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Was this the original owner? http://originaltrilogy.com/user/zombie84/id/2362
Was this the true FB page? https://www.facebook.com/Save-Star-Wars-353462731392141/Thank you.
Yes and yes. I’d love to hear Zombie84 give us an update, and to see Save Star Wars back online. I know Zombie84 is behind the ‘Star Wars News And Views’ channel on youtube.
If your crop is water, what, exactly, would you dust your crops with?
Fantastic, you’re now one of my favorite people!
You’re the man! Thanks so much for doing this. Just a week ago I was looking for the article on audio differences (http://www.savestarwars.info/theatricalaudioresources.html). I thought it was lost forever.
Nothing is lost forever 😉 http://web.archive.org/web/20141218111044/http://savestarwars.com/
Ceci n’est pas une signature.
I think it may have been taken down due to legal concerns from some of the people involved, so be careful reviving something the orginal owners may have wanted to have kept out of the general view for their own reasons. Also be careful putting the owner of a website’s name/handle into the general public, when they went to the trouble and cost of registering their website privately.
Might not be an issue, but they also may have wanted it, (and the owner) to stay off the radar for some reason.
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Similar conversation here:
Additional backups are available at:
Thanks for the replication and domain hosting.
Comparing archives, the fd.noneinc.com has an additional (the end statement is ‘in progress’) article:
images in a self contained directory:
.info has files which occurred after the fd.n.i archive was made. Little closer to the full site.
We maybe able to find those images through the OT.com post which zombie was using when writing this article.
zombie’s posts in the thread point towards the SSWc websites and hopefully can restore some of the lost images.
Tried looking at wbm archives of the front page at the time the threads was active, looked early 2011 but didn’t find any captures.
So next step would be converting the link from old forum address to new forum address:
New Web Address
Old Web Address
and still nothing from the wayback machine. I may have made a mistake with the address conversion.
As those ideas failed, my next suggestion is to download the archiveteam.org mirror of OT.com from 2013: (as it is id=12289 it should be this archive)
and try to find the page in there. (they may only be concerned with .txt so possibly no images) Can’t recall if SSWc was on-off line at the time, think it was live. (i’ll give this a shot, 100mb file gives me the impression is a lost cause)
On your .info site; What was your process in recreating the site from the waybackmachine? Is there a wget like function which will parse all of wbm archives to recreate a site?
I think zombie ditched us. He’s too busy rumor-mongering to give a crap anymore. 😦
Which is a shame, because he was a brilliant and informative writer. Goddamn you, zombie.
Here’s a document about the colors in GOUT Star Wars : http://docdro.id/4d1SbKw
Team Negative1
Here are some of the US Congressional Documents from the NYU Library which lead to some of the SSW articles. For example: BerneConvention.pdf (page 482, 518 of PDF)
http://fd.noneinc.com/Congressional Docs/
Other docs are semi-related SW topics I was looking into 5 years ago.
What’s with the “Star Wars” defense program and Marcia S. Smith? 😄
The Original Trilogy’s Timeline Reconstruction: http://originaltrilogy.com/forum/topic.cfm/Implied-starting-date-of-the-Empire-from-OT-dialogue/post/786201/#TopicPost786201
Hey it’s back! http://savestarwars.com/ (And i’m slow… waybackmachine says it returned in October.) [Run your wget mirrors!] Thanks zombie and who ever helped the pages return.
[Note: We have some additional files which are currently not available on the site: goutcorrect.html and it’s ‘goutcorrections’ images. Know this was an in progress article when last discussed. Archive can be found here: http://fd.noneinc.com/savestarwarscom/savestarwars.com/goutcorrect.html]
Edit: whoops meant to post in the main topic thread:
Move further dicussion there. Thanks