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Info & Ideas: ESB and ROTJ Wishlist — Page 43

vaderios said:



 Those arent studio light those are the reflections of VERY bright stars in the night sky.

"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect." - Mark Twain.
"A myth is a religion in which no one any longer believes"...James Feibleman (1904-1987)
www . axia . ws/axia

Bingowings said:


AxiaEuxine said :

Love this idea, I dont even care if it works with the rest of the movie... Maybe we should add mini skulls and things hanging off the Gungans belts too.

It does tie in with the rest of the movie already. The Ewoks are shown as being prepared to eat humans and wear and keep bones as tribal objects. Later they are seen to be a force capable of taking on defeating Imperial troops. They just lack motivation and direction to do it on a large scale, their God gives that to them so instead of picking off a few Stormtroopers here and there they can now take on an entire legion of the Emperor's best troops.

All that's changed is the tone. Instead of being funny little tribal teddy bears that eat people, they are a dangerous (all be it short) tribal race that eat people.

As for the Gungans (which are really a subject for the PT thread) adding skulls to them is changing their character.


I get your point here Bingo, but I also feel where Axia is coming from.

Ever get the feeling that a lot of fans would rather the entire movie (all six) just be packed with silent, black cloaked killing machines?

Boba Fett- He does nothing, but be silent and imply violence.  The only thing he actually accomplishes is sneaks after the Falcon, and yet he's practically worshipped. We need to edit ROTJ so that he lives, sells the Death Star plans, and hopefully kills more people.

Maul- Dressed in black, rarely spoke, killed people. He's called a 'wasted character' as if the whole PT should have been based on him.

Greivous- Would have been much better if he was black, didn't talk, and killed more people. Forget that the major plot point of Ep. III is that Grievous is always running away. It's even better if he was actually Darth Maul reincarnated. And killed more.

Ewoks- Less Ewokeese, more eating people.

Chewie- Should be shown to actually rip off peoples arms.

C3P0- Needs claws.

Palpatine- In my edit he's not Chancellor. He just walks into the Senate, kills everyone, and only has one line "I'm the Emperor now, bitches."


If we all felt that way there wouldn't be any fan-edits and where would that lead us?


Mini Golf?

Crazy Golf?

Wii Crazy Golf?

It seems bizarre to me to come onto a discussion board about fan-edits (which don't erase the originals from history) and express concern about changes to these films.

There are restoration projects out there for people who want to preserve previously issued but damaged or degraded versions of the trilogy as it is. The originals exist for those who love the films the way they are, there are milder edits for people who want a few changes here and there so why not make more radical changes if you are of the opinion that Jedi and prequels don't work in their current form?

It won't put me off from contributing ideas but it might put off some more timid people from stretching and expressing their imaginations in this way, which is in my view a shame.


TheBoost said:
Bingowings said:


AxiaEuxine said :

Love this idea, I dont even care if it works with the rest of the movie... Maybe we should add mini skulls and things hanging off the Gungans belts too.

It does tie in with the rest of the movie already. The Ewoks are shown as being prepared to eat humans and wear and keep bones as tribal objects. Later they are seen to be a force capable of taking on defeating Imperial troops. They just lack motivation and direction to do it on a large scale, their God gives that to them so instead of picking off a few Stormtroopers here and there they can now take on an entire legion of the Emperor's best troops.

All that's changed is the tone. Instead of being funny little tribal teddy bears that eat people, they are a dangerous (all be it short) tribal race that eat people.

As for the Gungans (which are really a subject for the PT thread) adding skulls to them is changing their character.


I get your point here Bingo, but I also feel where Axia is coming from.

Ever get the feeling that a lot of fans would rather the entire movie (all six) just be packed with silent, black cloaked killing machines?

Boba Fett- He does nothing, but be silent and imply violence.  The only thing he actually accomplishes is sneaks after the Falcon, and yet he's practically worshipped. We need to edit ROTJ so that he lives, sells the Death Star plans, and hopefully kills more people.

Maul- Dressed in black, rarely spoke, killed people. He's called a 'wasted character' as if the whole PT should have been based on him.

Greivous- Would have been much better if he was black, didn't talk, and killed more people. Forget that the major plot point of Ep. III is that Grievous is always running away. It's even better if he was actually Darth Maul reincarnated. And killed more.

Ewoks- Less Ewokeese, more eating people.

Chewie- Should be shown to actually rip off peoples arms.

C3P0- Needs claws.

Palpatine- In my edit he's not Chancellor. He just walks into the Senate, kills everyone, and only has one line "I'm the Emperor now, bitches."

I actually agree with most of this...I *do* think it would be cool to have Chewie rip off an arm or two though...


SSWR’s YouTube channel

Attack of the Clones: Alternate Timeline Edit Thread:


I think the biggest problem with this movie is the battle of Endor. The ground portion of it, anyway. IMO, it simply looks childish the way the Ewoks are taking out the storm troopers. They hit them with sticks and punches them, yet it is plainly obvious that their blows aren't forceful at all. It looks almost like their poking them. The battle is played for laughts, which it shouldn't be. The battles of Hoth and Yavin were serious without cartoony humour.

Those who defend the battle usually say that the ewoks were loosing, that it was only Chewie stealing the scout walker that changed the course and brought the battle arround. Fair enough, but the movie does not convey this fact. Before that point, the movie shows plenty of ewoks ambushing storm troopers, but only a measly 1 ewok gets killed. Compare that to the novel, where the ewoks are almost slaughtered, but their great strenght in numbers assures that they keep on coming.

I'm not sure if and how Ady would do it, but ROTJ would benefit greatly from cutting the silliest, most unconvincing parts, and somehow add many more ewok causulties. Not that we need to linger on them, like with Corpsey (yes, that's his name apparantly), but just show it in passing. How that would be done is another matter though.

TheBoost said:

I get your point here Bingo, but I also feel where Axia is coming from.

Ever get the feeling that a lot of fans would rather the entire movie (all six) just be packed with silent, black cloaked killing machines?

Boba Fett- He does nothing, but be silent and imply violence.  The only thing he actually accomplishes is sneaks after the Falcon, and yet he's practically worshipped. We need to edit ROTJ so that he lives, sells the Death Star plans, and hopefully kills more people.

Maul- Dressed in black, rarely spoke, killed people. He's called a 'wasted character' as if the whole PT should have been based on him.

Greivous- Would have been much better if he was black, didn't talk, and killed more people. Forget that the major plot point of Ep. III is that Grievous is always running away. It's even better if he was actually Darth Maul reincarnated. And killed more.

Ewoks- Less Ewokeese, more eating people.

Chewie- Should be shown to actually rip off peoples arms.

C3P0- Needs claws.

Palpatine- In my edit he's not Chancellor. He just walks into the Senate, kills everyone, and only has one line "I'm the Emperor now, bitches."

Heh, heh, I know where you're coming from.

To me, it's not a matter of just adding in a bunch of "black cloaked killing machines" so much as adding at least a BIT of seriousness to those things that... well,... we just can't take that seriously.

(1) Boba Fett became cool due to the Holiday Special cartoon and all of the comic book appearances before and after EMPIRE, which is how he became a cool character (not to mention all of the cool adventures we kiddie fans put the "action figure" through).  JEDI completely trashed what was done by fans (thus the things you mention WOULD be cool as it would re-align Boba to what most fans wanted to see out of the character)

(2) Darth Maul had the potential to be cool like Boba, but again was wasted in the same movie that introduced him: so no comic book stories or animated features with a few years from introduction to lame death to build him up.

(3) Making Grevious into Maul would give Maul "more to do" as well as:
(a) make the fight between Grevious/Maul and Obi Wan a little more personal - being that it would mean Obi having to face the guy who killed his master once again (as well as put a new spin when Obi fights Vader on the DS in A NEW HOPE)
(b) give further explanation to Grevious' lightsabre stuff (as in: he has the skill to operate a lightsabre much less has multiple sabres because he has always been a Sith Lord hunting Jedi between TPM and AOTC)
(c) would serve as a nice lead-up to what is going to happen to Vader (ie the Sith never throw anything away, or unlike the Jedi who believe in an afterlife/reincarnation, the Sith are athiests who believe in the here-and-now and use technology to prolong their physical life as long as possible - all of which would further develop the culture of the Jedi and Sith just by altering Grevious' appearance and name).

(4) Ewoks.  Could they get any SILLIER?  I mean they DO defeat the GALACTIC EMPIRE and all.... is it too much to ask to give them some teeth to at least explain HOW they are able to defeat the Empire?

(5) ehh... I don't know if the opportunity ever arises other than when he's choking Lando (and what can you do?  Have Chewie pop his head off or squeeze his neck so hard his eyes pop out?)

(6) 3PO with claws... mmmmm

(7) well that would have made things a hell of a lot more simpler, wouldn't it? 

Hmm, in fact, that could be a plot point: Palpatine sets the Senate up as traitors to the Republic by leaking evidence showing them secretly backing the Federation and/or rebellion against the Republic (you know, just like how it's looking like the Democrats/Republicans caused the economic crisis to happen just so we can have the excuse to push the entire country to socialism/fascism?).  Through public support, he has them all executed - anything to align the Prequels with Roman (or current) history would be good in my book.


 “You people must realize that the public owns you for life, and when you’re dead, you’ll all be in commercials dancing with vacuum cleaners.”

– Homer Simpson

Chrille said:

Those who defend the battle usually say that the ewoks were loosing, that it was only Chewie stealing the scout walker that changed the course and brought the battle arround. Fair enough, but the movie does not convey this fact. Before that point, the movie shows plenty of ewoks ambushing storm troopers, but only a measly 1 ewok gets killed. Compare that to the novel, where the ewoks are almost slaughtered, but their great strenght in numbers assures that they keep on coming.

I'm not sure if and how Ady would do it, but ROTJ would benefit greatly from cutting the silliest, most unconvincing parts, and somehow add many more ewok causulties. Not that we need to linger on them, like with Corpsey (yes, that's his name apparantly), but just show it passing. How that would be done is another matter though.

Could you imagine a scene similar to SPARTACUS or GLORY, with droves of Ewok bodies piled all around?

I could see equating the Ewoks to how the Chinese fought in the Korean War: they would have three waves of soldiers attack the Americans.  The first wave had no weapons; the second would carry the guns, but were ordered not to shoot; the third wave would pick up the guns from the dead second wave and overrun the American camps due to, by that time, the guns the Americans were shooting with were warping due to the constant firing and the barrels turning red hot.

Showing explosions with multiple Ewok bodies flying out of them or showing stormtroopers line up and fire a volley into a wave of Ewoks... ah, the possibilites....



 “You people must realize that the public owns you for life, and when you’re dead, you’ll all be in commercials dancing with vacuum cleaners.”

– Homer Simpson


Even the so called dead Ewok (Corpsey) moves a bit after being hit and it's never clear if those Ewok groans are coming from his comrade in grief or from the forementioned hit Ewok in pain.

The ground battle is more like hairy children playing war with their Stormtrooper pals than a genuine battle.

This will sound like blasphemy to some but part of the problem is John Williams' music as it was used (sometimes against his intensions) in the theatrical cut.

It's bouncy and upbeat, while we want the rebels and their allies to win no one should ever make out that killing people (which is what war is) is a bouncey upbeat activity. The score can underscore tension and action but not paste a jolly glow over a blood bath.

If you think I'm being OTT try watching any of the other battles in Star Wars with the Endor ground battle music playing over it and then try the opposite.

I'd rather have no music in the ground battle at all than what sounds like at times like a Keystone Cops score.

Monroville said:

(3) Making Grevious into Maul would give Maul "more to do" as well as:
(a) make the fight between Grevious/Maul and Obi Wan a little more personal - being that it would mean Obi having to face the guy who killed his master once again
(b) give further explanation to Grevious' lightsabre stuff (as in: he has the skill to operate a lightsabre much less has multiple sabres because he has always been a Sith Lord hunting Jedi between TPM and AOTC)
(c) would serve as a nice lead-up to what is going to happen to Vader (ie the Sith never throw anything away, or unlike the Jedi who believe in an afterlife/reincarnation, the Sith are athiests who believe in the here-and-now and use technology to prolong their physical life as long as possible - all of which would further develop the culture of the Jedi and Sith just by altering Grevious' appearance and name).

After this Explaining im starting like the idea of maul grievous.

How about Grievous has Red lightsabers?

With some dialogue changing and we have a new cool villain.





vaderios said:
Monroville said:

(3) Making Grevious into Maul would give Maul "more to do" as well as:
(a) make the fight between Grevious/Maul and Obi Wan a little more personal - being that it would mean Obi having to face the guy who killed his master once again
(b) give further explanation to Grevious' lightsabre stuff (as in: he has the skill to operate a lightsabre much less has multiple sabres because he has always been a Sith Lord hunting Jedi between TPM and AOTC)
(c) would serve as a nice lead-up to what is going to happen to Vader (ie the Sith never throw anything away, or unlike the Jedi who believe in an afterlife/reincarnation, the Sith are athiests who believe in the here-and-now and use technology to prolong their physical life as long as possible - all of which would further develop the culture of the Jedi and Sith just by altering Grevious' appearance and name).

After this Explaining im starting like the idea of maul grievous.

How about Grievous has Red lightsabers?

With some dialogue changing and we have a new cool villain.





 Don't cross the streams vaderios, "Stay On Target".

vaderios said:
Monroville said:

(3) Making Grevious into Maul would give Maul "more to do" as well as:
(a) make the fight between Grevious/Maul and Obi Wan a little more personal - being that it would mean Obi having to face the guy who killed his master once again
(b) give further explanation to Grevious' lightsabre stuff (as in: he has the skill to operate a lightsabre much less has multiple sabres because he has always been a Sith Lord hunting Jedi between TPM and AOTC)
(c) would serve as a nice lead-up to what is going to happen to Vader (ie the Sith never throw anything away, or unlike the Jedi who believe in an afterlife/reincarnation, the Sith are athiests who believe in the here-and-now and use technology to prolong their physical life as long as possible - all of which would further develop the culture of the Jedi and Sith just by altering Grevious' appearance and name).

After this Explaining im starting like the idea of maul grievous.

How about Grievous has Red lightsabers?

With some dialogue changing and we have a new cool villain.




One, I would do as suggested by someone earlier and make ALL Jedi lightsabres BLUE (this would match A NEW HOPE in that both Ben's lightsabre and Luke's/Luke's Father's lightsabre was blue as well) and all of the Sith's to be red.

What you could do is make 3 of them blue (maybe do something with the sabre design, so each is distinct) with one of them to look like the split dual red sabre Maul had at the end of his fight with Obi-Wan in TPM (that could be the last sabre Grevious/Maul pulls out - as in the "give away" to Obi-Wan that it is indeed Maul "reincarnated/rebuilt")

this is okay, as long as we don't get carried away.  The problem is to NOT to make 20 posts re-answering the same question and flooding the threads.  I will post this on the RADICAL PREQUEL thread as well.


 “You people must realize that the public owns you for life, and when you’re dead, you’ll all be in commercials dancing with vacuum cleaners.”

– Homer Simpson

Bingowings said:

If we all felt that way there wouldn't be any fan-edits and where would that lead us?

It seems bizarre to me to come onto a discussion board about fan-edits (which don't erase the originals from history) and express concern about changes to these films.

There are restoration projects out there for people who want to preserve previously issued but damaged or degraded versions of the trilogy as it is. The originals exist for those who love the films the way they are, there are milder edits for people who want a few changes here and there so why not make more radical changes if you are of the opinion that Jedi and prequels don't work in their current form? 

I don't think we need to be completely uncritical of every idea. I think the desire to make Star Wars a lil' more 'bad ass' is a desire that seems to get a little overdone sometimes, in my humble opinion, and I expressed that. I wasnt even trying to be critical of a particular idea, just the overall trend.



- someone mentioned in the EMPIRE AND JEDI WISHLIST: what if the Emperor's tower on the DS 2 looked like the Jedi temple?  Well what if the Jedi temple/floating city looked like this (as in: the Emperor's tower is already mocking/copying the design of the Jedi temple)?

Still say put the tower in the center of the dish array regardless.


 “You people must realize that the public owns you for life, and when you’re dead, you’ll all be in commercials dancing with vacuum cleaners.”

– Homer Simpson

TheBoost said:
Bingowings said:

If we all felt that way there wouldn't be any fan-edits and where would that lead us?

It seems bizarre to me to come onto a discussion board about fan-edits (which don't erase the originals from history) and express concern about changes to these films.

There are restoration projects out there for people who want to preserve previously issued but damaged or degraded versions of the trilogy as it is. The originals exist for those who love the films the way they are, there are milder edits for people who want a few changes here and there so why not make more radical changes if you are of the opinion that Jedi and prequels don't work in their current form?

I don't think we need to be completely uncritical of every idea. I think the desire to make Star Wars a lil' more 'bad ass' is a desire that seems to get a little overdone sometimes, in my humble opinion, and I expressed that. I wasnt even trying to be critical of a particular idea, just the overall trend.


Oh I agree that people should weigh up the pros and cons of every suggestion but it should be constructive criticsm which encourages people to look at even the most out there idea and see how it can be seriously adapted and what it actually adds or subtracts from the story.

As I pointed out the original versions are out there so there is no need to be precious about them and rule out changes, even really bold ones.

It's not like we are artexing the Sistine Chapel ceiling here, no fan-edit will destroy the original version so any alteration idea is better out in the open for consideration than trapped behind nervous lips where they can't be of service to anyone.


Chrille said:

I think the biggest problem with this movie is the battle of Endor. The ground portion of it, anyway. IMO, it simply looks childish the way the Ewoks are taking out the storm troopers. They hit them with sticks and punches them, yet it is plainly obvious that their blows aren't forceful at all. It looks almost like their poking them. The battle is played for laughts, which it shouldn't be. The battles of Hoth and Yavin were serious without cartoony humour.

Those who defend the battle usually say that the ewoks were loosing, that it was only Chewie stealing the scout walker that changed the course and brought the battle arround. Fair enough, but the movie does not convey this fact. Before that point, the movie shows plenty of ewoks ambushing storm troopers, but only a measly 1 ewok gets killed. Compare that to the novel, where the ewoks are almost slaughtered, but their great strenght in numbers assures that they keep on coming.

I'm not sure if and how Ady would do it, but ROTJ would benefit greatly from cutting the silliest, most unconvincing parts, and somehow add many more ewok causulties. Not that we need to linger on them, like with Corpsey (yes, that's his name apparantly), but just show it in passing. How that would be done is another matter though.


Yes and even the Stormtroopers just stumble around like idiots or when they do find the rebels they tell them to freeze instead of taking them out. the whole battle is a farce. how can all this be fixed short of going out to the redwood forest and filming new scenes?


OzoneSherrif said:
Chrille said:

I think the biggest problem with this movie is the battle of Endor. The ground portion of it, anyway. IMO, it simply looks childish the way the Ewoks are taking out the storm troopers. They hit them with sticks and punches them, yet it is plainly obvious that their blows aren't forceful at all. It looks almost like their poking them. The battle is played for laughts, which it shouldn't be. The battles of Hoth and Yavin were serious without cartoony humour.

Those who defend the battle usually say that the ewoks were loosing, that it was only Chewie stealing the scout walker that changed the course and brought the battle arround. Fair enough, but the movie does not convey this fact. Before that point, the movie shows plenty of ewoks ambushing storm troopers, but only a measly 1 ewok gets killed. Compare that to the novel, where the ewoks are almost slaughtered, but their great strenght in numbers assures that they keep on coming.

I'm not sure if and how Ady would do it, but ROTJ would benefit greatly from cutting the silliest, most unconvincing parts, and somehow add many more ewok causulties. Not that we need to linger on them, like with Corpsey (yes, that's his name apparantly), but just show it in passing. How that would be done is another matter though.


Yes and even the Stormtroopers just stumble around like idiots or when they do find the rebels they tell them to freeze instead of taking them out. the whole battle is a farce. how can all this be fixed short of going out to the redwood forest and filming new scenes?


You could understand the troopers wanting to keep the main heroes alive as hostages (to aid Luke's turn and for the intelligence they have on the Rebellion) but why do they seperate to get help (and get killed) don't they have comlinks on Endor?

As I said above some of the problems with the ground battle are down to the tone set once the main battle kicks off.

The music is telling us they are going to win and they win (no surprise there), the slapstick decipates tension instead of enhancing it, the Ewoks diminutive stature is played with rather than played against (all those heave ho noises they make while trying to slow down the walker legs (with a split screen set up masked by a handy tree that looks like it came from some bad King Kong rip off too).

It's hard to take the Ewok's seriously as an audience when the director (or directors going by most accounts) refuses to.

The intension here was to show that what the Empire literally sees as the little people are underestimated, it's not just the Emperor that is over confident it's the whole Empire that has got so used to winning that it takes it's eye of the ball but the direction falls into the same trap as the fictional Empire.

That's why I suggested the trap that Chewie sets off be baited with a dead Imperial because it sets up that the Ewoks have already had some experience in this sort of thing and the Rebels just help co-ordinate their already deadly skills (those Walker smashing traps could have been planned before the Rebels turned up).

If it is edited with respect for these creatures the viewers will respond to them with repect.

The same goes with Imperials (these are supposed to be the Emperor's best troops, hand picked for a decisive battle) they should kill not just some but quite a few of their targets to be a threat worth beating.

There should be more weapons on the ground here (the Rebels are caught off guard and aren't well equipped but the Imperials know they are coming) the Rebels and the Ewoks should steal more of this equipment (not just one AT-ST and a few rifles).


Bingowings said:

That's why I suggested the trap that Chewie sets off be baited with a dead Imperial because it sets up that the Ewoks have already had some experience in this sort of thing and the Rebels just help co-ordinate their already deadly skills (those Walker smashing traps could have been planned before the Rebels turned up).


This isn't a bad idea.  Or idear, as they say in Tennessee.

What would really sell this would be if Threepio could be given dialogue interpreting for the Ewoks indicating they are preparing a final strike against these armored invaders.


maybe artoo could be giving holographic projections too? what if the ewok army was to be like zulu, with a guy at the back waving a spear, then a load of ewoks get shot willing just to count the guns? basically head ewok stands at the back with the droids to direct tactically.

what if all the initial scout troopers are unusually jumpy and spooked about something, so they are really easily jumped by the rebels, as if the imperials are more interested in surviving the teddy wrath than the job at hand.


would it be worth giving the ewoks a more pygmy look, blowpipes, shrunken heads, piercings, green camo etc? opening of raiders of the lost ark would be a good example.

OzoneSherrif said:

Yes and even the Stormtroopers just stumble around like idiots or when they do find the rebels they tell them to freeze instead of taking them out. the whole battle is a farce. how can all this be fixed short of going out to the redwood forest and filming new scenes?

Some editing could do the trick there.

Here are some alternate ideas based on the Fan-O-Matic edit of JEDI:

I like the idea of starting on Tatooine and just deleting the opening Death Star scene; we get a breifing as to the situation when they arrive at the Rebel ship, and we could just have the Emperor arrival scene begin the visual Death Star scenes (which would be good, with the fleet of TIEs to show off as well, giving the first appearance of the DS some added oomph)

I would still stick with the 3PO beginning though; you could just have the title sequence pan down to the surface shot (no planet shot, though you could edit the 2 moons from the beginning of ANH to synch with the dusk sky of the Jabba palace scene) and start off with 3PO and R2 going to Jabba.  That way we still get into the action but there is some build up.  As it is with the edit you have (Fan-O-Matic), even accounting for rough editing, it's just too quick into the story - who's this slug guy?  What's going on with the dancing?  Why should I care that this alien chick got dropped into a pit? 

To ditch the intro Vader scene wouldn't really affect the story too much, since the Emperor arrives later with Vader awaiting him and we get the rebel briefing, buuut even if you want to start on Tatooine, you still need a lead into Jabba as well as a good reveal.

I am still with editing the Lando reveal as well as the re-editing of the "Han is recaptured" scene.  Here is an idea on how to edit that one:

- when Leia unfreezes him and its time for Jabba's curtain call, edit out the laughing and insert the cocking guns or powering up gun sounds (visual FX could be employed to fill in the background "curtain" area with something that doesn't change). 
- Han and Leia turn to look up and around. 
- Edit a scene of creatures or Boba hovering above/ pointing guns at the camera and then they close in;
- as they close in edit in Jabba's laughing (laughing acts as segway to next scene) and
- cut to scene of Han trying to make deal with Jabba. 

That way you keep the nice STAR WARS edit flow but still are able to suggest that they were carried to Jabba as opposed to him hiding behind a curtain.


Not sure about where to place the YODA scene; I can still see it AFTER Tatooine, as Luke pretty much told Lando at the end of EMPIRE that he would meet him there to rescue Han (implying that that was the first priority) - remember that JEDI is maybe around 6 months more or less after EMPIRE; they would not have waited a year or more to rescue Han.

I can also see placing it within the Tatooine sequence to imply he has been training all this time (to prepare for Han's rescue), but it also ruins his own reveal at Jabba's palace (remember the first time we see him he is a mysterious black cloaked figure - we don't know it is Luke until he speaks to the tentacled advisor guy).  Regardless, I agree that something can be done with the Ben scene, if not edit it out completely and end the Dagobah scene with Yoda's passing.  That could be done by:

- fade out right after Yoda fades out, or:

- when Luke heads to his X-wing, it is maybe a few seconds after he touches the wing and says something that Ben responds.  If you edit it right before Luke speaks and edit in the A NEW HOPE segway music (between Ben saying "you must do what you think is right, of course" and the TIEs shooting towards the DS 1) to cut to a similar scene, that would work without looking too wonky editing wise.

The segway music is at (3:55) to (4:05) at Luke in Ben's House; even better, maybe the music from (7:10) to (7:55) could be used during the latter part of Luke's conversation with Yoda, with the more dramatic music (right before and during the Aunt Beru and Uncle Owen body shots) concurring when Yoda confirms that Vader is indeed his father.  You may have to cut out or play with Yoda's "there... is... a..nother" line, but a more "punch in the gut" music que could work quite well.  You could edit out the line, but still have Yoda fade out (with the DA/ da/ DA/ da music to concur with or directly follow his fade out), leaving us with Luke looking worried and alone, with the old Imperial theme kicking off the next scene.


in regards to all of the "freeze!" scenes, just edit out the lines from the storm troopers and tighten the editing so there is less lingering.  Someone also had the idea of having Han say "I love you" as if he felt he was really a dead man (maybe take a voice line from RAIDERS or TEMPLE OF DOOM) and Chewie blasts and destroys the 2 troopers and saves both Han and Leia.

Another suggestion was put out to cut out the "Leia meets Wicket" scene and just reveal Leia is alive when she comes out at 3PO's dinner party.  This would allow the Ewok reveal to be when Luke and Co. are captured, as well as making the first entrance of the Ewoks more ominous (especially if the storm trooper's head is added on the "meat pike").

LOVE the ZULU reference: again, adding in elements of movies Lucas could have watched from growing up to when he was in film school is always a good thing, especially if the ideas and themes of said movies apply (be it ZULU or APOCALYPSE NOW)


 “You people must realize that the public owns you for life, and when you’re dead, you’ll all be in commercials dancing with vacuum cleaners.”

– Homer Simpson


double post


 “You people must realize that the public owns you for life, and when you’re dead, you’ll all be in commercials dancing with vacuum cleaners.”

– Homer Simpson


So in Return of the Jedi right after our intrepid heroes meet the Ewoks the first time Threepio talks to them. We then hear two Ewoks say something to one another. I swear to god it sounds like they say.

"that guy's wise"
"no, he's short"

I have "heard" these Ewoks say that for as long as I can remember. Can we edit out that small ewok speaking line or modify it someway so I dont hear those two crazy lines that have been driving me nuts since Jedi was first released to video?

"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect." - Mark Twain.
"A myth is a religion in which no one any longer believes"...James Feibleman (1904-1987)
www . axia . ws/axia


don't shoot until you see the blacks of their eyes

AxiaEuxine said:

So in Return of the Jedi right after our intrepid heroes meet the Ewoks the first time Threepio talks to them. We then hear two Ewoks say something to one another. I swear to god it sounds like they say.

"that guy's wise"
"no, he's short"

I have "heard" these Ewoks say that for as long as I can remember. Can we edit out that small ewok speaking line or modify it someway so I dont hear those two crazy lines that have been driving me nuts since Jedi was first released to video?

That's just like the "Mom look!" after Han shoots Greedo, come to think of it doesn't Wicket say "Oh! I get ya" when Leia is explaining about the hat and the food?

And I swear that the Ewoks at one point say of Threepio "He's a woman".



It was mentioned before about how the Ewoks could be made to be more menacing, so I made a quick little video of the "Dead Animal On A Stick" scene, with a StormTrooper helmet inserted. I know it's crude, but I only did it to see how it would look.


Don't hold back...be critical, and abusive...I can take it..... ;)

Star Wars Episode XXX: Erica Strikes Back

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          If you want Nice, go to France

Davnes007 said:


It was mentioned before about how the Ewoks could be made to be more menacing, so I made a quick little video of the "Dead Animal On A Stick" scene, with a StormTrooper helmet inserted. I know it's crude, but I only did it to see how it would look.


Don't hold back...be critical, and abusive...I can take it..... ;)


I'll agree that it is crude.  That's some big headed stormtrooper ;-)

The music is too whimsical for the gruesome scene and would need to be changed.  Also, the Dead Animal would have to be erased from inside the net.

But it just might work, honestly.

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