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Okay, I got a question:
What exactly is the "resolution" of the final masters for AOTC and ROTS? I'm not talking about the HD "camera negatives" but the actual resolution of the final masters. I'm wondering because the Lowry guys were very specific back in 2004 about how they were working on the OT-SE at 1080p, which means the SE is now "stuck" at that resolution. TPM was shot on film just like the OT, but just about every shot went through the computer at what couldn't be more than 2K (The final master was on film anyway since DI was a brand new thing at the time; Lowry will likely restore it at 1080p for the "ultimate edition" just like they did for the '04 OT set). AOTC was shot on a bleeding edge camera with a vertical resolution of 1080 (I'm not sure if the horizontal was a full 1920 though). ROTS had a better camera, with full 1920 by 1080. A funny thing about the "one complete saga" idea is that we go from a scope lens in TPM, to spherical in AOTC and ROTS, only to go back to scope for the OT. I wish Lucas had shot AOTC and ROTS with scope lenses, if only to keep a visual continuity with the anamorphic lens distortion of TPM and the OT.
In case you're wondering, yes, some movie actually did just that (digital cinematography with a cinemascope lens). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CineAlta read the second paragraph of the "History and use in motion pictures" section.
I guess I'm specifically wondering what the highest resolutions that the PT was worked on were. We know that AOTC and ROTS were projected digitally at 2K, but does that mean the fx were actually done at that rez or was that simply a slight upscaling for the digital projection? My guess would be the latter. I saw ROTS in digital and it wasn't anything all that amazing in terms of resolution, even back in '05. So I'm guessing whenever Lucas finally finishes the 3D conversion of the films, TPM and the OT will simply be upscaled to 2K in projection just like AOTC and ROTS.