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Info: THE ARRIVAL - Special Edition (seeking a team up) (lots of useful info) — Page 3


Happy to hear both of you liked my efforts; even if the applied grain is not immediately noticeable, it improves a bit the perceived resolution - as this grain plate is from 35mm film, and it's analog and "organic", it should be better than any fake grain IMHO; improving the contrast is important for the final result, too, as change the color grading to a better quality.
As I discovered there is NO italian BD for this movie, I will DEFINITELY want to do this project; but, as I wrote before, it's time to do the "next step", and include extras this time... I'm not sure if the KinoWelt german DVD has the same material found onto the Pioneer boxset laserdisc, but I HAVE to know it... best method will be to make an A/B comparison, but I have only the B part (laserdisc) while missing the A part (DVD)... anybody can help?...or should I start a new "The Arrival [spoRv]" thread right now, and ask there for help?!?

Sadly my projects are lost due to an HDD crash… 😦 | [Fundamental Collection] thread | blog.spoRv.com | fan preservation forum: fanres.com


By the way...here's an example where they actually added grain because the HD picture (shot with an Arri Alexa camera) looked too clean (Blu-ray "It's a Disaster")  >>>

Oscilloscope brings It's A Disaster to Blu-ray with a 1080p/AVC-encoded transfer that has its own peculiarities but seems absolutely true to source. What's unusual here is that while the film was shot digitally using the ever-popular Arri Alexa camera, director Todd Berger thought the crisp HD picture looked too clean—he mentions this in his commentary track—and decided to put a layer of film grain on top of the image in post- production. The sometimes heavy grain you see in the picture was very much an aesthetic choice, then, and not the result of camera noise or compression. And actually, the image does look very filmic; if you didn't know it was shot digitally, you'd have a hard time telling. Does the added grain detract from the sense of clarity? Maybe a little, but only if you're pixel-peeping screenshots. From a normal viewing distance, the picture looks excellent, with visible fine detail in hair and faces and clothing, especially in closeups. The color grading starts off realistically, with neutral skin tones and white balance, and as the "disaster" of the title ramps up, the light shifts towards a green-tinged warm cast, hinting at the poisonous air outside. Saturation, black levels, and contrast are all even-handed and unobtrusive, and there are no obvious compression/encode issues.




Well i guess your taking over the project so maybe a [spoRv] would be the best at this point?


_,,,^..^,,,_ said:

I'm not sure if the KinoWelt german DVD has the same material found onto the Pioneer boxset laserdisc, but I HAVE to know it... best method will be to make an A/B comparison, but I have only the B part (laserdisc) while missing the A part (DVD)... anybody can help?


I found this information >>>

  • Extras:
    Making of "The Arrival" (7 minutes) - featurette
    Behind the Scenes (5 minutes) - featurette
    Interviews with Charlie Sheen, Ron Silver, Lindsay Crouse, Teri Polo, David Twohy, Thomas G. Smith, Cyrus Yavneh, Chuch Finance (7 minutes)
    Theatrical Trailer (German / English)
    Bonus Trailers:
    - Million Dollar Baby (German)
    - Tresspassing (German)
    - Mr. and Mrs. Smith (English)
    - The Second Arrival (German)
    - True Lies (German)
    - The Thing (German)
  • Subtitles:
    German and German HOH (Optional)
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Picture Format:
  • TV System:
  • Soundtrack(s):
    English Dolby Digital 5.1
    German Dolby Digital 2.0 Surround
  • Case type:
    Keep Case




...this is the link I wrote in post 39; still, it's unclear if some materials are the same, or not, of the boxset laserdisc...

Thanks a lot for "It's a Disaster" dissertation; it supports what I, DoomBot and many others thought about the use of grain!

Well, I'd like to make a test clip; let's choose two clips - 30sec each; first thegroovologist, as you are following this thread from a long time; just post starting time (min:sec); DoomBot, you are the second, only because entered late in the discussion, not for importance - you know it!

Sadly my projects are lost due to an HDD crash… 😦 | [Fundamental Collection] thread | blog.spoRv.com | fan preservation forum: fanres.com


So you want a suggestion of a part of the movie 30sec long to make a test clip from?


_,,,^..^,,,_ said:

Well, I'd like to make a test clip; let's choose two clips - 30sec each; first thegroovologist, as you are following this thread from a long time; just post starting time (min:sec); DoomBot, you are the second, only because entered late in the discussion, not for importance - you know it!



1:20:00 (h:min:sec)


@DoomBot: yes!

@thegroovologist: this shot?

from this frame, of from the beginning of this shot?

Sadly my projects are lost due to an HDD crash… 😦 | [Fundamental Collection] thread | blog.spoRv.com | fan preservation forum: fanres.com


_,,,^..^,,,_ said:

@thegroovologist: this shot?

from this frame


Yes, from this frame on for 30 seconds.


In ten minutes will be ready; problem, however, will be that uploading will take an hour or more... (^^,)


Sadly my projects are lost due to an HDD crash… 😦 | [Fundamental Collection] thread | blog.spoRv.com | fan preservation forum: fanres.com


Well i'm at work right now, and i can't think of a spot in the movie with out going through it.


May you pass your "test clip ticket" to another user? (^^,)

Sadly my projects are lost due to an HDD crash… 😦 | [Fundamental Collection] thread | blog.spoRv.com | fan preservation forum: fanres.com


Haha i didn't know there was tickets. If someone else has an idea for a test clip i suppose so.


That looks so much better! It's a joy to see it with healthy black levels.


As I watched and rewatched the test clips with added grain, I thought that this kind of grain plate is too subtle... I mean, grain should not be very noticeable, but only a bit; with the grain plate used until now, it was less than a bit...

So, I decided to test two new grain plates; they are similar, not very different when saw in static images, but quite noticeable in comparison to the old one; I must test them in motion!

http://screenshotcomparison.com/comparison/61213 - new grain plate 1

http://screenshotcomparison.com/comparison/61214 - new grain plate 2

for comparison:

http://screenshotcomparison.com/comparison/60531 - old grain plate


Sadly my projects are lost due to an HDD crash… 😦 | [Fundamental Collection] thread | blog.spoRv.com | fan preservation forum: fanres.com


WOW! I love the new shots with even more grain. I liked the video clips you had but now i really want to see new clips in motion with this added grain.


_,,,^..^,,,_ said:

As I watched and rewatched the test clips with added grain, I thought that this kind of grain plate is too subtle... I mean, grain should not be very noticeable, but only a bit; with the grain plate used until now, it was less than a bit...

So, I decided to test two new grain plates; they are similar, not very different when saw in static images, but quite noticeable in comparison to the old one; I must test them in motion!

http://screenshotcomparison.com/comparison/61213 - new grain plate 1

http://screenshotcomparison.com/comparison/61214 - new grain plate 2

for comparison:

http://screenshotcomparison.com/comparison/60531 - old grain plate


The new grain plate 2 is the one that is appealing to me more based on those comparisons but I would really have to see them both in motion to accurately say which one I prefer overall.


_,,,^..^,,,_ said:

As I watched and rewatched the test clips with added grain, I thought that this kind of grain plate is too subtle... I mean, grain should not be very noticeable, but only a bit; with the grain plate used until now, it was less than a bit...

So, I decided to test two new grain plates; they are similar, not very different when saw in static images, but quite noticeable in comparison to the old one; I must test them in motion!

http://screenshotcomparison.com/comparison/61213 - new grain plate 1

http://screenshotcomparison.com/comparison/61214 - new grain plate 2

for comparison:

http://screenshotcomparison.com/comparison/60531 - old grain plate



Very interesting. Please test them in motion.

In a previous post you wrote:

_,,,^..^,,,_ said:

Actually, I just overlaid the grain plate to the image, but it improved a bit contrast and brightness as consequence!

I've noticed that the two new grain plates you tested boost the contrast even more. I have the feeling that it's a little bit too much contrast now. We don't want black crush to occur. It's difficult to judge contrast levels from one frame only though.


Grain plate 2 looks awesome in motion.


OK, grain 2 is good, and I don't know why I have NOT chosen it first... maybe because I used the old one thinking it was THIS one?!? (^^,) too many files, too many versions to remember...

What about contrast? Is bad, or quite good?

DoomBot, your "ticket for test clip" is still valid... write time, or name a scene, and I'll do another test clip with grain 2.

Sadly my projects are lost due to an HDD crash… 😦 | [Fundamental Collection] thread | blog.spoRv.com | fan preservation forum: fanres.com


Sure think! Here you are:


contrast doesn't seem bad to me, but this grain plate definitely *seems* to improve perceived details... isn't true? Ah, how easy is to fool the brain...

Sadly my projects are lost due to an HDD crash… 😦 | [Fundamental Collection] thread | blog.spoRv.com | fan preservation forum: fanres.com