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Info & Help Wanted: 'Star Wars: Clone Wars' TV versions (2003 animated series)


With the March 2005 release of Star Wars: Clone Wars Volume I, I had hoped to see the original 20 chapters presented in the way they were originally shown on the Cartoon Network, as that format gave them more of a serial feel that Lucas was originally going for when he had the idea for the series. Editing them together, in my opinion, was a bad move. The chapters, to me, don’t function as well as an edited animated film as they did as individual animated chapters. Now, I’m not going to go blame Lucas for this editing job, since I’m sure he had little to do with the actual production of the DVD. It was likely Genndy who had the idea to edit them together. And sadly, the Volume II DVD, although I’ll admit it flows better, is edited together as well. I was hoping that at least they would give an option to either watch them as originally presented, for those of us that want them that way, or edited together for those who want it that way. Unfortunately, only the latter got their wish.

So, is anyone interested in restoring the 25 chapters to the way they were originally presented on TV, with the Clone Wars logo, chapter title card, etc? The original openings/endings to each chapter could be edited back in, via TV recordings. Preferably someone’s digital recordings from their HDTV, TIVO, DVD recorder, etc. You could use this footage, combined with the official DVD’s, to produce the best quality preservations of the chapters.

Another gripe I have with the current official DVD’s is the lack of quality bonus features. There were some good opportunities to give all of the TV spots CN had shown for CW, or some featurettes exploring the Clone Wars in more depth, such as more closely explaining the connection of the EU books and this animated series to the films. But, of course, instead we get %75 promotional material. If only they could give the types of bonus features they did with the films, with the Clone Wars DVD’s as well.

I agree...
-Mace Windu

Seriously, I recorded onto VHS (before I got my handydandy DVD recorder) the entire Clone Wars presentation, and its not that bad, but its not that great either....
Hopefully CTN will decide to show it again, but with the way things are going, I think their on a big Batman craze now that SW is "done".
I have some high quality MOVs from Hyperspace that could do the job. This whole thing could theoretically be done without a visible loss of quality, since the official DVD is single layer.
Yes, I would prefer using the DVD footage for the majority of the show, along with footage from a digital recording device (TiVo, DVD recorder, etc.) for the opening/end credits. This would ensure the highest quality end result.

As for Cartoon Network showing the series again, I do know that the Cartoon Network will be showing Chapters 21-25 on November 26 (strange, becuase the DVD will be coming out December 6). Maybe someoine can record them on a digital device that day.
Good. Now, does anyone have digital TV recordings of the chapters 1-20?
Im still a kid-but I'm pretty sure that I could get my Dad to take me to the post office and I could mail Adamwankenobi a copy, but then he'll have to duplicate them/edit them....
Which brings me up to another point....my DVD recorder aint the best thing around ($100) and at quick pans and quick face turns, the image gets digital (like in a bad way) around the thing that is moving (just for a half/second)
I recorded Jimmy N. for my little brother and it turned out ok....not super-duper quality, but alittle more than what Kids WB does to their shows (all their cartoons must be playing off a computer, because their cartoons must be on a computer.....) but It's decent quality........
BTW, do you want me to record the bumbers also?
If I do, I'm going to go mabe a second into the next commercial, so I don't miss any of the bumpers. Mabe whoever does the project could edit those seconeds out.

BTW: Adamwan, do you have a copy of deleted magic....I'd be pretty happy to get my hands on that............pretty happy.....
When you record them, try to record everything, including all of the bumpers and even the commercials. All parts will help. If you can just record everything, I can edit what needs to be cut out, out. Thanks for recording it.

Unfortunately, I don't have deleted magic yet. Just contact ocpmovie for that.
Ok, but I'm going to need a timetable if possible...
I expect its going to be..........2 hours long? The thing is, I don't want to have the discs run out of space right in the middle of the chapter...so to play it safe, I might format 2 discs and set them aside, and stop recording after the 3rd chapter...then I'll send Adamwan the 2, Yes Ladies, Lassies, and gents, 2, wapping 2 discs to Adamwan Kenobi, then he could decide what to do with them next. Is that alright?
Look for the DarthGates remix of the HanSolo77 DVD of the original series for what you're looking for. Rik has it and it might still have a seed or two on MySpleen.

I used to be very active on this forum. I’m not really anymore. Sometimes, people still want to get in touch with me about something, and that is great! If that describes you, please email me at [my username]ATgmailDOTcom.

Hi everybody. You’re all awesome. Keep up the good work.

I'm guessing it will be about an hour and a half, as the entire run of the five chapters is one hour, with maybe thirty minutes of commercials, altogether.

And ReverendBeastly, my project here is to create a DVD of all 25 chapters, as they were originally presented, using the official DVD's, along with digitally recorded footage from TV, in order to restore them to their original TV form, while maintaining the best quality. So, this would be using next months release of CW Vol II DVD as well.
Ok, now I need to make a mental note not to be on the OT fourms at 7:00 on November 26.

Ok, ok ok..............................
Mabe I should get my g/f to remind me..unless I'm out with her.............OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
10........................................23............................pm.....................still on original trillogy........................................................still.........................have............................to.......................watch.....................................the hunt for red october........................................................................................................................................
"Use the force, Oliver!!!!!!!!!!!!"
This thread has become retarded and the only post actually pointing to a solution to the original question (mine) has been ignored.

I used to be very active on this forum. I’m not really anymore. Sometimes, people still want to get in touch with me about something, and that is great! If that describes you, please email me at [my username]ATgmailDOTcom.

Hi everybody. You’re all awesome. Keep up the good work.

Oh, there's a point, we're just having a little fun Reverend. I responded to your post. I plan to use next month's DVD of Volume II as a source for part of my edits, which Rik's doesn't have.
Ah, so you did. My mistake!

I used to be very active on this forum. I’m not really anymore. Sometimes, people still want to get in touch with me about something, and that is great! If that describes you, please email me at [my username]ATgmailDOTcom.

Hi everybody. You’re all awesome. Keep up the good work.

For the first two "micro-season"s of the Clone Wars, I made a personal DVD-R of the cartoons as aired on Cartoon Network, minus the end credits to each episode (the Lucasfilm and Cartoon Network logos), except for the final one of the second "micro-season". But the episodes are grouped into separate sections (1 to 6 on one, etc.).

I managed to include as many supplements as I could, including the commentary tracks from the original CN/Clone Wars website that hosted these tracks, plus a short "making-of featurette", and various trailers from around the world. This is on 2 DVD-Rs, with each disc holding one "season" of shows.

“Hear you nothing that I say?”

Well, thanks, but, as I posted above, this is an attempt to restore opening credits and all.
Hmm...I agree.
We don't want to use all Caroonetwork footage, when we are gonna get a great source in a bit...
We don't want to rush this like a certain other guy has rushed his Original Trillogy (l----u--.....c........----a-.-..-.....s....)

Yeah, I plan to use DVD footage whenever possible, with the CN footage for only the title cards, etc.

I found alot of covers, but not one that'll match having both seasons of CW.
Mabe BobaFeta can help out with the cover issue.
AdamWan, have you considered putting a cover onto the DVD?