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Info Wanted: James Bond Edits


Has anyone got the fan edited Never Say Never Again I’d love to get hold of that?

Also has ayone ever thought of editing the Casino Royale spoof so it could possibly fit in with the cannon of the official series?

Originally posted by: Troy
Also has ayone ever thought of editing the Casino Royale spoof so it could possibly fit in with the cannon of the official series?

Yeah, and I'll be releasing it on November 17.

Ooh, a laserdisc. The Cheat's playin' something on a laserdisc.
Everything is better on a laserdisc. Whatever happened to the laserdisc? Laserdisc!

If by editing the Casino Royale spoof, you mean to make it serious as to fit with the other movies, it hardly has an ounce of seriousness about it. I really don't think anything could be done to make it anything other than a spoof.

"Every time Warb sighs, an angel falls into a vat of mapel syrup." - Gaffer Tape

Originally posted by: C3PX
If by editing the Casino Royale spoof, you mean to make it serious as to fit with the other movies, it hardly has an ounce of seriousness about it. I really don't think anything could be done to make it anything other than a spoof.

No I no it can't be made serious, I mean adding the Bond theme to the soundtrack or edit the entire soundtrack as well, if memory serves it doesn't have a gun barrel opening or an opening gabit dose it? That's what I'd like to see, some how
Okay, now I with you. No it doesn't have the theme or the gunbarrel, that would be kind of a cool edit.

"Every time Warb sighs, an angel falls into a vat of mapel syrup." - Gaffer Tape

Originally posted by: C3PX
Okay, now I with you. No it doesn't have the theme or the gunbarrel, that would be kind of a cool edit.

Also the story of Casino Royale is told in a somewhat disjointed, episodic form and is best outlined in "chapters". Peter Sellers ultimately walked off the film as well before he completed all his scenes, which is why Sellers' character is so abruptly captured. Mayber there is a way to recut it to make a little more sense or to drop Sellers' character altogether.

What I remember reading about the making of the 1967 spoof, is that Peter Sellers wanted to play the roll of Bond straight. Drug related personal and marriage problems with future “Bond Girl” Britt Ekland caused Sellers to abandon (and then be fired from) the production without all of his major scenes being filmed. Parts of the film are stylish and quite amusing, while other parts are just a waste of film. “The Look Of Love” and Herb Albert’s main title are excellent 60’s spy music. The soundtrack and songs for CR are IMHO the best parts. I do think they stand up next to the official Bond scores quality quite well.


“First feel fear, then get angry. Then go with your life into the fight.” - Bill Mollison

I want to see the real casino royale that was made for t.v. not the spoof film or the remake coming soon with a bad choice for bond.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.

The 1950's TV show is included as a bonus on the offical DVD of the 1967 Casino Royale spoof. As it turns out, that DVD bonus version is not as complete as a version that was (and still my be) out on VHS from Spy Guise & Cara Entertaiment. You need "Casino Royale The Collector's Edition" VHS tape to have the most complete version of the original CR TV production. It was said that Spy Guise tried to get their version out on DVD a few years back, but that had been shot down by MGM who had included it on the 67 spoof DVD by that time.


“First feel fear, then get angry. Then go with your life into the fight.” - Bill Mollison

Never Say Never, Sean: The Double-0-Heaven Cut. This is a re-edit of the 1983 rouge Bond, which presents the original film with all the familiar EON 007 movie motifs including the famous gun barrel introduction and a pre-titles sequence.

The visual changes are important however the original music of Never Say Never Again is now replaced with selected cues from the EON series of films, with at least one cue taken from each of the first twenty 007 movies. It now has a 007 atmosphere that was noticeably lacking in the original.

Anybody interested in trying a case design out for this? I'd love one that would match with the Region 2 releases where all the spines put together showed '007'. I do not regard 'Die Another Day' as a Bond film (I wont go into my reasons) so the spine for that particular cover could be adapted and used as the spine for the new 'Never Say Never Again'

I've heard about this NSNA edit. Can any bdy show us a preview of the first few minutes?
Never Say Never, Sean: The Double-0-Heaven Cut. Would love a copy of this also!

I have it and I am willing to trade if anyone is interested. PM me.
Originally posted by: skyjedi2005
I want to see the real casino royale that was made for t.v. not the spoof film or the remake coming soon with a bad choice for bond.

Ah yes, the 'real' Casino Royale featuring American secret agent Jimmy Bond and his fellow agents of Combined Intelligence!

Craig seems fine in all the Bond footage I've seen, but I presume you've seen more as I've really been unable to come to a proper conclusion after only seeing a few seconds worth in the teaser.

Originally posted by: Troy
the 1983 rouge Bond

Some relative of the Scarlet Pimpernel?

Ooh, a laserdisc. The Cheat's playin' something on a laserdisc.
Everything is better on a laserdisc. Whatever happened to the laserdisc? Laserdisc!

Originally posted by: Jobel
I've heard about this NSNA edit. Can any bdy show us a preview of the first few minutes?

all the details and some clips are here:



Thanks, those clips are excellent!
Originally posted by: Troy
Never Say Never, Sean: The Double-0-Heaven Cut. This is a re-edit of the 1983 rouge Bond, which presents the original film with all the familiar EON 007 movie motifs including the famous gun barrel introduction and a pre-titles sequence.

Hmmm. "Never Say Never, Sean: The Double-0-Heaven Cut" sounds awfully similar to my project, "Never Say McClory Again".

Perhaps someone has re-edited my re-edit. If this is so, can someone let me know. Naturally, I don't have a problem if there is a re-edit as anyone can do so. But if it's essentially my soundtrack work with only a few slight changes, I don't think it's appropriate to change the title of the piece.


Originally posted by: Blofelds Cat
I don't think it's appropriate to change the title of the piece.


And change it to to a really sucky title at that! ;-)


“First feel fear, then get angry. Then go with your life into the fight.” - Bill Mollison

I only know what was said when it was passed on to me, don't ask me if it's the same one or not. I don't have both to compare.
Originally posted by: Troy
I only know what was said when it was passed on to me, don't ask me if it's the same one or not. I don't have both to compare.

Thanks for the reply. I imagine someone just gave my project a new label.

Just out of interest, there was a fan working on his own edit of NSNA, also in the style of the Eon series. He has gone so far as to produce a custom title sequence in a Binder/Kleinman hybrid style.

He too was replacing the LeGrand score but was using non-Bond music.

If there are any Brit fans out there interested in trading for my Never Say McClory Again project, I am trying to get originals of a couple of the UK silver 25th Anniversary VHS sleeves for my collection. I need FRWL and Goldfinger sleeves to complete my set.

I'm also looking for non-English VHS sleeves from releases PRIOR to the current generic artwork now in use in all countries of the world.

PM me if interested.

Originally posted by: Blofelds CatI am trying to get originals of a couple of the UK silver 25th Anniversary VHS sleeves for my collection. I need FRWL and Goldfinger sleeves to complete my set.

I'm also looking for non-English VHS sleeves from releases PRIOR to the current generic artwork now in use in all countries of the world.

Like these?


I haven't seen any of these for a while; I'll keep an eye out on eBay and the local car boot sales. I'd love to see a DVD collection of Bond that utilises the spine design from years ago the one that made up the image of the cars, the Bonds and the girls. Dose anyone remember that. I'd love some hi-res spine images so I could have ago myself. Anyone out there got that particular set of Bond VHS tapes?

Originally posted by: Troy
Originally posted by: Blofelds CatI am trying to get originals of a couple of the UK silver 25th Anniversary VHS sleeves for my collection. I need FRWL and Goldfinger sleeves to complete my set.

I'm also looking for non-English VHS sleeves from releases PRIOR to the current generic artwork now in use in all countries of the world.

Like these?


Yup! Them's the ones. The only sleeve I don't have is FRWL. My sleeve's of Goldfinger and Thunderball are marred by library rental stickers.

Have been on the lookout for these on Ebay myself. Sleeve's from this issue come up occasionally but it hasn't been my luck that the auction's are for the sleeve's I'm after. Will keep trying.

I still maintain that the first issue black label WHV series was generally the best range. Classic one-sheet art was used for all the UK/Australian sleeve's except DN, FRWL, YOLT and OHMSS. The German WHV range, however, DID utilise the one-sheet art for YOLT and OHMSS at least (both of which I have copies of).

Ah, the joys of collecting for the professional sadarase.

Originally posted by: Blofelds Cat
Originally posted by: Troy
Never Say Never, Sean: The Double-0-Heaven Cut. This is a re-edit of the 1983 rouge Bond, which presents the original film with all the familiar EON 007 movie motifs including the famous gun barrel introduction and a pre-titles sequence.

Hmmm. "Never Say Never, Sean: The Double-0-Heaven Cut" sounds awfully similar to my project, "Never Say McClory Again".

Perhaps someone has re-edited my re-edit. If this is so, can someone let me know. Naturally, I don't have a problem if there is a re-edit as anyone can do so. But if it's essentially my soundtrack work with only a few slight changes, I don't think it's appropriate to change the title of the piece.


Having just aquired this disk. I can tell you this. It says this in the credits menu. Never Say Never Again SE. (aka: Never Say McClory Again) It has the producers name and the type of equipment used and on the bottom it reads
Version 3 January 2006 with a link to ohmss-007.com at the bottom. Is that your disc?

I have created a cover for this disc but I need help in posting the image.
Originally posted by: suntechI have created a cover for this disc but I need help in posting the image.

How exactly are you having trouble? If you send it to me I can put it up for you, if you like.