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Info & Ideas: ESB and ROTJ Wishlist — Page 213


skye1083 said:

For an intergalactic crime boss, Jabba's palace seems a little too understated.


That is a perfect way to put it. 


Excellent work as usual vaderios....I gave it a shot as well.

I pushed the palace back a bit, but kept your smoke stack idea. Overall I was going for less of a PT look. I like the idea of deep canyons.



alt. version....



I like that one better.  Nice.  The sky in the background really looks good.  The canyons give more life to the boring mood of the original to.


i like it, only thing is the smoke stack looks out of place for the entire scene. but the canyons and stuff  makes it look more like Jabba's palace would be in a much more secluded area.


You know what could be cool too, is if we actually didn't see much of anything, making Jabba's palace underground. (or at least more like the Lars homestead) Kinda like they made the underwater city in TPM, you get down there and it's this crazy extravagant, but decidedly seedy, place where the worst of the worst hang out.

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rcb said:

 only thing is the smoke stack looks out of place for the entire scene.

 I like the smoke stack considering there is a factory in the palace.


As far as adding in a smoke stack or two.........I could definitely see Jabba as the type of character to willfully crank out pollution into the Tattoine atmosphere.


Not only is he a vile gangster.....he's a jerk.



Ghost said:

I was talking about the original shot, not your. One side of the original is obviously a painting, then the other side is totally off color from the other and actual real footage.


No. The painting also has some elements on the left as well. So it fooled you.


DF Shadow said:

As far as adding in a smoke stack or two.........I could definitely see Jabba as the type of character to willfully crank out pollution into the Tattoine atmosphere.


Not only is he a vile gangster.....he's a jerk.


This would fit in with how the Hutts treated their own planet of Nal Hutta. Very polluted.



brash_stryker said:

DF Shadow said:

As far as adding in a smoke stack or two.........I could definitely see Jabba as the type of character to willfully crank out pollution into the Tattoine atmosphere.


Not only is he a vile gangster.....he's a jerk.


This would fit in with how the Hutts treated their own planet of Nal Hutta. Very polluted.


If you were a gangster bent on hiding from the authorities, wouldn't a smokestack belching noxious clouds be a little noticeable?

Heck, put a strung up droid like the one in the droid workshop on the path. Scare the crap out of 3PO.



skye1083 said:

 For an intergalactic crime boss, Jabba's palace seems a little too understated.

 But the palace is what tells us the most about Jabba. All we know about him is that he's a crime boss at least high enough up the totem pole to have a bounty on Solo's head, and Han doesn't necessarily seem like a big time operator. That's all we know prior to ROTJ's opening.

I don't see wher the argument that the palace is somehow innapropriate comes from, since 90% of what we learn about Jabba's character is from the palace he lives in.


TheBoost said:

skye1083 said:

 For an intergalactic crime boss, Jabba's palace seems a little too understated.

 But the palace is what tells us the most about Jabba. All we know about him is that he's a crime boss at least high enough up the totem pole to have a bounty on Solo's head, and Han doesn't necessarily seem like a big time operator. That's all we know prior to ROTJ's opening.

I don't see wher the argument that the palace is somehow innapropriate comes from, since 90% of what we learn about Jabba's character is from the palace he lives in.

Come on man. This is the perfect opportunity to add some more CG. Bay it up big time.


shanerjedi said:

If you were a gangster bent on hiding from the authorities, wouldn't a smokestack belching noxious clouds be a little noticeable?

Heck, put a strung up droid like the one in the droid workshop on the path. Scare the crap out of 3PO.

I doubt he's hiding in plain sight like that.  Everyone knows he's there.  Unless we can somehow make it known to the audience that its supposed to be secret...

Maybe not. ;-)

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doubleofive said:

shanerjedi said:

If you were a gangster bent on hiding from the authorities, wouldn't a smokestack belching noxious clouds be a little noticeable?

Heck, put a strung up droid like the one in the droid workshop on the path. Scare the crap out of 3PO.

I doubt he's hiding in plain sight like that.  Everyone knows he's there.  Unless we can somehow make it known to the audience that its supposed to be secret...

Maybe not. ;-)

That's plain sight? It's not like he's in Mos Eisley. His original palace is nondescript. That's what I like about it. Anything else just calls attention to itself.

I'm all for making the surroundings(esp on the left) more Tatooine-ish, and the area more secluded,but I like the palace.


by tatooine-ish, do you mean more of what it looked like in the PT or in ady's Episodoe IV revisited when R2's in the canyons?


rcb said:

by tatooine-ish, do you mean more of what it looked like in the PT or in ady's Episodoe IV revisited when R2's in the canyons?

Like Star Wars: Revisited. Tatooine in the PT looks too much like Geonosis and vice-versa.


I would say that Ady will make a beautiful background like he did in ANH R.


shanerjedi said:

rcb said:

by tatooine-ish, do you mean more of what it looked like in the PT or in ady's Episodoe IV revisited when R2's in the canyons?

Like Star Wars: Revisited. Tatooine in the PT looks too much like Geonosis and vice-versa.

That's why in the Radical Prequel Redux thread I suggested merging them.

Giving Anakin a reason to come home and try to save his mother and the slaves he dreamed of releasing as a boy.

Tatooine the nowhere place was already blown by ROTJ and TPM.

Look where all the major wars keep happening on this planet (political faultlines) Tatooine being just outside the Republic and a bit of a dump would be the ideal place for the Seperatists to stage an attack on the Republic.

Having armies of battle droids marching about would live long enough in the memories of Mos Eisley residents to have droids banned from Cantinas.

The Jawas would make a mint clearing the battlefield, the Sandpeople would be mighty miffed with all their sacred lands being polluted by offworlders shooting the place up and the Empire would later install a corrupt gangster/warlord like Jabba to keep the shadey elements under control.

Shifting the colours from red to yellow wouldn't be too hard.

Talk for another place but it might be made to work.


The Hutts don't have to hide on Tatooine. That's my thoughts.

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


Flippin great.

Spotting the flip shots of Star Wars is like the cinematic version of Where's Wally?.

At least it's a bit more subtle though the chances of the same bit of swamp looking exactly the same (only reverse) between the two movies seems a bit unlikely.

I've got an idea, why not put that scene on Tatooine (along with having two of any featured singular item it's my answer for everything)?


Bingowings said:

That's why in the Radical Prequel Redux thread I suggested merging them.

Giving Anakin a reason to come home and try to save his mother and the slaves he dreamed of releasing as a boy.

Tatooine the nowhere place was already blown by ROTJ and TPM.

Look where all the major wars keep happening on this planet (political faultlines) Tatooine being just outside the Republic and a bit of a dump would be the ideal place for the Seperatists to stage an attack on the Republic.

Having armies of battle droids marching about would live long enough in the memories of Mos Eisley residents to have droids banned from Cantinas.

The Jawas would make a mint clearing the battlefield, the Sandpeople would be mighty miffed with all their sacred lands being polluted by offworlders shooting the place up and the Empire would later install a corrupt gangster/warlord like Jabba to keep the shadey elements under control.

Shifting the colours from red to yellow wouldn't be too hard.

Talk for another place but it might be made to work.

Could it be that Ady already had this in mind when he put the battle droid on the Sandcrawler in ANH:R? Just a thought :)