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Moth3r said:Troy said:Moth3r said:And - it's a harsh fact, I know - but that is precisely what you are owed. The ability to read a forum on the internet and send private messages does not automatically entitle you to a copy of the latest fan edit.
Ok what does entitle you to an edit I ask?
Do your own.
Moth3r said:Why do some people make whiny posts when they don't get what they want?I get the impression you don't like me, have I done something to offened you?
I wasn't offended, just mildly annoyed. You started a thread in the Fan Edits and Preservation forum that is off-topic - the subject is nothing to do with fan edits or preservations. You just felt compelled to have a moan because you're not getting your own way.
You act surprised and hurt that no-one is willing to help you. And yet you accuse us of being selfish?
You also use words like "idiot" and "jackass" directed at ChainsawAsh, and you've got completely the wrong impression about the "spirit of the site".
Just because you are a mod dosen't mean you have to have ago at your members
True. But if I feel like "having a go", I will whether I'm a mod or not.
People have been banned for less!
AND I did start it in Off Topic but someone moved it! You're a mod can you not see when stuff is moved?
Where does it say you have to make an edit to be able to get an edit? That's hardly fair.
And as for ChainsawAsh those are HIS words not mine.