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Info & Ideas: ESB and ROTJ Wishlist — Page 34


I like the idea of darkening it, but I don't know about the whole Mon Calamari in suspended seats thing.  Just seems a little ... odd to me.


The map screens (as they are) are redundant because there is no way that anyone could use them. The medical droids need to go.

Then you are left with what has to be there all the time and what only needs to be there during the briefing.

The room is clearly a part of the ship command centre that is just being used for the briefing (Ackbar's control blister over hangs the area and we see the holo-table being used as a tactical display during the battle).

An alternative arrangement would be to have the seating area sink when not being used and the map screens and some general controls drop down to fill the space (that way people can get to them to use them and the room becomes a command centre instead of a pointlessly empty (except for surgeon droids?) space.

I'm fine with that configuration too.

But it still needs a total redesign of the room in a battle context.

If anyone has The Art Of Return Of The Jedi the chairs were part of some of the original designs (the only reminder being Ackbar's chair in his little blister) as were the giant holograms being studied above the conference area.

Perhaps the problem you have with it Chainsaw is not the idea but my rough and ready doodles of the idea.

Bingowings said:

The room is clearly a part of the ship command centre that is just being used for the briefing (Ackbar's control blister over hangs the area and we see the holo-table being used as a tactical display during the battle.

Really?  I never noticed.


Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress

doubleofive said:
Bingowings said:

The room is clearly a part of the ship command centre that is just being used for the briefing (Ackbar's control blister over hangs the area and we see the holo-table being used as a tactical display during the battle.

Really?  I never noticed.


Remember when the shield goes down tech guys are monitoring the hologram of the Death Star just before Ackbar commands that fleet moves away before it explodes.


Bingowings said:
doubleofive said:
Bingowings said:

The room is clearly a part of the ship command centre that is just being used for the briefing (Ackbar's control blister over hangs the area and we see the holo-table being used as a tactical display during the battle.

Really?  I never noticed.


Remember when the shield goes down tech guys are monitoring the hologram of the Death Star just before Ackbar commands that fleet moves away before it explodes.


Oh yeah.  I thought about that after I posted.  Thanks for posting it.

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It seems daft to me that in this instance this room still has map screens stuck on the ceiling where nobody can get to them and the only things in this useful space on the flag ship are two guys and two surgeon droids.

It should be an active command centre like the one seen in ANH, with maps screens people can get to, alternative displays for monitoring the entire battle and controls, is Ackbar's huge ship being controlled by the four or five chaps in his little blister?

The idea being a bit like when a school gym is being used for an assembly or play.

The gym equipment is folded up against the wall but when it's a gym the seating is removed and the gym equipment is folded out.

Briefing over down go the seats into the floor and down from the ceiling come the map screens and the room is filled with battle tacticians and the like.

Another way of looking at it is thinking about all those speakeasy scenes in films like Bugsy Malone where the tables turn around or flip under the floor and suddenly it's a Bible recital or a charming little tearoom.


PLEASE GOD SOMEONE REMOVE THE CGI MAX REEBO BAND AND REPLACE IT WITH THE PUPPETS FROM THE OUT. that makes me cringe every time i see it. and leave out jar jar and hayden christiansen I WILL BE TRULLY HAPPY. I could live with hayden in it but jar has to go and please put the old celebration song the new one is just ODD. Vaders saber is a little to pink and solid for me so anyone can make it better looking. overall adywan and dart editious can do NO WRONG.

"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas

<span> </span>

EyeShotFirst said:

PLEASE GOD SOMEONE REMOVE THE CGI MAX REEBO BAND AND REPLACE IT WITH THE PUPPETS FROM THE OUT. that makes me cringe every time i see it. and leave out jar jar and hayden christiansen I WILL BE TRULLY HAPPY. I could live with hayden in it but jar has to go and please put the old celebration song the new one is just ODD. Vaders saber is a little to pink and solid for me so anyone can make it better looking. overall adywan and dart editious can do NO WRONG.

I'm OK with the addition of the backing singers, the big drums the horn players etc but I agree that the CGI creatures need to go (though I like the floating microphone).

Neither Sy Snootles appeals to me the puppet looked like a puppet at the CGI version looked like a cartoon.

The design is a sound one though so maybe the puppet can be argmented with more subtle CGI work.

I'm not really keen on either Lapti Nek or Jedi Rocks, I'm in the planning stages of building a new computer and I shall attempt to craft something new which matches a mixture of footage from the OUT and SE versions but if it doesn't work I might just replace it with something instumental and see how that looks.

I think the music should be as sleazy and debaunched as the scene it's playing over, both Jedi Rocks and Lapti Nek sound too poppy and not enough like stripper/poll dancing music fused with a bit of Eastern pastiche belly dancing.

The sabres will no doubt be fixed by Adywan in ROTJ:R but they do present even more of a challenge in this film than in any of the others because they are so thickly drawn.

Hayden does have to go, I have no real problem with the Gungan but I would remove his voice (which is clearly Jar-Jar's) I hope the Gungans get a total overhaul in the PT:R so I wouldn't like ROTJ:R to end with Jar-Jar's voice.

I'm also not convinced that either piece of celebration music works and suggestions like those made a bit earlier should be investigated.

A couple more things that clearly needs attention are the poor quality explosions in the Endor space battle which are merely overlayed blobs instead of showing any actual structural damage to the ships and the infamous Force Kick during the barge battle :

force Kick


Ripplin said:

Haven't seen that gif in a while. Always fun. :)

Y'know, seems weird to not see vaderios in this thread for a while. Building a new computer, I think?

I love Boba's air swim (though I would prefer it to be removed in the manner we talked about many pages back).

vaderios is sans pc at the moment, I look forward to his return.



You know that between Boba's "air swim" and Luke's lightsaber, SOMEONE (probably multiple people) from ILM looked at this scene frame by frame several times and sill left the Force Kick in.  I guess it would be harder to move someone in those days instead of just copy/paste today...

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress

Bingowings said:

force Kick


Holy crud!  I can't stop laughing!


Sluggo said:
Bingowings said:

force Kick


Holy crud!  I can't stop laughing!


At which ridiculous element?  The Force Kick?  The huge wobbly saber blade?  The stick being swung at Luke from a mile away?  The Air Swim?

So much work, one second of film.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


and please put the old celebration song the new one is just ODD.

The SE celebration song is great.

It's so much more a "grand final" music, full of nostalgia (cause it's the end of the whole saga), than the poor original "Ewok birthday party" kiddie song.

TMBTM said:

and please put the old celebration song the new one is just ODD.

The SE celebration song is great.

It's so much more a "grand final" music, full of nostalgia (cause it's the end of the whole saga), than the poor original "Ewok birthday party" kiddie song.


 I mostly agree with this, except for the nostalgia part as it doesn't really quote any themes already used in the trilogy.  I don't know if it would be better or not with those themes.

doubleofive said:

You know that between Boba's "air swim" and Luke's lightsaber, SOMEONE (probably multiple people) from ILM looked at this scene frame by frame several times and sill left the Force Kick in.  I guess it would be harder to move someone in those days instead of just copy/paste today...

Hey, that film is loaded with goofy humor in the first place, so maybe they just thought it was funny and left it as-is. :p Or, as you say, it was harder to fix then, so it was a 'meh, it's so fast no one will notice' moment. ;)


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Sluggo said:

I mostly agree with this, except for the nostalgia part as it doesn't really quote any themes already used in the trilogy. 

True, it do not quote old themes, but I don't know, there is a bit of nostalgia from this new music itself, IMO.

It's happy but kind of sad at the same time.


Speaking of Luke looking a little stupid...I thought I'd post this older pic I made a while back...


I thought by adding a weapon (a blaster shot probably being more appropriate) it would help Luke backing away from the door (in the odd fashion that he does) seem...well...better.

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Bingowings said:

force Kick

The guy being kicked could be moved to the right and behind the railing to begin with. I think that would be easier to do than to move Luke forwards.

Then the victim could be moved slightly left as a result of the kick to make it look as powerful to the victim as the throwing of the blaster is ...

I find the kick itself to look a little wimpy. Maybe when it actually hits the victim would the leg movement look better.

Darth Lars said:
Bingowings said:

force Kick

The guy being kicked could be moved to the right and behind the railing to begin with. I think that would be easier to do than to move Luke forwards.

Then the victim could be moved slightly left as a result of the kick to make it look as powerful to the victim as the throwing of the blaster is ...

I find the kick itself to look a little wimpy. Maybe when it actually hits the victim would the leg movement look better.

I wish Vaderios was here.  If you import a GIF "video frames to layers" you can edit this in Photoshop, then export it back out.  I tried to matte out everything and make an all new background, but I really didn't have the time/patience/skill.  You'd also have to move the guy closer to Luke, re time the hit so he reacts at the right time, and redo Luke's saber that seems to disappear as it goes behind his body.

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Mark Hamill would never kick or punch someone in the groin.


But with the power of the force,


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