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Info: Other region DVD's & Blu-ray's with Special content NOT available in the US. — Page 6


Thanks again for the info, since I already have the US DC BD version, I will just pick up the UK Theatrical then, like you said, it is cheaper.


I still wait for the information if the austrian BD release of Texas Chainsaw Massacre comes to germany as a normal unlimited release. But the problem is that the movie was longe time banned in germany. Almost every release was cut and banned.

I'll keep my eyes open.

"I kill Gandalf." - Igor, Dork Tower


The original TCM was banned? why? it was not even that gory and all, the new version(and in my opinion way better) was a lot more gory and scary.


Don't ask me why.

It was not just "indiziert" which means that it could be sold on special shops with an area just for adult movies, where no minors are even allowed to enter. It was "beschlagnahmt" which means that it wasn't allowed to publish, and copies were confiscated by police.

"Indiziert" is for movies, songs, comics called 'jugendgefährdend' which means that judges thoght the movies where bad for the development of youth regarding violence, sex or such things.

"Beschlagnahmt" is for movies, songs, comics which are judged to be someway against some law against glorifing violence. It is not forbidden to own them private, but to sell them, rent them, publicy them.

"I kill Gandalf." - Igor, Dork Tower


The German Version of Tarantinos "Inglourious Basterds" is about 50 sconds longer than international releases.

Here is a german cut report, whats longer. Its just in one scene... but.. hey.. better than nothing :D

"I kill Gandalf." - Igor, Dork Tower


Really want to see the original Mach Go Go Go before it was dubbed into Speed Racer. I think it is available on DVD in Japan, but for nearly 400 bucks. Come to think of it I would really like to see a remastered version of Speed Racer directly from the 35mm masters instead of a beta tape dupe from the early 90's with the superimposed logo credits. Also with no time compression that makes the famed fast dubbing even faster.

VADER!? WHERE THE HELL IS MY MOCHA LATTE? -Palpy on a very bad day.
“George didn’t think there was any future in dead Han toys.”-Harrison Ford
YT channel:


Yeah, FHE/LionsGate is the worst. @_@

Has anyone subbed Mach Go Go?  I've always wanted to see it, but can't find any - raw or sub - sources.

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


There are a few assorted clips on youtube with subs. Not sure where they came from.

Couldn't believe they sourced these from beta. With all of the hype around the godawful movie (it still burns!) the least Lionsgate could have done was to do a new transfer.

VADER!? WHERE THE HELL IS MY MOCHA LATTE? -Palpy on a very bad day.
“George didn’t think there was any future in dead Han toys.”-Harrison Ford
YT channel:


Apparently Lionsgate sourced TMNT from VHS.  So go figure.

"Right now the coffees are doing their final work." (Airi, Masked Rider Den-o episode 1)


Captainsolo, I highly doubt Lionsgate is more than the distributor... so in short, that's probably all they had.  Still, ought to have requested more.

@Molly:  I certainly hope that's only a few episodes they sourced from VHS.  That's just beyond horrible.  Although the episodes I have seen didn't look too bad...

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


The episode "Shredderville" really shows its roots.  Not only does it look like a VHS rip, it looks like a *worn* VHS rip.

"Right now the coffees are doing their final work." (Airi, Masked Rider Den-o episode 1)


Older animation doesn't seem to get much respect does it?

Tom and Jerry was edited. I'm flabbergasted.

VADER!? WHERE THE HELL IS MY MOCHA LATTE? -Palpy on a very bad day.
“George didn’t think there was any future in dead Han toys.”-Harrison Ford
YT channel:


On cable it is, not on the DVDs.  They even have a disclaimer somewhere in there.  However, Johnny Quest oddly enough has this fate reversed, and it's a damn shame.

edit: I may have misspoken on Tom & Jerry, I'm referring to the supposed "blackface" cuts after explosions and such.  I believe most of Mammy Two-Shoes' lines have been restored to the original voice on DVD, but wiki says some episodes contain the re-dubbed voice.

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


What about the 4 Tom & Jerry shorts that aren't on any of the DVDs as they were considered too racist?  Does anyone have those?


Does anyone have or can get a hold of the German version of the movie Lifeforce? I want this version because it is anamorphic and because it is the only way to see the Theatrical version of this film.

If you can hook a fellow member up please let me know.



Just found two german DVDs at eBay for about € 20. Seems to be very rare..

eBay 1


eBay 2

"I kill Gandalf." - Igor, Dork Tower


So I'm guessing that this version is NOT anamorphically enhanced (the UK or Australian PAL dvd)?:


 “You people must realize that the public owns you for life, and when you’re dead, you’ll all be in commercials dancing with vacuum cleaners.”

– Homer Simpson


UK is not anamorphic and has the director's cut, not the thatrical cut.. gemany seems the only country with theatrical cut and anamorphic...

"I kill Gandalf." - Igor, Dork Tower


Thanks for the Ebay links but I can't read them and don't know if they ship to the US, so I was hoping there were German members here that could get a copy, but for how much?


dark_jedi said:

Thanks for the Ebay links but I can't read them and don't know if they ship to the US, so I was hoping there were German members here that could get a copy, but for how much?

Try Amazon.de.  I cannot speak German, but I manage to work it because all the buttons are in the same places lol. 


I once ordered at an italian site. I don't know any italian, but google language tool helped me out enought, to get the Vincent Price "Last man on earth" from italy :)


Seem that both of the eBay sellers don't ship to USA.


...so.. i just ordered at eBay for € 14.

If I don't like that movie, I may sell it again.



I once checked how much it would be shipping from germany to USA (I got the "The Day After" DVD with widescreen presentation.) Shipping was quite expensive. € 13.90 via DHL .. UPS seems somebit higher.

Addidtionally the Movie is quite expensive. (I bought it at ebay for 14 Euro. other listings are 16 and above.. 25 Euro at Amazon.de for a used 40+ for an "new".)

So you could calculate above 30 Euro for the DVD send to from a german member to you. That would be $40 or more for the DVD !



Be carefull at amazon.de marketplace. US and UK discs may be offered under the german Disc page!

for example the offer for 19.99 € states:

US-DVD mit längerer Fassung als auf deutscher DVD! Region 1-DVD, bitte prüfen Sie, ob Ihr Player die abspielt.


"US-DVD with longer Cut than german DVD! RC-1, check if your player is capable of playing it."

"I kill Gandalf." - Igor, Dork Tower


Do you have any links for an affordable copy of Halloween II Theatrical, I have the DC cut already, that is what was released here in the US, OH and I am talking Blu-ray LOL.

I am having a hard time finding because I can't read any other language, and judging by minutes the ones I found were to long to be Theatrical.



According to AniDB.net, there is an ongoing fansub project for Speed Racer.

Looks like 23 of the 52 episodes have been completed so far.  Their last release was July 14th.

Great site for all your anime info needs.  And if you're handy with IRC you can get caught up.

Edit: Also, has The Shadow been seen to by anyone?  I've been watching an HDTV2DVD conversion I did a while back.  It's 16x9 (open matte) with DTS @ 1536kbps audio.

On the downside there are some artifacts from the broadcast and I was forced to adjust the colors (whoever did the transfer must have been watching Underworld at the time).

Dr. M


dark_jedi said:

I know there are not any King Kong 1976 fans here, but I must say that the Australian Blu-ray of KK 76 looks and sounds friggin great, and was not expensive at all.

You have at least one here (was 6 when I saw it in the theaters.  Dino was right; when monkey dies, everybody cries).

I got the KING KONG blu-ray from Mediadis for 9.50 Euros (which is also region free)

I'm taking it that both the European blu and the Australian blu are sourced from the Studio Canal print?

BTW, anyone want to do a group purchase on CUBE (it's selling for 7.99 Euros right now)?  It is region free, has english audio and removable subtitles.


 “You people must realize that the public owns you for life, and when you’re dead, you’ll all be in commercials dancing with vacuum cleaners.”

– Homer Simpson