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Info: James Bond - Laserdisc Preservations: 1962-1971 — Page 22


dvdmike said:

It does, I checked it, the HDTV version is still the best

 I didn't know there was an HDTV rip that wasn't the cropped UE version.

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I didn't check the crop, I can stand that way more than the dnr.

I will check tho


 "I think those corrected SE's don't actually exist..."

Yeah, I don't either.



 "The UE is on all DVD releases, and has correct contrast mostly, but with revisionist color timing that ruins some sequences. TSWLM BD is an all new non-Lowry master. But the color is not fully correct either. No original audio too."

Thank you for the information... that's great to know.  I think I'll go ahead and pick up the UE of OHMSS just so I have a clean copy without so much contrast boosting... I like the Blu-ray but it's a little too bright.  The SE DVD has the shadows and sunsets just the way I like them, not to mention the great colors.  OHMSS is my favorite Bond film and I bought those SE box sets back when they came out so I'm used to that version.  A couple of years ago, the film aired in HD on the Universal HD Channel in the U.S.  It was cropped to 1.85:1 to fill a 16x9 display but it looked really good.  I imagine it was pretty close to the UE specs as it was super clean but not blown out.  The detail was rather amazing.


Yep. What you likely saw was an HD version made from files that were pre-tinkering for the DVD format. This is what would have been utilized for the BD with some massaging for the new disc, hence to contrast boost. That's also why DAF is now timed so coldly.

The OHMSS SE disc and LD are what the film has always looked like. At least on these old discs you get some inkling of 60's Technicolor.

The GE HDTV version typically found is 720p and does indeed look great, save for the cropping and color timing. The amount of visible grain is massive, it's tight and dense and near gone on the official BD. However there's a slight error in my version, in the meeting with Bond and Zukovsky.

VADER!? WHERE THE HELL IS MY MOCHA LATTE? -Palpy on a very bad day.
“George didn’t think there was any future in dead Han toys.”-Harrison Ford
YT channel:


'60s Technicolor Rocks.  I have a new appreciation for my SE box sets... watched Thunderball last night and everybody's tan.  I dare say Thunderball may boast the best looking Bond babes of the '60s.  In fact it's no contest.  Auger, Paluzzi, Beswick and Peters... good lord.


captainsolo said:

TSWLM BD is an all new non-Lowry master. But the color is not fully correct either. No original audio too.

Are you saying the 448kps 2.0 Dolby Digital track on the disc is not the original stereo?

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


For all those working in this area I have received DTS audio for Goldeneye and Tomorrow Never Dies.



I know I posted in the DTS thread, but again fantastic news. Many of us have wanted to hear these tracks for ages.

TND is essentially the best overall surround mix I have ever heard theatrically. Tons of stuff going on in the soundfield and in the surrounds. I'm almost 100% positive it was a DTS theater.

VADER!? WHERE THE HELL IS MY MOCHA LATTE? -Palpy on a very bad day.
“George didn’t think there was any future in dead Han toys.”-Harrison Ford
YT channel:


Okay since the DTS track has surfaced here's an idea for a Goldeneye restoration.

Use the 720p UE master HDTV rip as a basis which as-is is immeasurably superior to the BD. It does have the revisionist color timing (not as bad as the UE DVD) and cropping in addition to a redone title sequence. What we could try to do is marry the cropped information from the DNR riddled master and the re-timed HDTV cap. The crop stays petty solid and doesn't move so what it will essentially look like is a projector with the edges of the image running off of the screen and slightly out of focus. But this way we can have an HD image that matches the theatrical, maintains grain and doesn't lose the cropped material. Drop in the original titles sequence and the DTS track and it's set.

VADER!? WHERE THE HELL IS MY MOCHA LATTE? -Palpy on a very bad day.
“George didn’t think there was any future in dead Han toys.”-Harrison Ford
YT channel:


Wouldn't the SE DVD look better than the BD?

Actually, now that I re-read, you only said "DNR riddled master" and nothing about Blus.

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captainsolo said:

Okay since the DTS track has surfaced here's an idea for a Goldeneye restoration.

Use the 720p UE master HDTV rip as a basis which as-is is immeasurably superior to the BD. It does have the revisionist color timing (not as bad as the UE DVD) and cropping in addition to a redone title sequence. What we could try to do is marry the cropped information from the DNR riddled master and the re-timed HDTV cap. The crop stays petty solid and doesn't move so what it will essentially look like is a projector with the edges of the image running off of the screen and slightly out of focus. But this way we can have an HD image that matches the theatrical, maintains grain and doesn't lose the cropped material. Drop in the original titles sequence and the DTS track and it's set.

I was looking at doing something similar with the DTS audio added 


Whomever is going to do the audio & sync to video should pm me for the files.  I will decode the reels so that they can be stitched together and synched to the film.  I would probably mail them as my free internet connection doesn't handle uploads well.  I won't have a solid connection again til sometime in June.

When it comes to decoding, I can do the straight 5 channel set up so one could make their own LFE or I can do 6 channel set up which includes an LFE.



I'm pretty sure that the studio simply reused the old SE/LD master source files for the new BD. It looks pretty much the same and reveals all the old enhancements but is re-buried in new DNR to cover that up.

VADER!? WHERE THE HELL IS MY MOCHA LATTE? -Palpy on a very bad day.
“George didn’t think there was any future in dead Han toys.”-Harrison Ford
YT channel:

From the couple screens I saw, I wouldn't be surprised if they just upsampled the DVD itself.

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Was there ever HDTV airings of the old SE Bond masters? Perhaps uploaded to some newsgroups long ago; for comparison's sake, there are pre-2006 HDTV versions of Blade Runner and the Matrix available— surely, at least, one of the Bond films could/would have aired. Obviously it wouldn't be the best quality if it were an old LD-era scan as we theorize, but it would be a long way from and better than the SE DVDs, suffering from poor SD compression and edge enhancement.


I am interested in getting a copy of OHMSS with the original audio and the Commentary track.  Should i get the screwed up SE dvd or just get the blu ray?

I ideally would like to get the laserdisc but it does not  have the Peter Hunt commentary track.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.


Get the laserdisc and play the commentary from the DVD at the same time.

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Help get The Original Trilogy preserved!


captainsolo said:

Okay since the DTS track has surfaced here's an idea for a Goldeneye restoration.

Use the 720p UE master HDTV rip as a basis which as-is is immeasurably superior to the BD. It does have the revisionist color timing (not as bad as the UE DVD) and cropping in addition to a redone title sequence. What we could try to do is marry the cropped information from the DNR riddled master and the re-timed HDTV cap. The crop stays petty solid and doesn't move so what it will essentially look like is a projector with the edges of the image running off of the screen and slightly out of focus. But this way we can have an HD image that matches the theatrical, maintains grain and doesn't lose the cropped material. Drop in the original titles sequence and the DTS track and it's set.

Do you mean to add the cropped sections back in, so the HDTV rip in the middle and the Cropped bit from the DNR master composited on?


Donations welcome: paypal.me/poit
Help get The Original Trilogy preserved!


I just won a 007 LD lot that has TLD, OHMSS, and Octopussy with digital sound. The others have analog sound but I'll see how they compare. I plan on synching these with the BD video. I'll share them if I am successful.




singhcr said:

I just won a 007 LD lot that has TLD, OHMSS, and Octopussy with digital sound. The others have analog sound but I'll see how they compare. I plan on synching these with the BD video. I'll share them if I am successful.



Awesome. I look forward to hearing it.

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singhcr said:

I just won a 007 LD lot that has TLD, OHMSS, and Octopussy with digital sound. The others have analog sound but I'll see how they compare. I plan on synching these with the BD video. I'll share them if I am successful.

Nice news. I'd actually suggest syncing OHMSS with the SE DVD rather than the BD. For all its faults (EE, bad compression, lack of definition, and missing lines), it generally plays out better- more faithful to the original release- than the contrast blown BD, which tried some color correction from the UE DVD master but still looks quite off from the original.


The Aluminum Falcon said:

singhcr said:

I just won a 007 LD lot that has TLD, OHMSS, and Octopussy with digital sound. The others have analog sound but I'll see how they compare. I plan on synching these with the BD video. I'll share them if I am successful.

Nice news. I'd actually suggest syncing OHMSS with the SE DVD rather than the BD. For all its faults (EE, bad compression, lack of definition, and missing lines), it generally plays out better- more faithful to the original release- than the contrast blown BD, which tried some color correction from the UE DVD master but still looks quite off from the original.



The Aluminum Falcon said:

singhcr said:

I just won a 007 LD lot that has TLD, OHMSS, and Octopussy with digital sound. The others have analog sound but I'll see how they compare. I plan on synching these with the BD video. I'll share them if I am successful.

Nice news. I'd actually suggest syncing OHMSS with the SE DVD rather than the BD. For all its faults (EE, bad compression, lack of definition, and missing lines), it generally plays out better- more faithful to the original release- than the contrast blown BD, which tried some color correction from the UE DVD master but still looks quite off from the original.


Thanks for the info, but I'm sticking with the BD as that's all I have.

Any suggestions as to how to sync this? I was planning on taking the BD's 2.0 audio and using that as a guide for the LD capture. I've tried doing this with The Killer and A Better Tomorrow but I find that the audio goes progressively out of sync. I sent that off to Commodore Scmindlapp and he got it synced but I don't know how you can do that without chopping up the audio into little segments and hearing the edits as you view the movie. The Killer's LD track doesn't do this so I'm a bit lost here.