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I would really appreciate a blu-torrents invite.
I would really appreciate a blu-torrents invite.
I would love an blu-torrents invite too. I'm impatient to see the Terminator releases. Thanks a lot TeamBlu.
I'm also anxious to get your latest projects, especially the Terminator movies and really appreciate the effort you made. I'd love a Blu-torrents invite, if possible. Thank you!
OK I am sending out a few more, please remember to follow the rules of the site, I already spoke with the owner and told him delete accounts if this is not happening, so please seed for the amount of time required, if no one is leeching I think you just need to seed for 7 days and then you are good, I actually like when sites do this, it really helps if you grab late and there is no leechers.
1 more thing, I will probably make all our torrent free leech so this should help you as well, but you still need to at least seed for the 7 days I believe, I am still learning the site myself, it also looks like you get a 50GB upload credit right when you join, so more good news! I also have a thread started there in their forum so you can also check that out.
*edit, If you are not really after our releases or only 1 please do not ask for an invite, I only have a few and I am not giving them so you can just say you have joined the Site, this is to help make our projects more available, thanks for your support, I can actually see what you do when you join.
I'm also expecting T2 and True Lies.
Would love an invite if this is to be the home of your releases.
nirbateman said:
I'm also expecting T2 and True Lies.
Would love an invite if this is to be the home of your releases.
True Lies is on the back burner for right now, I have a huge mess I have to sort out before we can continue with this one, I really need to get a lot more organized with all these old files we sat on for this long ass time lol.
Another movie I wouldn't mind seeing a blu-ray release of is Ray Liotta No Escape aka Escape from Absolom (1994)
I am sure I came across a project here on originaltrilogy of a custom blu-ray of this but the project seems to have been halted and no mention of it will ever be completed.
sinders said:
Another movie I wouldn't mind seeing a blu-ray release of is Ray Liotta No Escape aka Escape from Absolom (1994)
I am sure I came across a project here on originaltrilogy of a custom blu-ray of this but the project seems to have been halted and no mention of it will ever be completed.
It was not from us, I have never heard of that title and have not seen this here, but I could be wrong.
Could somebody help me with an invite. I am dying to get my hands on the NOTLD90 corrected transfer. I have had that awful TT transfer for a couple years and would love to see an actual good version of it. Seems really hard to find and I don't know what to do. Any help would be awesome. I love that movie so much and seeing a good HD transfer would be amazing.
I'm looking forward to Maximum Overdrive.
Any invites to the blu-torrents site still available?
I would love an invite to blu-torrents... pretty please!
I will not waste it... I promise!! =)
dark_jedi said:
Just so everyone knows, my uploads are also 100% free leech, so you have no excuses now for not being able to get our work, I was told that I will be able to set our torrents to free leech myself soon, things are really looking good now.
I also want to give a HUGE thanks to Vinnie, he has really set me up and is really helping out the Team, very, very cool dude!
So anyone else want to join let me know here in the thread, a few have already gotten in.
Cool. I already have an account, so if I download any TeamBlu releases I will probably keep them on my D:drive on my primary PC, so while my torrent upload speed may drink from the testicles of equine mammals, I will seed for as long as the PC runs and is on my profile.
And THANK YOU for tagging the releases with "TeamBlu". That will make all TB releases easy to find.
For those who have an account, here is the link:
“You people must realize that the public owns you for life, and when you’re dead, you’ll all be in commercials dancing with vacuum cleaners.”
– Homer Simpson
The Return of The Living Dead Part 2 LD does have the unaltered audio correct? lol I do not know a lot about this part, I know I should but somehow I skipped this one and went right to 3.
dark_jedi said:
The Return of The Living Dead Part 2 LD does have the unaltered audio correct? lol I do not know a lot about this part, I know I should but somehow I skipped this one and went right to 3.
Hey DJ, I believe that the French track on the DVD has the unaltered theatrical audio, so you can use that to verify that the LD is correct.
vadertyme said:
dark_jedi said:
The Return of The Living Dead Part 2 LD does have the unaltered audio correct? lol I do not know a lot about this part, I know I should but somehow I skipped this one and went right to 3.
Hey DJ, I believe that the French track on the DVD has the unaltered theatrical audio, so you can use that to verify that the LD is correct.
I guess I could check that way but I would not know what to listen for, I have only seen this once I think and it was a very long time ago, I guess I was hoping someone here would know but I guess not.
*edit, I deleted my whole comment rant, I guess we should not care about them so fuck it, carry on.
I left one, only just had time to look at the disc after downloading and burning
Any chance of Conan coming to Blu-Torrents? I promise to both seed and comment.
Looks awesome! Any invite for Blu torrent left ? Thanks
Here is my feedback on the following Team blu releases i watched recently.
Maximum Overdrive
As far as the film goes is is kind of cheesy, but a fun watch if you like some 80's cheese, plus it has a soundtrack by AC/DC which is great :) Team Blu has done a great job with this movie, the transfer is very well done with nice colors and details, and the presentation of the menu's and the extras are fantastic, you guys really put effort into this release with quality that deserves due credit.
Lake Placid 3 Uncut
I have to admit i'm not a big fan of this movie, but if you liked the previous ones you will like this one. What i did find funny in this is that the actress Roxanne Pallett, starred in a show called Emmerdale over here in the uk, but she left to persue a movie career in the usa, Emmerdale was very tame in comparison with this as she goes fully nude haha. The the quality of work done here can't be faulted, the presentation of the transfer is pleasing to the eye, and everything worked as it should with no faults to speak of, anyone who likes this movie should get this release as it is as professional as a official release could be.
I'd like to thank everyone at Team Blu for your hard work and dedication to film, and making the best releases they possibly can.
Here is my feedback for Maximum Overdrive:
What I liked:
- The menu. It looks very professional. Simple and functional, exactly how I like it.
- Picture and sound quality are very good for a movie like this. The colors seem accurate too.
- The bonus section, especially the AC/DC interview and the magazine scans.
What could have been better (in my eyes):
- You can't change the audio while the movie is playing.
- I would have liked a little bit of information about the 4 audio tracks. What are their sources and in what way are they different?
- Maybe subtitles would have been nice. I personally don't need them, but I'm certain they would be useful for some people.
Nonetheless, this is a great release. I'm glad I can add this to my Blu-ray collection. Thanks again to you and the rest of the team for the effort, it's greatly appreciated.
The menu has been tested on MO and you sure can change the audio track while the film is playing, that is what the pop up menu is for.
If someone can provide me an invite it would be greatly appreciated. Or otherwise give a heads up when registration is open. Thanks.
Nickeleye7 said:
If someone can provide me an invite it would be greatly appreciated. Or otherwise give a heads up when registration is open. Thanks.
welcome to the waiting list... by my estimate there's probably 20 members ahead of you (myself included) still waiting for invites or open registration. In fact, it might be useful to have a public waiting list thread where people could add their names to be considered for an invite when more become available. It'd cut down on the number of people asking and provide those of us that are waiting with an idea of where we fall in terms of the list.
May I have a Blu-Torrents invite, please?
I really enjoyed the Team Blu Conan the Barbarian release, thanks!