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Info & Ideas: ESB and ROTJ Wishlist — Page 322


The battle droid was not in your face...and a lot of people don't like the music.


Exactly. The battle droid is a subtle change. It's a piece of clutter that makes you go "huh, that's cool," not a change in appearance of an entire main character after their arc is finished.


i would advocate the removal of anakin from that ghost scene all together, then show the cremation of vader in the scene following it, which then either ends the film, or then switches to an epilogue sequence.


TV's Frink said:

DominicCobb said:

TV's Frink said:

Throw an x-wing at the button?

I don't like the scene where Luke tries to lift the X-wing. Since we already know he can lift a rock, why can't he lift the X-wing with a rock?

Well there you go, he's supposed to lift the X-wing with the force.

In all seriousness, Luke says "it's too big."  Yoda replies "size matters not," so the problem is clearly in Luke's perception of his task.  I don't understand why this is a problem.

Or were you joking?  It's tough to tell.

Definitely joking. I was following up your ridiculous idea with another ridiculous idea. It probably didn't help that I was the one who suggested the change to the Rancor scene in the first place.


I can't remember if I suggested this.... but.....

What if LEIA DIES?

Luke learns about leia as usual from obi-wan. He has the same conversation with leia later on, but does not tell her about being his sister (assuming he is going to die himself he decides to spare her the pain, or perhaps just decides that it is too unbelievable himself). Vader still uses the knowledge against luke later on, and luke beats him etc. But the big emotional crash at the end is that he never gets to tell her the big secret, and has to carry it himself FOREVER.


But who wants a sad ending?


alot of pilots and ground assault team members lost friends in the battle.......the scene could be a little less celebration and a little more quiet reflection / relief that the battle is won. Its just too cheesy the way it is right now.


I think that the choice of music can fix a lot of the issues with it. The Dan Edit by Yads has the Luke and Leia theme instead, which works much, much better.


the way i would like to see ROTJ (and the saga) end would be open ended. the rebels have a key victory and have potentially defeated the empire, but more importantly removed the key player that has been screwing things up from the beginning - palpatine. so really, its not an ending. i'd like to see it more like the end of ESB with everyone going their seperate ways.

similarily i would prefer to see the SAGA start with the suggestion that the same issues have been preluding the saga. so we don't start at the absolute start, just as we don't finish at the absolute finish.


Spence's edit has the best ending in my opinion. Finish with the Vader's funeral. Its perfect.


It would be a nice touch to have a couple of beat up and highly customised Naboo Starfighters in the Endor battle as a form of visual bookending.

It would be interesting to see them with all that chrome polish removed and with Alliance livery flaking off them.

I never bought into that EU idea of the Rebels having advanced fighters of their own.

I prefer the idea of them having aging fighters which can keep up with and even overtake the advanced tech of the Empire by virtue of the dedicated engineers of the Alliance making do and mending.



Bingowings said:

It would be a nice touch to have a couple of beat up and highly customised Naboo Starfighters in the Endor battle as a form of visual bookending.

It would be interesting to see them with all that chrome polish removed and with Alliance livery flaking off them.

I never bought into that EU idea of the Rebels having advanced fighters of their own.

I prefer the idea of them having aging fighters which can keep up with and even overtake the advanced tech of the Empire by virtue of the dedicated engineers of the Alliance making do and mending.


Like the idea, except instead of Naboo fighters, maybe have some beat-up ARC-170s (The X-Wing thingies the Clones flew in ROTS) and V-Wings. 


I'd like to see them too but they are pretty much already in an OTish style.

Having a fighter from the first episode but highly modified would be one side of the same coin as having pristine looking Y-Wings etc in the PT.

The Naboo fighters look the way they do in the first episode because they aren't expected to be actually used at that point.

They are sort of like a constitutional monarch (there largely for show more than anything).

So to have all that polish and colour removed and replaced with exposed guts and flakey paint would bookend the saga and underline that the Rebellion has had to make the best of what they have.

It's subtle storytelling via placed objects (like George used to do in the good old days).


I had actually really been looking forward to seeing y-wings in the PT (you know, back when it was still something I anticipated, rather than dreaded)


That was one of the many things the Clone Wars television series did better than the PT which is nice but I'd prefer three good Star Wars films over an interesting curio of a computer animated television cartoon.


This stuff would have done well in the trilogy integration thread.  I really would like to see this sort of thing, but not overly done.  I'd like to see the heavy armored Y-wings from Clone Wars in the PT, and I could go for Naboo fighters in the OT, at least maybe one or two subtly in the background during Endor or something.


i always thought the A-wings would fit aesthetically with the naboo. if someone was keen enough  to reshoot/re-render all the space battles in TPM then that would be a cool option.


The alliance should attack with everything they have at hand.


The un-chromed naboo fighters could really work; though I'd have a squadron and not just "subtle one or two". Endor space battle is closing the saga and nothing should be subtle on it.

I'm even for adding old Republic junk ships, like early star destroyers of AOTC with some customization (heavy customization I mean, tho Im just throwing the idea here), or the shuttle in which Quigon and ObiWan arrive at the very begginning of TPM.

Other idea I had was to replace the imperial shuttle that the rebels use to infiltrate on Endor by an old Republic/ early Empire ship; having in mind that everyone on the executor gets curious about the ship, and the "old code" they use... infact, it'd make Vader's move by letting it pass, more obvious (though don't know if that's good).




One of the things I enjoyed about Babylon 5 was ever so often you'd be introduced to the signature ships of one of the featured civilisations.

When you had the big epic battles you could spot who was who in the battle without having to get expensive actors in expensive latex masks.

Their comparatively inexpensive CGI ships stood in for them.

Having a Naboo ship here and a Alderaanian ship there and an old Republic fighter over that way defending a Mon Calamari ship over this way would be a great piece of short hand for who is who in the battle.

Rejigging the PT and ROTJ would be a good way of pulling that off for the big finale.


Mithrandir said:

The alliance should attack with everything they have at hand.


The un-chromed naboo fighters could really work; though I'd have a squadron and not just "subtle one or two". Endor space battle is closing the saga and nothing should be subtle on it.

I'm even for adding old Republic junk ships, like early star destroyers of AOTC with some customization (heavy customization I mean, tho Im just throwing the idea here), or the shuttle in which Quigon and ObiWan arrive at the very begginning of TPM.

Other idea I had was to replace the imperial shuttle that the rebels use to infiltrate on Endor by an old Republic/ early Empire ship; having in mind that everyone on the executor gets curious about the ship, and the "old code" they use... infact, it'd make Vader's move by letting it pass, more obvious (though don't know if that's good).



I've always been of the mindset that when Ady gets to the ROTJ space battle, he should just go bananas. Just all out crazy space combat. Using a bunch of old PT ships for the Rebellion is exactly what I'm hoping for.


The more and more I read this, the more and more I like the idea.  Still, like I said, nothing overbearing, but the Rebellion is a ragtag force, and they will scrounge what they can get.  It would be awesome to see little samplings from different parts of the PT throughout, but as mentioned, stripped down with chipping paint, etc.  As we mentioned before, maybe include some female pilots and redubbing the male dubbed female pilot.  Include the Sullustan, maybe other species and races (only one black pilot I noticed in the OT, just in time to get torched).  Maybe we could even have Ric Olie as an old man make a cameo!  Okay, maybe not, but I agree, the Battle of Endor should be crazy, and I personally hope Adywan does indeed include the Jerjerrod to vaporize Endor subplot, as it increases our anxiety for the final moment...hopefully someone will clean up these deleted scenes for him.


darth_ender said:

The more and more I read this, the more and more I like the idea.  Still, like I said, nothing overbearing, but the Rebellion is a ragtag force, and they will scrounge what they can get.  It would be awesome to see little samplings from different parts of the PT throughout, but as mentioned, stripped down with chipping paint, etc.  As we mentioned before, maybe include some female pilots and redubbing the male dubbed female pilot.  Include the Sullustan, maybe other species and races (only one black pilot I noticed in the OT, just in time to get torched).  Maybe we could even have Ric Olie as an old man make a cameo!  Okay, maybe not, but I agree, the Battle of Endor should be crazy, and I personally hope Adywan does indeed include the Jerjerrod to vaporize Endor subplot, as it increases our anxiety for the final moment...hopefully someone will clean up these deleted scenes for him.

I'm also of the mindset that the Battle of Endor should be more Rebel Toopy-vs-Stormtroopy. I mean for God's sake "A legion of my best troops?" Single handedly defeated by Ewoks? 


i was thinking that perhaps the ewoks cause the diversion that the rebels need to gain the upperhand. we see them show up in force, and then the imperials chase them off, leaving the shield generator unprotected. no bear antics. then the deleted footage of the rebels taking the bunker could be inserted perhaps?