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Jedi or Return?


I’ve always referred to Return of the Jedi as Jedi when shortening the title for casual conversation(Star Wars, Empire, Jedi) but I’ve seen some people use Return. Which do you use?
Did anyone switch to Return when The Last Jedi came out? (I didn’t feel that that changed anything. I just say Last Jedi when I’m talking about it, and I try to talk about it as little as possible, as I’m complaining when I am)

You’ll laugh! You’ll cry! You’ll kiss three bucks goodbye!


Yeah, it’s still Jedi to me. The OT films are the only ones I abbreviate out loud like that. The other films I usually just call by their episode numbers.

But we can’t turn back. Fear is their greatest defense. I doubt if the actual security there is any greater than it was on Aquilae or Sullust. And what there is is most likely directed towards a large-scale assault.


Star Wars- I alternate but typically call it A New Hope

Empire Strikes Back- Empire

Return of the Jedi- Jedi

All others I call by their episode title (Phantom Menace- Phantom Menace, etc.) though I might refer to Attack of the Clones as Clones on rare occasions.


It’s … Return of the Jedi? It mean on here ROTJ works for me but I can’t say that out loud. To be honest I sometimes just forget there’s another Jedi title even as someone that doesn’t mind that movie. Like I forget what the 3rd one was even called at all occasionally.


I use ROTJ when writing, but when talking about it I use “Jedi”. Most of the people I talk with about Star Wars know that “Jedi” means ROTJ. Not many of us talk about TLJ, so there is no real misunderstandings there. Though The Last Jedi was the best of the Sequel (and Prequel) films to me.

The Imperial need for control is so desperate because it is so unnatural. Tyranny requires constant effort. It breaks, it leaks. Authority is brittle. Oppression is the mask of fear.


I used to call it Jedi. But since Last Jedi also has Jedi in the title i call it ROTJ.


Servii said:

Yeah, it’s still Jedi to me. The OT films are the only ones I abbreviate out loud like that. The other films I usually just call by their episode numbers.

Same here. “Jedi” for me all the way.

“Ep 8” for The Last Jedi.

Thinking about it, for all the Prequel and Sequel films I say their “Ep #” in actual conversations. And “Star Wars”, “Empire” and “Jedi” for the ORiginal Trilogy. Huh.


Mocata said:

It’s … Return of the Jedi? It mean on here ROTJ works for me but I can’t say that out loud. To be honest I sometimes just forget there’s another Jedi title even as someone that doesn’t mind that movie. Like I forget what the 3rd one was even called at all occasionally.

Return of the Jedi when talking out loud for me as well. ROTJ when written. Thinking about it, most of my friends do also say “Return of the Jedi” in conversation too.

I don’t thing any of them call it “Return”, but a few do call it simply “Jedi”.


ANH: Star Wars/New Hope (depending on the version)

ESB: Empire

ROTJ: Jedi

The rest, I just go with either the full subtitle (The Phantom Menace, Revenge of the Sith, etc.) or the episode number.

I’m not really that much of a movie purist. I really should’ve thought my name out a bit more.


The Star Wars Purist said:

ANH: Star Wars/New Hope (depending on the version)

Huh, that is interesting. “Star Wars” for theatrical cuts, and “A New Hope” for 1997 onwards, or for 1981 onwards? Or something similar?


Juno Eclipse said:

I don’t thing any of them call it “Return”, but a few do call it simply “Jedi”.

Also some of the younger kids of friends do refer to it as “the Ewok one”. Just wait until they learn about and watch the other two Ewok fims!


Juno Eclipse said:

Juno Eclipse said:

I don’t thing any of them call it “Return”, but a few do call it simply “Jedi”.

Also some of the younger kids of friends do refer to it as “the Ewok one”. Just wait until they learn about and watch the other two Ewok fims!

Very cute. I wonder how modern day kids would take watching like those 2 Ewok films made nearly 40 years ago. The pacing was a little uneven on both films, and quite slow even back in the 80’s. Probably better for another thread.