. It would have been utterly bonkers and as in variance with the book as Lynch's version (if not more so). It would probably have looked half brilliant (Jodorowsky never makes anything dull) but the effects would never have lived up to the designs. In fact the oddball nature of the film and the effects, plus the similarity in the plot would probably have meant Star Wars would never of happened.

However it could be made now.

Indeed even if  the Herbert estate refused them use of the character names I think it could be adjusted to avoid being restricted from being made. The plot is already very different from the book so changing the character and location names and maybe setting it on a water or ice world would allow the meat and potatoes of the project still get on the screen. Brontis could play the Leto character.

I wish someone would change a few names and make Vincent Ward's Alien 3.


Dragonslayer (1981) - 6.5/10

Swimfan (2002) - 6/10

One Night at McCool's (2001) - 8.4/10


Actually a lot of updating to do here.

Been re-watching the James Bond series to get the girlfriend caught up. She hadn't seen any of the old ones (super religious upbringing = not many secular movies seen).

We're well into Roger Moore now, with The Spy Who Loved Me. She loved Connery, was eh on Lazenby, and is getting tired of Moore. Seems about right. Interested in seeing what she thinks of Dalton and the early Brosnan flicks (she's seen Die Another Day).

Also saw The Desolation of Smaug. Decent film, I thought. I enjoyed it a lot. Jackson has fallen far too deeply into the CGI trap, a la Lucas, but at least the story, dialogue, and acting is still strong.

8/10 Arkenballs.

Saw Ghostbusters and Back to the Future a few weeks ago for my first time. Yes that's right. My cinematically-deprived girlfriend showed me BTTF for the first time. I have no excuse. Both great films.

9/10 Proton Packs and Clock Towers.

Face/Off. Total pile of shit. And this from a guy who doesn't mind a John Woo film now and then. Was utterly shocked to see it being totally lauded by critics and reviewers. At best it's a "so awful it's good" film. But it's really just crap.

5/10 Faces... Off.

300: Rise of an Empire. Also crap. 300 was okay as a mythological retelling of Thermopylae, but Rise doesn't really have any idea what it is, really. Lots of weird staring across large bodies of water at each other. An uncomfortable, weird and gratuitous sex scene. The whole thing was gratuitous, and not in a neat way. Felt like watching a low-budget film trying to cash in on 300's fame. Xerxes looks funny with hair. Eva Green was decent (and also indecent at one point). It's really interesting to note that when you look at fantasy medieval combat movies since 300, they've all tried to copy the style in some way, whereas if you look at Troy for instance, a very similar movie in many ways, the combat is totally different.

1/2 Faramir Eyes.

Troy. Several months back. Decent movie. 300 before 300 was 300. Different combat was interesting to see. I kept expecting to see Brad Pitt to slow-mo chop arms off, so the battle scenes felt a bit hectic and unfulfilling. Legolas played a very annoying Paris, and I only really felt bad for Eric Bana's Hector. Pitt was good as a callous Achilles. It was neat to see Ajax. Agamemnon was a jerk, and it was weird to not see post-300 Spartans.

7/10 Little Brothers.

There have been more. If I remember them, I'll post them.

The larger point of this post is that I've been feeling weird about movies lately. Maybe I'm just not a cinemaphile, but it's just so hard for me to watch movies. Even stuff I want to see.

Movies I've seen before I can rewatch endlessly, but anything new to me I just can't really bring myself to watch. It's like trying to get into a new TV series. People tell me that Game of Thrones or Braking Bad is great, and I'm sure it is, but I just don't want to make the investment into them.

It's annoying, because there are so many classic movies I haven't seen, some of them that I really have no right to have not seen (refer to the Ghostbusters/BTTF review above), but I just don't have the drive.

What's wrong with me?

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


Tyrphanax said:

The larger point of this post is that I've been feeling weird about movies lately. Maybe I'm just not a cinemaphile, but it's just so hard for me to watch movies. Even stuff I want to see.

Movies I've seen before I can rewatch endlessly, but anything new to me I just can't really bring myself to watch. It's like trying to get into a new TV series. People tell me that Game of Thrones or Braking Bad is great, and I'm sure it is, but I just don't want to make the investment into them.

It's annoying, because there are so many classic movies I haven't seen, some of them that I really have no right to have not seen (refer to the Ghostbusters/BTTF review above), but I just don't have the drive.

What's wrong with me?

Information Age-derived ennui afflicts the best of us. 


Yeah. I suppose I just need to sit down and force myself into watching them...

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)