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Info & Ideas: ESB and ROTJ Wishlist — Page 235


I liked the music in the last one!


Timstuff said:

There we go: Anakin with PT-style robes. I gotta say, it really does enhance the shot even further.

As for composites... I did some experiments with them, but ultimately they just looked too friggin' creepy for me to finish them. On top of that, I never liked the idea of implementing Hayden into ROTJ in the first place. Post-Sith Anakin is always going to be part of Sebastian Shaw's legacy, and I never liked the idea of stepping all over it just to tie the two trilogies together tighter. For two generations (the theatrical Warsies and the VHS Warsies) Shaw was the face of Anakin Skywalker, so I don't think that should be taken away from him.

 Geat work on the update!!

This is one of the changes in the OT that bothers me the most. It should be Sebastian Shaw. The reason being that Anakin is redeemed in the end.  

Anakin is redeemed for the love of his son and padme. His son is in peril so he turns on the emporer and fullfills his destiny to bring balance to the force. Not at age twenty something but at age forty something.

It is much more powerful that after all that evil "there is still good in him".





Palpy with his real colors. Also more focus to the face since it was way too dark..





Ripplin said:

Is he really that insanely wrinkly, though? (or did you go crazy with the sharpening again? heh heh) He looks like The Mummy! :p

The first indeed. The magenta kills the detail.

Normal sharpening :)

Mummy indeed you infidel







vaderios said:


Palpy with his real colors. Also more focus to the face since it was way too dark..



 I liked the ROTS make up better. it made him look more menacing, how a sith should be. besides, in ROTS Ian Mcdyrmind was happy to use is actual face and not a mask. You up to the challenge vaderios?

on the videos, ady said he wouldn't do any flashbacks, still its a neat idea. I wish there was a way to extend the range of planets at the end. i would've thought george would put kashyke in there.



New arm for vader.

Much more saber cuted and machine like anakin had or as we see in the electric charges through vader



I liked the ROTS make up better. it made him look more menacing, how a sith should be. besides, in ROTS Ian Mcdyrmind was happy to use is actual face and not a mask. You up to the challenge Angel?

But palps was always white in ROTJ.

In ROTS was several years younger.. :)

Looks like DEATH! :P





I just thought about a couple of things:

(1) maybe the arm stump could be modified further to show a metal "bone" coming out of the stump, ie. a mix of the Terminator endo-skeleton mixed with some other components (as opposed to just generic wiring at the end)

(2) I always had a problem with Vader taking a knee(l) when Luke is whacking at him - it always felt like Vader wasn't beaten down by Luke so much as David Prowse was told to just get down and let Mark/Luke whack away.  Maybe some editing magic could be used to take that brief scene out (Vader fights back, cut to Luke whacking away/ cut to Vader already down with Luke pummeling him/ then cuts arm off)


 “You people must realize that the public owns you for life, and when you’re dead, you’ll all be in commercials dancing with vacuum cleaners.”

– Homer Simpson


I have always felt that the bit where Luke is hacking away was a little OTT as well & that Vader really wasn't trying at all, if a couple of Luke's swipes were taken out would it make it look any better?

Bingowings said: Do you want to see the project finished as a playable film or a flick book?


BarBar Jinkx said:

I have always felt that the bit where Luke is hacking away was a little OTT as well & that Vader really wasn't trying at all, if a couple of Luke's swipes were taken out would it make it look any better?

Vader is at his end... He cant stand a fight with a growing powered Luke.

The only thing i could remove is the gesture of vader showing him give up...

Vader is vader... he never begs.. or give up.. the only thing i can imagine is choking luke to gain some space...


I guess something to make the lightning more interesting and less 80s?





I was referring to the part where Luke Lops of Vader's hand! 

Bingowings said: Do you want to see the project finished as a playable film or a flick book?


Those mockups look so much better, Angel. Why does ROTJ look so bad, anyway?


Those screencaps of the sabers are amazing, especially Luke's in the first one. It looks SOOOOO bad. Just shows how lazy and rushed LFL was to get those DVDs on the shelves. They couldn't even be bothered fixing George's preferred versions! :(

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Amazing mock-ups again Angel!!, especially Vader's arm that always annoyed me.




I think that you should keep some color in the Emperor's Throne Room. Not as blue as on the DVD's, but not totally black and white as in the pictures seen above.

That set does have a blue tinge to it. You can see it on VHS, laserdisc and still photographs taken from the set if you look for it.

Some panels are bluer than others. It has to do with light, also. If you instead of desaturating the entire set, do try to have different amounts of saturation on different parts of the set, you would get a much richer picture.


The mockups arn't black and white there, as we can see in the pic where Luke overpowers Vader. Theres blue in the control pannels, greens in vaders waist belt, and reds still present on the lights in the background. And The mono colouring shines up like a shiney new penny for the main part of the image (although its not really mono).

The sabers are a done deal for Adys edit anyway i would guess, but its great to see how much of a visual improvement they can make there.

Another well done about Vaders hand. But the treatment with the Empror doesnt quite stit right with me somehow, and i think thats what Darth Lars maybe focusing on more than anything else.

Needs to be more,


If you get my drift...

Man, that mime looks sooo gay there(EDIT:I'm bound to upset someone by saying that, so please step right up and slate me if i offended you, but i mean he looks so very very happy). Thats me BTW....


LOL up there :P

I got your point..

Never thought palps is an Emo pale skinned old lady?

Still the magenta tones are gone... we can talk about how bright can be her..his! face





Hang on Angel, still editing the original post.....

Not really magentas, more sort of covered/shaded/evil stuff. Using mono tones there obviously (*ROLLS EYES* i was using the the lowest form of whit in the last scentence then-both posts).

Doesnt mean im right either, just a personal point of viewing....


Monroville said:

I just thought about a couple of things:

(1) maybe the arm stump could be modified further to show a metal "bone" coming out of the stump, ie. a mix of the Terminator endo-skeleton mixed with some other components (as opposed to just generic wiring at the end)

(2) I always had a problem with Vader taking a knee(l) when Luke is whacking at him - it always felt like Vader wasn't beaten down by Luke so much as David Prowse was told to just get down and let Mark/Luke whack away.  Maybe some editing magic could be used to take that brief scene out (Vader fights back, cut to Luke whacking away/ cut to Vader already down with Luke pummeling him/ then cuts arm off)

 i think we need to take a closer look at the arm from episodes I and II to get a good idea of the arm.

with vader falling, i always assumed he tripped. i guess we could have luke wacking him with his fist.


Perhaps Palpatine's eyes could be explained by having some kind of liver damage so a jaundiced skin tone might work :

jaundiced Sith


I like the ROTJ makeup much better. ROTS' looked like a rush job.


His skin actually looks real in ROTJ. In ROTS, it looks like he's wearing a rubber mask and has 2 yellow pennies in his eyes.