Lil Brutto said:
The PMs are slowly trickling in. The estimated shipping cost is $300. We also need to cover the cost of HDD storage. How much storage required depends on the format we use for the digital scan. poita, what do you suggest?
The best way to store the scan is uncompressed .DPX
It is by far the fastest to work with in any software, and can be read by all pro apps.
The downside is the filesize is huge, around 120MB per frame, which means a data rate of around 3 GigaBytes per second, or around 175GB per minute.
This equates to around 11TB per hour of footage, and this is *without* sound.
The next best option is losslesly compressed .EXR, this comes in at about 60% of that size, but is a little slower to work with as the frames have to decompress on the fly when working in your software of choice.
For a proxy to work with, you can convert down to a UHD ProRes 4:2:2 lossy compressed file, which comes out at around 1TB per hour.