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Info: THE ARRIVAL - Special Edition (seeking a team up) (lots of useful info) — Page 6


_,,,^..^,,,_ said:

thegroovologist said:

So are you giving it the green light?

Not yet, sorry... I decided to use a completely different color matching method, to get rid of the artefacts DoomBot noted, present also in the snow shot; the new one is more conservative and less aggressive than the old one, but result seems more natural.

Here you are the split screen test clip (25mbps) - left BD, right setting 2:


as you can see, the new setting (called, guess what? setting 2 - what a fantasy, eh?) seems to avoid the "wrong" colors - e.g. in the bd the snow is pink first, then violet, then blue, while in setting 2 it remains more or less white.

With this, I don't want to say that the BD color grading is wrong or right, but only that I like most setting 2's grading.

Now I'm going to encode the previous test clips with this new setting; I'll post them ASAP; meanwhile, take a look at this last clip and let me know what do you think.


Oh yes, that got rid of the pink color. Nice job there. Let's see how the other test clips look with that setting.


I love it, many times better!

So do we know for sure if he's wearing a blue shirt or grey? :)


_,,,^..^,,,_ said:

The other two clips:




So I watched your clips quite a number of times in order to compare.

Well, now I'm not that sure about the new settings anymore. It looks to me like

there's too much yellow now. It worked to eliminate the pink tint during the

snow scene but for other scenes?...hmmmm.

Maybe it's only my impression because the difference on the split screen is

pretty big? Looking closely at the split screen snow clip you can see that her

hair has a yellow (and slightly green?) tint.


Well, she's blond, so she must have yellow hair... (^^,) but it's true that in that scene there is maybe a little too much green, probably due to the fact the color matching script confused the surrounding green of the vegetation... but I noted only when paused, and not in motion, though... Also, the fact that the clip is split in half could make the impression of wrong colors... if you need further test clips with only the new setting, let me know.

Here you are some comparison screenshots to show that indeed this last setting works well IMHO, but of course I'm open to suggestion!

Left: BD; right: setting 2 - click the link below the image for larger version






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Can you please post the same screenshots again but not as splitscreens?

That would be very helpful.


What happened in the (laserdisc) alternate ending, please?