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Info: Exclusive "Story of Star Wars" DVD from Wal Mart

Anyone know anyway to get this online or delivered to the UK?

The Sith Revealed - A Scrapbook
Episode III The Video Game - The Movie
24: The Missing Day
Star Wars - The Interactive Board Game DVD
Battlefront - Journal of the 501st
The Clones Revealed

email me for details daveytod AT btinternet DOT com


Originally posted by: daveytod
Anyone know anyway to get this online or delivered to the UK?

Sorry, by "get" I mean order from wal-mart or purchase online. "Get" sounds like I meant downloading

The Sith Revealed - A Scrapbook
Episode III The Video Game - The Movie
24: The Missing Day
Star Wars - The Interactive Board Game DVD
Battlefront - Journal of the 501st
The Clones Revealed

email me for details daveytod AT btinternet DOT com


sorry fot the double thread. I hope to buy it on ebay, since I live in France
Hope there's some actual substance to it. I ususally end up buying my DVD's at a local store here in Nebraska that always has new releases for $10-$12 max. But if this ends up being worth the extra dough, I will grab it. The Wal Mart bonus DVD's are usually actually pretty nice compared to the crap that Best Buy offers. The most you usually get with Best Buy is an extra featurette or maybe a deleted scene or EPK. Hope this pans out to be something special.


A long time ago in the faraway galaxy...

Star War: The Third Gathers
Backstroke Of The West

As much as I loathe the human zoo that is called Wal Mart, I may have to pick this up. Apparently there is about an hour of extra material, something about a chronicle of Luke and Anakin, probably narrated by 3PO.
It had better be Threepio translating Artoo's memories of Anakin or else we have another continuity error!

Where were you in '77?

Originally posted by: digitalfreaknyc
I will be getting it for anyone that wants a copy.

Originally posted by: digitalfreaknyc
I will be getting it for anyone that wants a copy.

I would very much like to take advantage of this If I could...Could you PM me about how to do it please ?

Originally posted by: Loboix
Originally posted by: digitalfreaknyc
I will be getting it for anyone that wants a copy.

I would very much like to take advantage of this If I could...Could you PM me about how to do it please ?

I'm sure babyhum and i will end up torrenting a copy. never fear.
Originally posted by: digitalfreaknyc
Originally posted by: Loboix
Originally posted by: digitalfreaknyc
I will be getting it for anyone that wants a copy.

I would very much like to take advantage of this If I could...Could you PM me about how to do it please ?

I'm sure babyhum and i will end up torrenting a copy. never fear.

Oh, hehe. I was actually hoping for an original Never mind...I´ll see if I can get someone in the States to pick it up for me
Considering you were responding to my post for a copy, it will be exactly the same, content-wise.
I just picked this up today, and I'm sorry to report it's a serious joke. The disc contains two 3PO narrated recaps, one of Ep 4-6 that focuses on Luke's parts and a recap of Eps I & II, focusing on Anakin's parts. The special doesn't even have any footage from ROTS, and there is NOTHING new whatsoever contained in it. This is a new low by LFL, as far as I'm concerned. Packaging a cheap clip show with a horrible looking background set and marketing it as bonus material is vile. I feel like a sucker just for purchasing it-I had a feeling nothing good could come of shopping at the human zoo known as Wal Mart. If anyone wants this for some reason, I will sell it for what I paid for it (about $6 extra).
This was revealed to be pretty lame well before it came out, and apparently just some TV specials thrown on a DVD.

Although, you could probably pawn it off on a SW completist on ebay who doesn't live near a Wal-Mart.
We don't have enough road to get up to 88.
I'm not exactly sure why we have so many threads for one topic OR why this is in this forum but I digress...

I was thinking about torrenting this for those who don't live in the US or don't live near a wal-mart.
Maybe it would be best to OFFER up selling/trading REAL copies (not DVDr or uploads) of the OFFICIAL DVD's for fans that cannot get them, at least until they are NLA at Wal-Mart - anything like uploading them while you can still buy them is really SHADY and I would not recommend uploading it to myspleen or any torrent site at this time.

SO, for those OUTSIDE the USA - please contact me and I will go to a REAL Wal-Mart and buy you a copy of the REAL DVD's

Star Wars Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith ( Walmart Exclusive With Bonus DVD) (Widescreen) - Check out this link for the DVD's - They do cost $19.96 retail and $10 GLOBAL PRIORITY shipping in a FLAT RATE envelope (+ any paypal fees - like $.70 cents or something) as this will hold the two disc set best and be shipped with the fastest shipping.


So, if you need a copy of the real deal please email me at my addy below and I'll get a copy of them for ya while they last

Word to the Spookies...


“My skill are no longer as Mad as the once were” RiK

Well, it's cheesey and my two year old loves it, so that's good. He's always like C-3PO and R2-D2 best, so he is able to watch it a little more closely than the actual movies.

Anyways, I thought the real value was that it had 1997 SE footage in DVD quality. I know it's 4x3, but the images that you actually need to grab (i.e. original emperor, original Anakin, etc..) should be fully located in the 4x3 slice. Also, a crisp stereo version of the altered emperor speech. Maybe that's not such a big deal, since so many of you have access to the Laserdiscs... but anyways...

What other scenes can be ripped from the footage in this?


EDIT: (I of course, meant 1997 SE's)


"[George Lucas] rebooted the franchise in 1997 without telling anyone." -skyjedi2005

"Yeah, well, George says a lot of things..." a young 1997 xhonzi on RASSM

"They're my movies." -George Lucas. 19 people won oscars for their work on Star Wars (1977) and George Lucas wasn't one of them.

Rewrite the Prequels!


There's one born every minute.

A long time ago in the faraway galaxy...

Star War: The Third Gathers
Backstroke Of The West

I went to Wal-Mart specifically for the Bonus Disc and after I watched it I was so ticked off that I immediately put it up for sale on eBay. Someone bid $14.50 on it so I actually got more out of it than I paid. That's the last time I'll go to Wally World for a so-called "exclusive" DVD because it's obvious that whatever they offer will just turn out to be crap anyway.
Originally posted by: BMadden
I went to Wal-Mart specifically for the Bonus Disc and after I watched it I was so ticked off that I immediately put it up for sale on eBay. Someone bid $14.50 on it so I actually got more out of it than I paid. That's the last time I'll go to Wally World for a so-called "exclusive" DVD because it's obvious that whatever they offer will just turn out to be crap anyway.

- Yep, leave it to LUCASFILM to let us down AGAIN

“My skill are no longer as Mad as the once were” RiK