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Info & Ideas: ESB and ROTJ Wishlist — Page 8


Adywan, what celebration sequence do you plan on using for ROTJ? The special edition celebration at the ende on Endore or the original theatrical celebration?


He's still got a ways to go on Empire first.  Any ideas he has for Jedi are just scribbles on a napkin right now, relatively speaking.

My outlook on life - we’re all on the Hindenburg anyway…no point fighting over the window seat.


I watched a few minutes of RotJ on Spike the other night and noticed at least one thing.  There's a jump cut as R2 moves the lightsaber to the top of his dome on Jabba's Sail Barge in preparation of shooting it to Luke.

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Adywan, I think I already mentioned this but I'll say it again. When you get to ROTJ revisited, you need to add a planet in the backround of Endore so Endore is actually a moon. Improve the effects of the window in the Emperor's throne room. Have Endore seen in the window in some of the shots and have it slowly move in continuity with the death star orbiting the moon. In the scene where they show the space battle from the window, they goofed. The battle is seen mixed with the Star Destroyers, but that doesn't actually happen until later in the film. So you'll have a lot of CGI work to do with ROTJ. If you have to include the celebration at the end of the film, you might want to consider taking out the Tatoonie celebration. The rebel alliance, the republic, and the empire had no significant influence on the societies on that planet. Why would they celebrate the fall of the empire, if it had no significant influence on them? That's is why Luke and Obi Wan went there for hiding. That is like America celebrating the Republic of Congo's independence day, irrelevant.

Janskeet said:

Adywan, .... When you get to ROTJ revisited, you need to add a planet in the backround of Endore so Endore is actually a moon.

Does a 'moon' really need to be orbiting a planet? I always thought that it was just considered a moon due to it's size...or maybe they have different ideas when it comes to sizes, and descriptions of planetary bodies. 

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As a sort of lurker here who just about peed his pants when he saw the new DeathStar battle in Adywan's ANH,  I just wondered if I could weigh in with a wish list of my own.

The Hoth battle was/is one of my most cherished silver screen memories, but it could have been sooooo much better with just a few additions.  I would love to see something along these lines:

-A wave of TIE fighters and bombers preceding the AT-ATs, mixing it up in the air with a bunch of X-wings as they attempt to bomb the power generator.   This could make for some interesting background filler for the remainder of the surface battle, and would make more sense from a military standpoint....  I mean, would they really send the AT-ATs in without some form of air cover?

-Luke is a moron.  WHY WHY WHY would you repeatedly attack the AT-ATs from head-on, directly into their line of fire, when you could simply attack from the sides or behind with total impunity?  This would involve a huge amount of work, I'm sure, but I'd like to see them attacking the AT-ATs from the sides/behind more, and being shot down/attacked by TIE fighters while the X-wings fly top cover.   Luke could be shot down by a TIE fighter.

-Seeing some rebel transports being destroyed by a much bigger Imperial blockade.  Maybe even seeing some transports being captured like the Blockade Runner in ANH.

-The rebel fleet could be larger at the very end.

Under the catagory of "Probably Impossible" are the following wishes:

-It sure would be cool to see the AT-AT's disembarking troops, somehow, prior to them entering the base.

-Landing the AT-ATs at an assembly area outside the shield, being covered by TIEs, then seeing them move out to start the assault.

For ROTJ, the two biggies are the complete and utter removal of the Ewoks, and the final space battle needs a total ROTS make-over, with 10 times the fighters and capital ships.  The battle, literally, to end all battles!

A guy can dream, can't he?  Thank you, Adywan, for keeping the SW dream alive!





A couple things, more space or Snow battle is always good. yeah!

I'm really intrigged by the idea of changeing Vader's line from "Obi-Wan once thought..." To "Your Mother once thought as you do". I really like this idea.

I do not however like any ideas that completely disregard the EU. So no killing Bobab Fett or blowing up the MF with Lando on board. No, no, no. This was one thing I loved about SWANHR is that ADYWAN didnt gut anything and I hope he maintains that. (removing Boba Fett Entirely from RotJ is far less objectionable...Why is he there just hanging out?)

The idea of adding a planet that the moon of Endor can orbit is a good one except for one thing. On the very first page of the RotJ Novelization is says "...Endor_a moon whose mother planet had long since died of some cataclysm and disappered into unknown realms." So no planet neccessary.

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Aside from the obvious things like removal of the emperor's "slugs" (how many years have we been asking for this one? lol) it might be cool to touch up the emperor's eyes.

Perhaps make them glow as they do in RoTS. Especially when he is shocking Luke.


"m really intrigged by the idea of changeing Vader's line from "Obi-Wan once thought..." To "Your Mother once thought as you do". I really like this idea"


^^ I've always liked this idea. It is a great PT tie-in. If it can be edited properly to sound natural I'd say go for it.


Adywan's already said there will be no "Sith eyes" additions in the OT.  Personally, I think he should remove them from the PT.


The emperor already has Sith eyes, they just don't look as good as the PTs sith eyes. It would be an emperor thing, not a sith thing.

DF Shadow said:

Aside from the obvious things like removal of the emperor's "slugs" (how many years have we been asking for this one? lol)

That's not really something that needs to be removed, just an issue of color/brightness/contrast adjustment.


My outlook on life - we’re all on the Hindenburg anyway…no point fighting over the window seat.

ChainsawAsh said:

Adywan's already said there will be no "Sith eyes" additions in the OT.  Personally, I think he should remove them from the PT.

Yeah, I don't mind the yellow color of them, but I think the glowing when they're angry is so cliché!


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adywan said:
Originally posted by: teharri

I don't think that Luke should have the sith eyes though. He never turned to the dark side so wouldn't have had them.

Ah, but I would disagree.. when he goes at Vader for threatening his sister, he is pretty mad to say the least.  The idea that he was beginning to give in to the Dark Side (which could explain how he overpowers Vader so much, considering Vader's strength in EMPIRE) and then regaining his control would be a good edit.  Remember, the whole fight is about corrupting Luke to begin with, and to have Luke "that close" to going over and then when he turns to the Emperor and tells him he failed would make the point even more in that the Emperor was so close to turning him and truly did fail.  It would turn Luke's emotional outburst and following beat-down more significant in something more than an just an outburst.

Regardless, its something to think about and maybe play with (it shouldn't be too hard to have his eyes dark yellow and turn back to blue as he looks at his hand and put it up as a test shot to see how it works).




 “You people must realize that the public owns you for life, and when you’re dead, you’ll all be in commercials dancing with vacuum cleaners.”

– Homer Simpson

Janskeet said:

Adywan, what celebration sequence do you plan on using for ROTJ? The special edition celebration at the ende on Endore or the original theatrical celebration?


re: Adywan:

Personally, while the extraneous "celebration" scenes were neat and all, I would keep it strictly on Endor.  Those scenes seemed a little too Phantom Menacy and a little goofy.  The rebels celebrating their defeat of the Emperor is one thing.. but the Empire is a lot bigger than the Emperor and to have everyone singing and dancing and not getting lined up against a wall by other Grand Mof Tarkin types just pushes it over the Frank Capra syrup point.



 “You people must realize that the public owns you for life, and when you’re dead, you’ll all be in commercials dancing with vacuum cleaners.”

– Homer Simpson


IIRC, one of the EU novels states the troopers were sent in to spoil everybody's fun on Coruscant that night.

Would adding a squadron of TIE's about to strafe the crowd be too dark? ;)

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Some ROTJ Suggestions:

- Jabba's palace music number removed/heavily altered. If not, at least remove that damn fat chick that's walking around

- Boba Fett flirting with aliens removed (Basically the part where he touches her chin)

- Leave the scene where it shows the frog thing outside of Jabba's Palace, but please take out the burp after it eats.

- Re-done FX when Leia releases Han from the carbonite.

- Remove the part where it shows the fat guy crying about the rancor dying.

- When R2D2 launches Luke's saber, Luke puts his arm in the air and is just standing there while the lightsaber takes way too long to get there. Anyone could have easily pushed Luke into the pit by that time (especially the guy RIGHT BESIDE HIM!) So maybe shorten the amount of time it takes for that.

- Also during the sail barge fight, when Luke get's shot in the hand; why was he just standing there with his arm perfectly straight up in the air? Also, the mark was on his hand before he even got hit. I think that should just be removed and when it shows him putting on his glove later, it can just me recolored to look like skin.

- Boba Fett's "death": I don't think he should have such a stupid death. Especially with that horrible scream he let's out. But, I also really disagree that he be removed from the film entirely. Boba Fett does not die in the Sarlaac pit. On the commentary for ROTJ, George Lucas states that he was going to add a scene of Fett escaping the pit but didn't have the time or something. So HE IS meant to get out of there. So, you could show him climbing out or even see him fly by on his jetpack as Luke and the gang are leaving.

- Yoda's death: Not a big deal, but I always thought it looked fake how his body disappears, maybe it could look more consistent?

- Rebel meeting with Mon Mothma: This scene could be re-cut or altered or something because I always found it to be the most boring part of this film for some reason. Also, the hologram graphics could be re-done.

- Ewoks should be toned down A LOT in my opinion. Any comic relief related to the ewoks should be totally removed. The less ewoks in the movie, the better. And all of the music when showing the ewoks is just terrible.

- Luke vs Vader: I always found the lightsabers to be too thick. If you compare them to all of the other lightsabers throughout the trilogy, they're much bigger in width, I noticed. The best saber effects IMO, are the ones from Episode II.  Even the sound of the lightsabers are different in ROTJ. Also, I think the idea of Luke's eyes turning red would be pretty cool. I mean, when Anakin had red eyes, he wasnt fully turned to the dark side. They even went away. They didnt become red again until after he was on fire. The Emperor's last scream could be altered a bit too, but not a big deal.

- Super Star Destroyer crash: Could the scene somehow be flipped sideways or something so it looks like it drives straight into the Death Star instead of falling into it?

- If you keep the celebration scenes at the end, take out the Gungan saying "Weesa free!" from when it shows Naboo.

- Anakin, for his ghost & when Luke takes off his helmet: When Luke takes of the helmet, make him look like an older Hayden Christensen and do so with the ghost as well. His voice should also be altered to sound like an older Christensen. By my calculations, Anakin should be around the age of 45 by this time. Another idea would be to make him look like an older Christensen, but instead of doing that with his ghost too, just leave the young ghost. To keep the continuity, Hayden Christensen has to be in it (sadly) one way or another. Also, when he's a ghost he should have his dark brown Jedi clothes from the PT. That was his personal choice of Jedi tunics because he wanted to be unique. (Read that in my episode 2 visual dictionary)

Adywan, I hope you take at least some of my thoughts into consideration when revisiting ROTJ, which I know you wont be doing for a while, but I just wanted to make these points since I just watched it again, haha.

darthmunky said:

Some ROTJ Suggestions:

- Remove the part where it shows the fat guy crying about the rancor dying.

- Boba Fett's "death": I don't think he should have such a stupid death. Especially with that horrible scream he let's out. But, I also really disagree that he be removed from the film entirely. Boba Fett does not die in the Sarlaac pit. On the commentary for ROTJ, George Lucas states that he was going to add a scene of Fett escaping the pit but didn't have the time or something. So HE IS meant to get out of there. So, you could show him climbing out or even see him fly by on his jetpack as Luke and the gang are leaving.

I personally always loved the bit when the Rancor keeper cries.

And as for George Lucas saying this or that 20 years after the fact, the man is notorious for fibbing about what he 'meant' to do.

The simple fact is, Boba Fett is not that important to the movies. He looks cool, outsmarts Han once, and keeps his mouth shut enough to appear mysterious. Otherwise, he does nothing. His surviving would make no sense in the movie. It would just be EU fanwank.


Yeah but he's alive in all the stories taking place after Return of the Jedi. It just doesnt make sence for him to die. He has a much bigger role outside of the movies, which is still important.

darthmunky said:

Yeah but he's alive in all the stories taking place after Return of the Jedi. It just doesnt make sence for him to die. He has a much bigger role outside of the movies, which is still important.

Yes, but as Adywan has stated many times, the "Expanded Universe" will not be a factor in his edits. Personally, I wouldn't care if he was in Jedi at all. Getting hit by a blind man with a stick, then flying through the air screaming like a girl is ridiculous.


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darthmunky said:

Yeah but he's alive in all the stories taking place after Return of the Jedi. It just doesnt make sence for him to die. He has a much bigger role outside of the movies, which is still important.


Whether anyone included EU stuff in their edit or not aside, I was always perplexed at the "Fett love" in the EU. All Boba Fett ever had in the movies was a little mystique. We never even see him fight. Just from the films we can see he's a crafty bounty hunter who dies in the first fight he's in.

When he falls into the Sarlacc, I never wondered "where did this mysterious figure come from? Could his father/clone template actually have been the greatest bounty hunter in the galaxy and the genetic model for an army?" He was a minor villain who died in a minor way. 

Lucas's decision to delve into Fett's backstory in the PT seemed so odd, because from the movie's there's no reason to assume it's a particuarly interesting origin.

I think the EU obsession with him stems from that he is a complete blank slate in the films. His convoluted and often contradictory backstory only makes him less mysterious and less interesting.


Well it's not really EU that he lives. George wanted him to crawl outta that thing in the movie, so I think it should show that. He is one of the most popular Star Wars characters of all time & I just think many fans would be greatly dissapointed if he was simply removed from the whole movie. Maybe he could just be removed from the sail barge scene if at all. I just hope he's shown escaping it but that would mean he would have to fall into it a better way as well. That's just how I feel & think most others feel about this character. Don't take me for a Boba fett fanboy though, lol.


Well, I think we all like Boba Fett, but most of us don't buy Lucas' explanations after the fact. He may have said that Fett was supposed to escape, but maybe that was after he heard so many people complaining about how he left the movie and thought 'oh, I better cover this up somehow!' He and LFL have twisted things around before, making things sound like it wasn't their fault, or that it was an executive decision. It's hard to know what's the truth with them sometimes, which is frustrating. I'll always love the series he came out with, but the man just can't leave well enough alone! :p

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I'm pretty damn sure Fett escaping was just something Lucas briefly considered for the special edition in 97' (because the "character became so popular" he said). If I recall, he soon dismissed the idea because he didn't feel it belonged in the movie.

darthmunky said:

Well it's not really EU that he lives. George wanted him to crawl outta that thing in the movie, so I think it should show that. He is one of the most popular Star Wars characters of all time & I just think many fans would be greatly dissapointed if he was simply removed from the whole movie. Maybe he could just be removed from the sail barge scene if at all. I just hope he's shown escaping it but that would mean he would have to fall into it a better way as well. That's just how I feel & think most others feel about this character. Don't take me for a Boba fett fanboy though, lol.


I Am a Boba Fett fanboy!!! I was Boba Fett for Hallowen from 1984-1988 (and my costume was hommade!). But I'm happy with his roles in the movie, which is that of a minor villain who does what's needed to advance the story, looks cool, and dies quickly (hmmmm... a lot like Darth Maul). 

I for one don't buy Lucas's "I meant for Fett to live" line anymore that I buy his "I always meant for the six films to be about Darth Vader" line. He's a visionary filmmaker, but something of a fibber.