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Info & Ideas: ESB and ROTJ Wishlist — Page 266


This might sound like a petty suggestion but Vader's movements in ROTJ especially during the final duel are rather blandly composed ( I imagine partly to mask that Bob Anderson wasn't as tall as David Prowse...once again please correct me if I wrong here).

If it were possible to get someone of the right build and in the right suit to do more dramatic movements (not just during the fight scenes but generally speaking too) it may lift the character who looked rather dull in this outing most of the time compared to ESB.

This bit of art (from the Story Of ESB story album) points somewhere in the direction I hinting at :

The Story of ESB

Not all of the time obviously but for some key moments a shot like this would add a bit of the old Vader charm to ROTJ.


Bingowings said:

This might sound like a petty suggestion but Vader's movements in ROTJ especially during the final duel are rather blandly composed ( I imagine partly to mask that Bob Anderson wasn't as tall as David Prowse...once again please correct me if I wrong here).

If it were possible to get someone of the right build and in the right suit to do more dramatic movements (not just during the fight scenes but generally speaking too) it may lift the character who looked rather dull in this outing most of the time compared to ESB.

This bit of art (from the Story Of ESB story album) points somewhere in the direction I hinting at :

The Story of ESB

Not all of the time obviously but for some key moments a shot like this would add a bit of the old Vader charm to ROTJ.

 But Anderson was also the guy in Vader suit in ESB. Anderson is 6'1", Hamill is like 5'7", and I am sure Anderson was wear 2 or 3 inch lifts anyways.


Sevb32 said:

Bingowings said:

This might sound like a petty suggestion but Vader's movements in ROTJ especially during the final duel are rather blandly composed ( I imagine partly to mask that Bob Anderson wasn't as tall as David Prowse...once again please correct me if I wrong here).

If it were possible to get someone of the right build and in the right suit to do more dramatic movements (not just during the fight scenes but generally speaking too) it may lift the character who looked rather dull in this outing most of the time compared to ESB.

This bit of art (from the Story Of ESB story album) points somewhere in the direction I hinting at :


Not all of the time obviously but for some key moments a shot like this would add a bit of the old Vader charm to ROTJ.

 But Anderson was also the guy in Vader suit in ESB. Anderson is 6'1", Hamill is like 5'7", and I am sure Anderson was wear 2 or 3 inch lifts anyways.

I think the sets helped in that case because most of the time the camera was either looking up at him or he was in heavy shadow.

In Jedi you can really tell when they are trying to position the camera more with an eye to hiding the difference in the actor than composing an interesting shot.

The whole "You are unwise to lower your defenses" bit is painfully clunky to these eyes.

That said though even some of the shots of Prowse look a bit dull compared to ESB.

Vaderios posted elsewhere :


These could also serve as concepts for the ship being blown to bits on it's way to ramming or falling onto either one or another Death Star.


I had this idea, expanding this shot showing a camera pan from up to down, showing the glory of the palace. Giving some scale and terror missing from that movie :)

(quick mockup to get the idea)




vaderios said:

I had this idea, expanding this shot showing a camera pan from up to down, showing the glory of the palace. Giving some scale and terror missing from that movie :)

(quick mockup to get the idea)


I like it!!!!

"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas

<span> </span>


The image i used for the mockup was a vertical panorama indeed. My plan was to post a animated gif but the size was way to big so i cropped some stills to show you as storyboard the movement.

Since the images i used were for mockup uses and only its not available in HR.

Im planing to make one tho.

Expect more jabba palace madness soon :D





Great stuff, Angel nice to see something new on the ROTJ front after a long while.


Finally found the ROTJ wishlist.

Heres my 2 cents (from the wrong thread.)


I would love to see Lukes saber cut THROUGH the baddies on the skiff in ROTJ. It always bothered me that the blade that can cut through everything is little more than a whacking bat in this battle. The tip of the saber shown cutting through them with some sorch marks would be awesome. The odd severence would be even better.


Boba fett eject from the sarlacc at some point would also be a bonus.


The tortured droid in Jabbas palace with the hot irons on his feet, the irons dont actually make contact with his feet (on a close up of all things) yet the droid screams and steam comes out. (personally i would get rid of the screams all together as its a little too battledroid humour for me, but making the irons make contact should be easy in after effects.


Pity Palpatine says "a legion of my finest troops await them" when talking about the trap on endor, either that or its a pity that the troops on endor appear anything but his FINEST LEGION. I like his line, but it doesnt match the action.

Would be awesome if maybe some costumed troopers could film some extra battlescenes where they kick ass before getting defeated. Whats the 501st up to these days?


When Vader throws his saber at the gangwalk displacing Luke in the final fight, maybe have Vaders saber return back to his hand after the throw? That would look cool, as opposed to just unnarming himself.


Based on someone aboves comments, i like the idea of a rebel ship crash n burn into the deathstars shields.


The second deathstar is supposed to be bigger than the first, maybe the explosion could be bigger too? (See the asteroid explode in Armageddon) can this be tinkered with to make it deathstar?


New music at the end of Jedi is horrible, pan pipe moods? NOOOOOOOOO!!!

Thats my ROTJ input. Thanks for reading, good luck Adywan. The Force is already with you.

"Away put your weapon, I mean you no harm!"



I can't stand the droid torture scene.

George built a film series based partly on an empathic relationship between the audience and a couple of droids and had two appropriately uncomfortable torture scenes in the first two films.

Along comes the first film where he has almost total control and he sticks in a comedy torture scene with two droids which sticks out like a sore thumb.


yoda1138 said:

Finally found the ROTJ wishlist.

Heres my 2 cents (from the wrong thread.)


Pity Palpatine says "a legion of my finest troops await them" when talking about the trap on endor...

Mabey have him say "A legion of troops await them" instead.



Based on someone aboves comments, i like the idea of a rebel ship crash n burn into the deathstars shields.





The second deathstar is supposed to be bigger than the first, maybe the explosion could be bigger too? (See the asteroid explode in Armageddon) can this be tinkered with to make it deathstar?



Thats my ROTJ input. Thanks for reading, good luck Adywan. The Force is already with you.

No...Thank you for writing. :D


Star Wars Episode XXX: Erica Strikes Back

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          If you want Nice, go to France


vaderios said:

I had this idea, expanding this shot showing a camera pan from up to down, showing the glory of the palace. Giving some scale and terror missing from that movie :)

(quick mockup to get the idea)


 This is AWESOME!!!!!


Quick Question:

When Luke arrives at the Palace? Morning of Afternoon?

If had always the feeling that it was morning.

For some reason i want to recreate the shot of mac quarrie painting and place it to ROTJ.




Ahhh Karateka... (helped me learn how to make gifa's - based off the apple IIe version)


Is there a consolidated list somewheres?  I am wondering if my "R2 D2 is on the stretcher, he's off the strecher, and now he's back on!" bit from the "Ewok/3PO is a god scene" ever got picked up.


"[George Lucas] rebooted the franchise in 1997 without telling anyone." -skyjedi2005

"Yeah, well, George says a lot of things..." a young 1997 xhonzi on RASSM

"They're my movies." -George Lucas. 19 people won oscars for their work on Star Wars (1977) and George Lucas wasn't one of them.

Rewrite the Prequels!



vaderios said:

Here the gif for your consideration :)

-Angel~3 Days left~

 AWESOME. If something like that could be pulled off, that would be a very solid addition to the opening.