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Info & Ideas: ESB and ROTJ Wishlist — Page 223


Put the animation on the Wishlist.  If you could figure out how to slow it down, my brain would appreciate it. ;-)

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


doubleofive said:

Put the animation on the Wishlist.  If you could figure out how to slow it down, my brain would appreciate it. ;-)

I'll add more frames to it :)

"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas

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I just posted this over on Ash's thread but it might fit here too.

One of the oft quoted problems with starting the film on Dagobah (as suggested by some variations of the Fan-O-Matic idea) is that we lose the traditional format of starting OT films with a Star Destroyer.

ESB doesn't start with a major Star Destroyer scene (we only get the probe droid being launched) it's then a long time before Vader gets his big entrance.

Perhaps it could start with a Star Destroyer launching construction droids at the building site and that being dwarfed by the enormous scale of the Death Star.

Then we could cut to Dagobah and back to Vader arriving without breaking the tradition.



Personally, I do not think STAR WARS has to be stuck on an opening scene involving Star Destroyers.  I find the first DS2 reveal to be redundant, as we get essentially another reveal when the Emperor arrives.  If JEDI starts on Dagobah or Tatooine, you naturally progress from the B story (rescuing Han) to the A story (second Death Star, finale with Empire and Rebellion).   Vader and the Emperor can be introduced at the same time during the Emp's arrival and you go from there...


 “You people must realize that the public owns you for life, and when you’re dead, you’ll all be in commercials dancing with vacuum cleaners.”

– Homer Simpson


Bingowings said:

I just posted this over on Ash's thread but it might fit here too.

One of the oft quoted problems with starting the film on Dagobah (as suggested by some variations of the Fan-O-Matic idea) is that we lose the traditional format of starting OT films with a Star Destroyer.


ESB doesn't start with a major Star Destroyer scene (we only get the probe droid being launched) it's then a long time before Vader gets his big entrance.

Perhaps it could start with a Star Destroyer launching construction droids at the building site and that being dwarfed by the enormous scale of the Death Star.

Then we could cut to Dagobah and back to Vader arriving without breaking the tradition.


Ominous, silent half completed Death Star II?  I kind of like that idea, going with the rearrangement, of course.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


The DS 2 is very redundant, so would adding a scene of it at the end somewhere in ESB make it less repetitive?  Mabey a scene on Coruscant with Palps looking up on it. :)


It sounds cool, but there is just no room for it, I know.




if the Empire are in such a hurry to get the weapon built would it be necessary for them to even bother building the classic sphere shape?

I was thinking something along the lines of http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Tarkin_(superweapon)

If the half built sphere is too iconic to lose something like this could be the basis of the surprise Death Star three idea (just to break with comparisons with ANH).


Bingo, I like this way of thinking. It's not just repeating things. Yes, it's another super weapon, but it at least looks different. I'm not even saying it looks good, but it's a start of possible new directions.


I still think it's silly to have this bigger and more powerful DS2 go around and just blow up one ship at a time. I would like something more along the lines of a wide range-type weapon, but with lasers. It could take out several ships at once.


EyeShotFirst said:

doubleofive said:

Put the animation on the Wishlist.  If you could figure out how to slow it down, my brain would appreciate it. ;-)

I'll add more frames to it :)

Ok Here is the new (much slower) one


It is a lot more choppy, but it isn't harsh on the eyes.

"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas

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I like your idea, not the actuall picture you posted, but the logic behind it. 


Another thing is mabey in ANH when Luke destroys the DS, have him blow up everything but the frame.   Leave the frame sitting and have the Empire build on to it from there.  It would get rid of the repetitive two Death Stars business. 

Just an idea, I thought I'd bring it up even though I am not so fond of it.


Oh, I'm leaving again until December 7, so Bingo, if you could keep the list straight while I'm gone, that'd be great.  Thanks guys!

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


i watched ROTJ last night and realized that the scene where the tie fighter crashes in to the star destroyers' bridge, is out of scale. a tie fighter is smaller then the bridge, about the size of an A-wing.

plus, that little itty-bitty explosion in the corner needs work.

also, when a tie crashes into the bridge and blows up not leaving a dent, why wasn't there a dent? i guess if sheilds were up, but still that explosion in the corner proves the sheilds are down.


rcb said:

i watched ROTJ last night and realized that the scene where the tie fighter crashes in to the star destroyers' bridge, is out of scale. a tie fighter is smaller then the bridge, about the size of an A-wing.

plus, that little itty-bitty explosion in the corner needs work.

also, when a tie crashes into the bridge and blows up not leaving a dent, why wasn't there a dent? i guess if sheilds were up, but still that explosion in the corner proves the sheilds are down.



I'm positive Ady will fix this.


I always figured it didn't actually hit the SD but just blew up in space


a laser blast could come from the SD if the wayward TIE is getting to close for comfort

Bingowings said: Do you want to see the project finished as a playable film or a flick book?


It might make sense if the TIE had a proximity triggered self destruct so if they got too close to their own ships during a battle they blew up (this would have to be switched off after a battle so they could land naturally).

It would keep the TIE crews on their toes.


Ghost said:

rcb said:

i watched ROTJ last night and realized that the scene where the tie fighter crashes in to the star destroyers' bridge, is out of scale. a tie fighter is smaller then the bridge, about the size of an A-wing.

plus, that little itty-bitty explosion in the corner needs work.

also, when a tie crashes into the bridge and blows up not leaving a dent, why wasn't there a dent? i guess if sheilds were up, but still that explosion in the corner proves the sheilds are down.



I'm positive Ady will fix this.

 i'm sure he will, just adding in something that needs fixing.


rcb, that Tie exploded in space. Did you not see that the Falcon shot it and then zoomed over the camera?

Watch it again. The Tie is in flames, a laser bolt comes from out of frame, then the falcon zooms overhead.

It was shot down.


shanerjedi said:

rcb, that Tie exploded in space. Did you not see that the Falcon shot it and then zoomed over the camera?

Watch it again. The Tie is in flames, a laser bolt comes from out of frame, then the falcon zooms overhead.

It was shot down.

 i see it now. good eyes. waste of a laser shot though, could've taken out the bridge.


Something like this would be cool for Dagobah or Endor.





I don't like that for Dagobah at all, but I do like it for Endor.


same here, daghobah doesn't remind me of waterfalls. daghobah is more of a swamp planet


I think that water on Endor, especially a waterful, would give the boring planet some life.  You guys are right about Dagobah.  It wouldn't fit.  Although, there could be waterfalls on Dagobah.