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Info & Ideas: ESB and ROTJ Wishlist — Page 287


Which is also why it would be good to have my idea of an establishing shot that shows the Rebel commando crews and Ewoks setting up some of those otherwise impossible traps together.


That's the problem though at that point in the story they don't have the time or the opportunity to set them up.

Han and the gang decide to go to the back door bunker the same morning as the attack.

If the Ewoks had already planned to attack that area they could have spent months (under cover of darkness) building those traps and let the Rebels in on deal once the critical timing of the attack was explained to them.


JediTray said:

Damn ignore function doesn't really work too well when other people quote the person you're ignoring.



TV's Frink said:

JediTray said:

Damn ignore function doesn't really work too well when other people quote the person you're ignoring.


Is this an example of the sort of tactics Ewoks and Rebels would use against the Empire?


Lol, you did that just so JediTray would have to see it, and deal with it.

Well done.


Bingowings said:

Is this an example of the sort of tactics Ewoks and Rebels would use against the Empire?

 No, it's yet another example of Frink filling a thread with off-topic nonsense.

At any rate, it seems that ROTJ has the most "wishes", as it's the most problematic of the three to begin with.  It's going to be interesting to see what can be done.  Some things, like putting Executor in the opening sequence, are probably easy enough to you editor folk, but the damn Ewoks and the ridiculous manner in which the Stormtroopers are taken out, I dunno.  You've got your work cut out for you!


I say we go Rambo on ROTJ and put some serious carnage in there. XD


daneditor said: 

I don't know if you're familiar with ROTJ Fan-o-matic (if not, check it out on youtube) but one of the many excellent ideas was to have Boba Fett given the job of telling the Rebellion about the DS2, including the lie about it not being operational, rather than these Bothans, of whom the audience knows nothing and are never heard about again. Makes sense - aside from giving the Fett something to do, it also means Fett isn't at Jabba's palace and spares us the hideousness of his death scene.

   The double dealer unbeknownst is a great concept . There might be a continuity problem, however. Luke and Leia made it back to the fleet and they were slightly annoyed with Fett.

   You got me thinking it would be fun to have Fett leading the Bothans in Slave I . He could break-off. Then we could see a  hologram of Jabba and his protocol droid calling him for a mission. Instead, we could see Sidious or Vader telling him Skywalker would try to rescue Captian Solo. I don't know how it could work. It would require a very rad edit.

   In the palace, Fett is there for a little extra menace. In the barge fight, Fett's there for the same reason Lando is there. Han had his reasons. He had pressing personal business. He might have wanted to get out of the way of the others. But Han was trying to leave the group every time they turned around. By reminding us that Han comes through in the end, and showing us that his actions are not governed by spite, They showed us why the rebels would trust him with their most difficult missions. 

   Could Fett just bounce off the barge and cut away before he falls in? A Dreyfuss in 'JAWS' uncertainty? Everyone imagines their own favorite fate for Fett?

   The wild Ewoks v Empire stuff is fantastic! :)



IMO, Fett shouldn't be in the film at all (and in my cut he isn't). He's a bounty hunter, he should be off hunting bounties.


The Rebel Alliance is a large organisation it would relatively easy for Fett to meet up with a Alliance intelligence officer to exchange the info without Leia or Han knowing.

In the idea Fett is bounty hunting, he just isn't apprehending his quarry but presenting the location of his prey to his employers/sending his prey to his employers.

In the theatrical version he is just hanging around and being a general bodyguard.


JediTray said:

No, it's yet another example of Frink filling a thread with off-topic nonsense.

Funny, seems like I was on-topic when you decided to go off-topic by bitching about the fact that you couldn't ignore my on-topic post because it was quoted.

Nice PM, by the way. U watch ur language.


If you look at OT - all of the scenes usually center around the main characters. So making an additional scene with Boba would look... well, not very OT.



daneditor said:

IMO, Fett shouldn't be in the film at all (and in my cut he isn't). He's a bounty hunter, he should be off hunting bounties.

   I'm just having fun with alternate lines of reasoning. Those continuity problems can be solved with effort. 

   I don't think Fett is required in ROTJ. I could enjoy an edit without him.



I'm still of the opinion that you could completely remove Boba Fett from RotJ and there would be fans who wouldn't notice at all.

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Of course, there are plenty of people who didn't notice the 2004 screwed up colors, the lightsaber problems, the sound issues, and on and on...


TV's Frink said:

Of course, there are plenty of people who didn't notice the 2004 screwed up colors, the lightsaber problems, the sound issues, and on and on...

Exactly! There are plenty of people who didn't... buy/watch the 2004 special edition.


Heh, and there were plenty more who did buy/watch and still didn't notice :-(

(and by all means keep quoting me - Hi JediTray! ;-))

Anyway, I'd be fine with no Fett in ROTJ but he never really bothered me in ROTJ either.


TV's Frink said:

Heh, and there were plenty more who did buy/watch and still didn't notice :-(

(and by all means keep quoting me - Hi JediTray! ;-))

Anyway, I'd be fine with no Fett in ROTJ but he never really bothered me in ROTJ either.

Wait... why am I quoting you?


"[George Lucas] rebooted the franchise in 1997 without telling anyone." -skyjedi2005

"Yeah, well, George says a lot of things..." a young 1997 xhonzi on RASSM

"They're my movies." -George Lucas. 19 people won oscars for their work on Star Wars (1977) and George Lucas wasn't one of them.

Rewrite the Prequels!



JediTray said:

Bingowings said:

Is this an example of the sort of tactics Ewoks and Rebels would use against the Empire?

 No, it's yet another example of Frink filling a thread with off-topic nonsense.


To some, it's no more nonsensical than ferocious ewoks and adding bloody stumps.