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Info: The LID Project: Laserdisc is dead. — Page 2

>> created the term in the title of this thread, and now that it's out there, we're not suppost to use it or expand upon it... boo

It's not that, I was just confused with the way you were using it. If I'm confused, then this is gonna get confusing for others pretty quick! The term "non-LID" doesn't work for me. Use normal words.


>>So is this "Laserdisc is dead" is like "Rock'nRoll is dead" or "Elvis is dead" or "James Brown is Dead" or "George Lucas's creativity (which raped my childhood) is dead as a doorknob"... etc.

No, those are depressing concepts. =D The Star Wars laserdisc being "dead" makes us all happy .... that we'll have it in better quality.

>> Now will a 1080 (i or p) version of the OT make the DVD dead too?

=D If it's a good one and not just upsampled. But let's not get ahead of ourselves.

It's a brave new world, folks. The O-OT in pristine quality, to be had by anyone.

The question posed by this thread is: What can we do with it? What do we do with Star Wars now?

Mike Verta had the right idea. The 2004 DVD, despite its quality, wasn't cutting it for him because of the color correction. So he fixed that. The 2006 DVDs might not cut it for some of us either - we want even clearer quality, which might require going back to the 2004 DVD and correcting that for much of the film. We want mono mix. We want 70mm/SE mix on Empire ... we want this trilogy tricked out like a gangsta yo.

Or maybe we just want to get on with our lives and enjoy our 2006 DVDs in peace.

Either way works for me.
The question posed by this thread is: What can we do with it? What do we do with Star Wars now?

Well it was never posed until your last post, it was inferred until that point.

But I wonder if any of us here have the ability to dramatically alter the OT into something innovative. A majority of us here have this mystical notion about the OT, that it really is some fantastic pristine creation, held on a mythical pedistal, instead of just more celluloid in the evolution of culture. Hopefully as the generation which grew up with the PT gain interest in modifying films, maybe they will have an interesting take on the OT. Time will tell.
non-LID hatin' LID luvah
(in OCPmovie speek : 2004/2006 DVD hater, Laserdisc Lover)

"She may not look like much, but she's got it where it counts, kid. I've added some special modifications myself."
As a filmmaker, I have no such illusions. I watch them with an awareness of how they were made ... and how a filmmaker can learn from the making of such classics.

Sidenote: Your terminology continues to confuse me. LID doesn't mean laserdisc yo.
For the past few days I have been receiving messages from people involved in the XO Project. They range from annoying to threatening. I feel it's safe to question the motivation of these messages at this point.

I will restrict myself now to posting only what Zion, one man, has posted in the past two minutes.

While removing all my messages from the XO Project thread.

I will refrain from replying to this or commenting on it, and simply let it stand on its own.

Spam your own thread all you want. It doesn't belong here.

Keep this pissing contest in your own thread.

Oh my God! You're absolutely right! We should just give up on everything we've worked on because ocp says it's dumb!

OCP - If you continue to turn this whole forum into your own battleground of pre-teen ranting and evangelical raving, you will no longer be welcome on this site.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion. But that doesn't mean this thread is going to turn into a debate on the validity of working with laserdisc footage as a base.

Quite frankly, WHO THE HELL ARE YOU TO JUDGE OUR PROJECT?! If you hate what we're doing so much then get out of this thread.

Look, you've given us your opinion, and we can all respect that and deal with your viewpoint. However, the X0 Project thread is not your battleground to convince people that laserdisc is pointless. So keep it in your other thread. This is your last warning.

LID doesn't mean laserdisc yo.

LID does not mean laserdisc
His name is OCP
LID does not mean laserdisc
His name is OCP
LID does not mean laserdisc
His name is OCP
Laserdisc is dead
XO Projects for me.

I'm just busting your new found boundless (and from some eyes, very unfocused) posting habits of late.

Some of us understand that with the OT being released on DVD from Lucasfilm, you now perceive that most new Fan Edits can happen with a level and standardised quality level. But you've made fractions of these points in many old threads and several new ones. "Yourself collect", Yoda recommends.

I still think you've been contacted/persuaded by Lucasfilm, to promote Fan Edits which use the new DVDs. But i'm conspiracy kr4zie.
Jesus. Does the asylum know you've escaped?
Originally posted by: ocpmovie
Jesus. Does the asylum know you've escaped?

Talking to yourself again?

Seriously though, it seems you went off the deep end, why didn't you just start a thread called, "Use the new OT DVD as a base for future projects" or something instead of spitting bile and driving everyone elses threads off topic?

No one is debating your point that if the new DVDs are done well then they would be the obvious starting point for any new projects, but what purpose is there in belittling the work of others out there? Specially when your work is hardly perfect.

I think any moderator on most boards would have pulled your plug by now. What you are doing is just filling everyones threads with your own crud when you could have made your point and had your say in your own thread or a new thread of a combination of the two. No one is trying to stifle discussion, but what you are doing is just ruining the forum.

All of the bootlegs have their problems, yours included, so why go pissing on everyone? This forum is usually about discussion, support, ideas and useful criticism, you have turned it into an off topic rant fest across multiple threads with everyone going nuts.

Well done.

Give me the OT or give me death!
"I will refrain from replying to this or commenting on it, and simply let it stand on its own."

Are you still acting like we're out to get you? I was done with you, but you keep throwing out these hollow accusations, and alluding to some conspiracy as if everyone else sees it as obviously as you do - yet no one else is apparently making the connection that you have. The original post is gone, but you even told people to ask why you are being told to STFU about the X0 Project, as if their lives are in danger or something.

Try this: why don't YOU explain why you are being told by EVERYONE to STFU. I'm sure we're all interested in finding out what has caused you to go over the bend about the X0. You keep calling this "THE GREAT DEBATE", yet you aren't debating these aspects at all . You keep putting up quotes of the opposing side, and don't address them at all , playing this stupid "They speak for themselves" game. You keep acting as though your attitude and actions are justified, but you've yet to justify, much less explain, your reasons.

Have you yet noticed that NO ONE on this board agrees with how you have behaved about this since the DVDs were mentioned, and NO ONE agrees with ending the X0 Project?


Hell, you are so good at finding quotes - find some where people like how you are acting, or agree that the X0 Project should be stopped, or that the X0 boogymen are going to get you.

You keep acting like the X0 Project is a threat to you, as well as the people involved with it, and it's only getting more and more ridiculous. THIS is why people are telling you to STFU! I don't know what created all this paranoia (perhaps you bumped your head really hard that day), but whatever war you think you are fighting - you are the only participant, and yet you are losing.......badly.

<span class=“Italics”>MeBeJedi: Sadly, I believe the prequels are beyond repair.
<span class=“Bold”>JediRandy: They’re certainly beyond any repair you’re capable of making.</span></span>

<span class=“Italics”>MeBeJedi: You aren’t one of us.
<span class=“Bold”>Go-Mer-Tonic: I can’t say I find that very disappointing.</span></span>

<span class=“Italics”>JediRandy: I won’t suck as much as a fan edit.</span>

Congratulations ocp. You've just earned a free vacation from the boards.

Do you honestly think that I'm trying to cover up some conspiracy or something? Apparently you feel you've been "forced into this position" where you have to show people that doing a laserdisc transfer is "silly". If that's your opinion, fine. But we don't need to hear about it in every single thread you post in.

You don't see any of us posting in your classic edition threads about how combining laserdisc footage with DVD footage is "silly" do you? I could really go on and on about how switching in between two different qualities of video is a horrible idea, and the edits in all three of your DVDs were distracting to me, but I won't.

Having a DVD version of the OOT as a reference to work from changes everything. It will provide all of us a better base to work from, and raise the level of quality of all future fan edits.

There is one team still working on their laserdisc transfer. Deal with it.

My Projects:
[Holiday Special Hybrid DVD v2]
[X0 Project]
[Backstroke of the West DVD]
[ROTS Theatrical DVD]

Originally posted by: Zion
There is one team still working on their laserdisc transfer. Deal with it.

And there are MANY fans who are looking forward to it's completion!! --RickWJ324

Originally posted by: RickWJ324
Originally posted by: Zion
There is one team still working on their laserdisc transfer. Deal with it.

And there are MANY fans who are looking forward to it's completion!! --RickWJ324

ONLY if it's a DVD-9 and 16:9 though! Only for comaprison reasons for the 2006 Official O-OT DVD release of which I'm assuming will look better than ANYONE'S laserdisc transfers including the XØ Project since LucasFilm has direct access to the actual film elements and believe me I believe wholeheartedly that's what their using.
From my understanding, laserdisc has a different black level compared to DVD. So, from what I can tell, what we've been seeing from the laserdisc preservations is that the contrast has been boosted due to the black levels. Sure, calibration would work perfectly but I'm having more time believing the new 2006 set will be far better than what we've seen since as stated before, they'll be derived from actual film elements instead of an inferior format.
Neil S. Bulk is just spouting b.s. that they're using straight off laserdisc transfers. No, they've been quietly working on the film transfers since they have more time since a film isn't coming out and it won't be as rushed.
I'm going to flat out purchase the 2006 release and I'm cautiously optimistic that it's going to blow all the other laserdisc derived projects out of the water in terms of clarity and opacity. Figure that alot of people could rework their various fan-edits into using the 2006 O-OT DVD's and have seperate "mastered from laserdisc" and a "mastered from DVD" releases...
I can't wait to buy the DVD's come September!

And by the way, Han doesn't shoot first anymore. He's the only one shooting.
Originally posted by: DarkGryphon2048
Originally posted by: RickWJ324
Originally posted by: Zion
There is one team still working on their laserdisc transfer. Deal with it.

And there are MANY fans who are looking forward to it's completion!! --RickWJ324

ONLY if it's a DVD-9 and 16:9 though! Only for comaprison reasons for the 2006 Official O-OT DVD release of which I'm assuming will look better than ANYONE'S laserdisc transfers including the XØ Project since LucasFilm has direct access to the actual film elements and believe me I believe wholeheartedly that's what their using.
From my understanding, laserdisc has a different black level compared to DVD. So, from what I can tell, what we've been seeing from the laserdisc preservations is that the contrast has been boosted due to the black levels. Sure, calibration would work perfectly but I'm having more time believing the new 2006 set will be far better than what we've seen since as stated before, they'll be derived from actual film elements instead of an inferior format.
Neil S. Bulk is just spouting b.s. that they're using straight off laserdisc transfers. No, they've been quietly working on the film transfers since they have more time since a film isn't coming out and it won't be as rushed.
I'm going to flat out purchase the 2006 release and I'm cautiously optimistic that it's going to blow all the other laserdisc derived projects out of the water in terms of clarity and opacity. Figure that alot of people could rework their various fan-edits into using the 2006 O-OT DVD's and have seperate "mastered from laserdisc" and a "mastered from DVD" releases...
I can't wait to buy the DVD's come September!

And by the way, Han doesn't shoot first anymore. He's the only one shooting.

I sure hope so. They changed the press rlease again on sw.com, it no longer says state of the art 93 and now says see Star Wars before the epsidoe number was added. I think they are using the film stocks. But anyways I'm still super excited for hte X0 project anyways.
I could be wrong, but based on what I've read about the 1997 restorations by Lucasfilm...

The new DVD's will likely be sourced from either the 1985 interpositives (last used for video transferring on the 1993 laserdiscs). The official audio track for the 35mm theatrical releases were Dolby Stereo, with only the special 70mm prints getting 6-track magnetic.

The restorations in 1997 likely consisted of the following (for Star Wars mainly):

- Original camera negative to Star Wars is heavily worn and damaged (several sections are torn or unprintable)
- This is restored as best as can be
- Some sections taken from the 1985 interpositive to replace the damaged areas.
- A new interpositive is created of the restored o-neg, with the replacement interpositives (which were scanned digitally for repair) and new digital shots spliced in.
- From the new interpositive, new duplicate negatives are created for theatrical prints.

Thus, I'm fairly certain the DVD's will use the 1985 interpositives, but they'll still look quite good. The only problem is that the LD transfers a lot of people have been using for fan edits may seem "better" only because they aren't as detailed and current.
"I was a perfect idiot to listen to you!"
"Listen here, there ain't nothing in this world that's perfect!"

- from The Bank Dick
Congratulations ocp. You've just earned a free vacation from the boards.


Did you seriously just ban OCP from the boards because he doesn't agree with you?

I know I haven't been around here for years like some people but what the f*** man? Is that fair to ban someone because you don't agree that he thinks DVD is better quality then laserdisc? Look I really don't have a lot of pull around here but who the hell are you to ban someone because they don't agree with your precious XO Project?


Originally posted by: Crappy_Logo_Productions
Congratulations ocp. You've just earned a free vacation from the boards.


Did you seriously just ban OCP from the boards because he doesn't agree with you?

I know I haven't been around here for years like some people but what the f*** man? Is that fair to ban someone because you don't agree that he thinks DVD is better quality then laserdisc? Look I really don't have a lot of pull around here but who the hell are you to ban someone because they don't agree with your precious XO Project?

No, he temporalily banned him because of his odd sense of humor and the way he was treating everyone. I don't really care personally, as I have a similar style of personality and I know that OCP wasn't really intending to offend anyone.

Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here, this is the war room!

Originally posted by: bad_karma24
Originally posted by: Crappy_Logo_Productions
Congratulations ocp. You've just earned a free vacation from the boards.


Did you seriously just ban OCP from the boards because he doesn't agree with you?

I know I haven't been around here for years like some people but what the f*** man? Is that fair to ban someone because you don't agree that he thinks DVD is better quality then laserdisc? Look I really don't have a lot of pull around here but who the hell are you to ban someone because they don't agree with your precious XO Project?

No, he temporalily banned him because of his odd sense of humor and the way he was treating everyone. I don't really care personally, as I have a similar style of personality and I know that OCP wasn't really intending to offend anyone.

OCP was banned for multiple reasons. I don't know what came over him over the past few days, but he went from a cocky yet respected member of the fan editing community to an immature and obsessive troll. He went DanielB on the SW Preservation board and decided that he needed to go off about how laserdisc preservation is "silly" and proceeded to make it known in multiple threads. I warned him twice about his behavior before he was banned, but he decided to push the envelope anyway.

I edited a few of his posts in the X0 thread (all of which he also posted in this thread). He then decided he needed to re-edit these posts and put them back in.

It's obvious OCP needs a break from OT.com - for his own sake as well as the community's. I really don't care if he doesn't agree with me about laserdisc preservation. That's not the issue here. The issue is keeping order on these boards.

My Projects:
[Holiday Special Hybrid DVD v2]
[X0 Project]
[Backstroke of the West DVD]
[ROTS Theatrical DVD]

It's dumb that you banned ocp. I'm glad the OOT is
coming out on DVD now, and glad I never donated money
to X0. Even though I respect what you were trying to do.
I thought the whole point in this site was to
get GL to do an official OOT DVD. Funny Now that it's
happened people are complaining. I've seen other
Preservation threads get closed down because an
official dvd existed even if you did have to order it
from another country, Ong-Bak. It seems like we have
some double standards here. X0 as well as any
straight preservation of the OOT should now be
considered bootleg. But we should be proud to close
down the OOT Preservation threads; I thought that's
what it was about. I think a lot of people have
gotten caught up in the act and forgot what the
original intention was. I think that when the new
dvd's come out people will lose interest in the X0
project because honestly they wont be able to compare.
Originally posted by: SephirothTNH
It's dumb that you banned ocp.

Maintaining order in a forum is dumb.....go figure.............just one question, if you don't mind.........how old are you?
Oh and just one more question.........what drugs are you on? Embasile....

I just donated to the X0 Project today because I don't want it to die....I wish it could be more but maybe in the future it will be.....

I could care less about Georgey Porgy's OT DVDs, I want the X0 OT DVDs!!!!

Let me give a heart felt "Thank you" to MeBeJedi, Zion, Laserdisk and anybody else who is was and are apart of the X0 project,....you guys ROCK!

I love everybody. Lets all smoke some reefer and chill. Hug and kisses for everybody.

Originally posted by: Crappy_Logo_Productions
Congratulations ocp. You've just earned a free vacation from the boards.


Did you seriously just ban OCP from the boards because he doesn't agree with you?

I know I haven't been around here for years like some people but what the f*** man? Is that fair to ban someone because you don't agree that he thinks DVD is better quality then laserdisc? Look I really don't have a lot of pull around here but who the hell are you to ban someone because they don't agree with your precious XO Project?

No he didn't ban him cuz of a disagreement, OCP was sending nasty pm's and doing other things in other threads also.
CPL and SephirothTNH:

First of all, please notice that despite your feelings about the X0 Project, these boards, or even Zion, you have not been banned - proof positive that simply disagreeing with the intent or existence of these boards isn't enough to get you banned.

Read through some of his posts, as well as the responses from each and every single person who responded to him, and you'll perhaps understand why he was banned. If you knew anything of the history of these boards, people who acted as he did recently don't last long. Disagreement is acceptable. Trolling is not. Many boards on the Internet are like this.

You don't have to like the X0 Project to post here. You don't have to contribute to the X0 Project to post here.

Also, you don't have to post here at all, especially if you believe these or any other presevation efforts are now unnecessary.

Regardless, these boards will remain, and the X0 Project will remain - especially since it is its own entity, and not directly tied in with OT.COM. We of the X0 simply met each other here, and banded together of our own accord.

<span class=“Italics”>MeBeJedi: Sadly, I believe the prequels are beyond repair.
<span class=“Bold”>JediRandy: They’re certainly beyond any repair you’re capable of making.</span></span>

<span class=“Italics”>MeBeJedi: You aren’t one of us.
<span class=“Bold”>Go-Mer-Tonic: I can’t say I find that very disappointing.</span></span>

<span class=“Italics”>JediRandy: I won’t suck as much as a fan edit.</span>

Can we stop with the insults please? This thread has enough of them as it is, and OCP is not here to defend himself anyway. All this bickering about who is right and who is wrong needs to stop. Whatever happened to civilized debate and constructive criticism? It seems to have been lost over the past few days.

It was never my intention to ban OCP permanently. It will only be for a week.

SephirothTNH, I'm sorry you feel like there's some kind of double standard here, but last time I checked, you couldn't walk into a store and buy the O-OT. Until you can (or until Jay says otherwise), preservation threads will remain open. You bring up a great point, but this is something that we the mods haven't yet discussed in detail.

My Projects:
[Holiday Special Hybrid DVD v2]
[X0 Project]
[Backstroke of the West DVD]
[ROTS Theatrical DVD]

Hummmm...my apologies to SephirothTNH, I guess to be honest I was angry at OCP and took it out on SephirothTNH....

It's just that OCP was being so nasty and it felt personal....Sorry about my post ZION, I'm new here....I will remember that.

I love everybody. Lets all smoke some reefer and chill. Hug and kisses for everybody.

Originally posted by: vbangle
Originally posted by: SephirothTNH
It's dumb that you banned ocp.

Maintaining order in a forum is dumb.....go figure.............
Ok I didn't read OCPs original posts So maybe I'm out of line on that one. I have been reading here alot and OCP has contributed a lot.

just one question, if you don't mind.........how old are you?
I don't mind. I'm 23 been reading these forums for a little over a year but never had any reasons to pust untill about a month or two ago.

Oh and just one more question.........what drugs are you on? Embasile....

Now thats just plain rude. I said an action was dumb you are attacking someones character. Where is "maintaining order" now. So how old are you since you are the less mature one here. Oh and its imbaslie not embasile. I guess that word was to big for you.

I just donated to the X0 Project today because I don't want it to die....I wish it could be more but maybe in the future it will be.....

I'm glad it's obviously a cause you belive in. I said I respect what they were trying to do, but it is superfluous now. As GL will have the tools and sources to create a perfect digital preservation.

I could care less about Georgey Porgy's OT DVDs, I want the X0 OT DVDs!!!!

Again these DVDs were the original intent of this website. Did you not see the huge petition on the main page. I know there is a fine line between Preservation, FanEdit and Bootleg, but GL's DVDs will make the X0 DVDs bootlegs as well as any other OOT preservation.

Let me give a heart felt "Thank you" to MeBeJedi, Zion, Laserdisk and anybody else who is was and are apart of the X0 project,....you guys ROCK!
I agree that what they were trying to do was great. I however think that they should atleast wait untill they see GLs OOT DVDs before pumping more time into the X0 project.

Edit: It seems a lot was said or rather posted while I was replying. I didn't mean to stir up any trouble. I apologize if I did. I accept your apology vbangle and hope that this is water under the bridge.