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Info & Info Wanted: 'The Abyss' — Page 4


bigrob said:

ah! you saw my suggestion :)

Would love to see the alternate 1.96:1 ratio and original Stereo soundtrack get preserved :)

Yes I did... (^^,) but thought to post a possible solution here, to find a broader public.

drngr said:

I have a feeling reframing varying randomly in some scenes will make it impractical.

If it is like this, I will need definitely a "partner in crime" with a lot of patience and time, who will check the framing of both... bigrob? (-^,)

Sadly my projects are lost due to an HDD crash… 😦 | [Fundamental Collection] thread | blog.spoRv.com | fan preservation forum: fanres.com



I've only got the non-anamorphic R1 2 disc DVD, the R6 anamorphic DVD and the SE UK Laserdisc (but no way of playing it) but yeah, happy to have a look and compare frames.

Let me know how i can help

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Well, before start the project, I'd like to make same tests to see it this solution is feasible; then, you could watch both captured versions (1.95:1 and 2.35:1) to set the margins - they should be made pixel perfect, so it's a HARD and BORING work... (^^,)

Here you are an example; green is the theatrical 2.2:1 (70mm), red is 2.35:1, blue is 1.95:1:

It is still possible to do two versions, one theatrical 1.95:1, the other extended, 2.35:1 (with or without the help of the 1.95:1 version to improve final resolution). Plus, there is a third possibility, "a la Batman"... use the 1.95:1 version "as is" for the theatrical scenes, and 2.35:1 for the extended scenes.

If you feel corageous enough to try to accomplish this task, you are welcome!

Sadly my projects are lost due to an HDD crash… 😦 | [Fundamental Collection] thread | blog.spoRv.com | fan preservation forum: fanres.com


_,,,^..^,,,_ said:

Plus, there is a third possibility, "a la Batman"... use the 1.95:1 version "as is" for the theatrical scenes, and 2.35:1 for the extended scenes.


I think that's what drngr meant on "impractical" (although he probably just misunderstood your original idea), and I agree that it would be distracting. Keeping it in the same AR (1.95 or 2.35:1) is the right thing to do.


Having said that, there can be a lot of problems. Color matching. The framing could be slightly different each scene and it'd take a rather complicated method to match them. Also 2014 will be the 25 year anniversary, and that means a little higher chance for it to be released officially on BR. Does it worth to risk all this work to end up with a still DVD quality result?

I'm not trying to be negative, I'm trying to be ethical here. Sure as hell I'd get, watch, and enjoy the improved version. But the effort it takes better "spent" on another movie that I don't even like..., but has better quality sources to work from.


For certain the original 1.95:1 LD with the original sound mix will NOT be coming on Blu.

Just restore it.


zee944 said:

...there can be a lot of problems. Color matching. The framing could be slightly different each scene and it'd take a rather complicated method to match them. Also 2014 will be the 25 year anniversary, and that means a little higher chance for it to be released officially on BR. Does it worth to risk all this work to end up with a still DVD quality result?

About framing: sometimes I'm impatient, and for this I asked for help; if someone is willing to do it for me, the rest will be a "piece of cake"... Color matching, I think there will be no problems - and I repeat *I think* (but I'm not sure)...

The only risk is to have spent some (a lot of?) time to do something I (we) love to do... *maybe* the final result will be only DVD quality, but are you (we) sure about it? DVD of "The Abyss" is not anamorphic - as laserdisc; DVD has the same vertical luma resolution of the LD, but a better (in theory) horizontal resolution; DVD horizontal chroma resolution is at least twice than the LD, while the LD vertical one is twice than the DVD; plus, add SIX copies of the same movie (2x each version, TC, DC AC3, DC box set) with some median/average magic, and a little enhancement, *maybe* the final result will be better than the not-over-the-top NTSC DVD... the anamorphic DVD is another thing, that could be interesting to watch and see if it could be improved a bit or not - bigrob, could you tell us something more about that?

And, after all, I like challenges... the more difficult, the better - if I could achieve a good result at the end... (^^,)

Last thing: the eventual BD release will be "right"? The color grading will be the same found onto the LD - or a "better" orange and teal will take its place? The soundtrack will be the original one - or a "better" new remix will take its place? The "ancient CGI" effects will be left intact - or a "better" improved/replaced will take their place? For "The Abyss", rumours of the BD release are around from 2010, so...

For example, I decided to NOT do the Robocop restoration project based onto the Criterion CAV and CLV laserdiscs, because the BD release was announced for January 2014. I must wait only two months, and as I am good guy... I will give it the "benefit of the doubt" until its release... then, maybe my decision will be definitive, or maybe I should reconsider to do it.

zee944 said:

I'm not trying to be negative, I'm trying to be ethical here. Sure as hell I'd get, watch, and enjoy the improved version. But the effort it takes better "spent" on another movie that I don't even like..., but has better quality sources to work from.

As for now, I learnt a big lesson: first test, test, and, did I mention it? TEST! I will test the technique to use for a project with small clips (one/two minutes); then, after some feedback, if the technique needs improvement, I'll make my best to improve it. And again. And again. This is because it's quite easy to do it with a one minute test clip, show it, and improve it, and (eventually) repeat it. It' thougher to do it with an entire movie!

And, I will ever do a restoration project based only on a movie that I like!

Stamper said:

For certain the original 1.95:1 LD with the original sound mix will NOT be coming on Blu.

Just restore it.

The same thing bigrobe wrote into my thread... at least there is THIS version that deserve a preservation!

Disclaimer: at the present moment, I have still NOT decided if I will do an Abyss preservation project... I'm still looking for feedbacks about it; I'm glad there is some interest in it!

Sadly my projects are lost due to an HDD crash… 😦 | [Fundamental Collection] thread | blog.spoRv.com | fan preservation forum: fanres.com


zee944 said:

I think that's what drngr meant on "impractical"

Nope; I meant this:

zee944 said:

The framing could be slightly different each scene and it'd take a rather complicated method to match them.



If those six copies are actually from three different transfers, you're in luck already. There may be just two different transfers. To use that median/average magic properly you'd have to use image registration technique first, which also takes a lot of dedication. The result could be easily better than the NTSC DVD yes, but it doesn't contradict with what I have said: it'd still be DVD quality.

Noone can tell how the BD would turn out. But having a flawed, high resolution BD version to work with is a much better situation than having only SD materials.


zee944 said:

If those six copies are actually from three different transfers, you're in luck already. There may be just two different transfers. To use that median/average magic properly you'd have to use image registration technique first, which also takes a lot of dedication. The result could be easily better than the NTSC DVD yes, but it doesn't contradict with what I have said: it'd still be DVD quality.

More tests are needed anyway...

Noone can tell how the BD would turn out. But having a flawed, high resolution BD version to work with is a much better situation than having only SD materials.

...if it will be flawed, it must be seen which flaws are present, and if they could be fixed... for example, if the CGI effects will be "improved", those scenes cannot be fixed and should be taken from another source...

Sadly my projects are lost due to an HDD crash… 😦 | [Fundamental Collection] thread | blog.spoRv.com | fan preservation forum: fanres.com