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Keeping the right aspect ratio

I want to change a fullscreen, 2.35:1, 720x480 avi into (anamorphic)widescreen, 2.35:1, 720x480 or 720x576. The movie has 276 or 277. Before resizing how many lines should I cut of the top and bottom to preserve the aspect ratio? 120? And if I cut 15 vertical lines from the side? 720/480=1.5 -> 15/1.5=10 extra horizontal lines? It doesn't matter if I resize to 480 or 576 the aspect will be the same right?
Fez: I am so excited about Star Whores.
Hyde: Fezzy, man, it's Star Wars.
Thanks, this is very helpfull!!!!
Fez: I am so excited about Star Whores.
Hyde: Fezzy, man, it's Star Wars.