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Indy Blu-rays announced — Page 2


Darn it- just found out it will be a digital projection.


"All efforts are made to screen films in 35mm whenever possible; however, distributors are increasingly
switching to digital-only distribution, so some of the 35mm presentations on the Series may be patrons’
last chance to see them in the older format.
Digital presentations for 2012 include...Indiana
Jones and the Temple of Doom..."

Episode II: Shroud of the Dark Side

Emperor Jar-Jar
“Back when we made Star Wars, we just couldn’t make Palpatine as evil as we intended. Now, thanks to the miracles of technology, it is finally possible. Finally, I’ve created the movies that I originally imagined.” -George Lucas on the 2007 Extra Extra Special HD-DVD Edition


Trooperman: You may be in luck, most 35mm prints of TOD are very "used" looking if you know what I mean. A digital presentation may come from a studio master, and in almost all cases are better than vintage prints. Although I know it's cool just to say you've seen a certain film on film...

I would love to see the new restored prints of ROTLA. I've seen the film on 35mm a few times, but all prints are going pink and the ones I've watched have some rough spots in them too.


I saw Raiders and Temple of Doom about two years ago on 35mm in Los Angeles. The Raiders print looked pretty beat up sometimes, but Temple looked great. I was wiped out, or I would've stayed for Last Crusade too...

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


Apparently the list of features.

Google translated source:

On Set with Raiders of the Lost Ark:

  • From Jungle to Desert From Jungle to Desert
  • From Adventure to Legend From Adventure to Legend

- Making The Films: - Making the film:

  • The Making of Raiders of the Lost Ark The Making of Raiders of the Lost Ark
  • The Making of Raiders of the Lost Ark The Making of Raiders of the Lost Ark
  • The Making of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom The Making of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
  • The Making of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade The Making of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
  • The Making of Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull The Making of Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

- Behind The Scenes: - Behind the Scenes:

  • The Stunts of Indiana Jones The Stunts of Indiana Jones
  • The Sound of Indiana Jones The Sound of Indiana Jones
  • The Music of Indiana Jones The Music of Indiana Jones
  • The Light and Magic of Indiana Jones The Light and Magic of Indiana Jones

- Raiders: - Raiders:

  • The Melting Face! The Melting Face!
  • The Creepy Crawlies (optional pop-ups) The Creepy Crawlies (optional pop-ups)

- Travel with Indiana Jones: - Travel with Indiana Jones

  • Locations (optional pop-ups) Locations (optional pop-ups)

- Indy's Women: - Indy's Women:

  • The American Film Institute Tribute The American Film Institute Tribute

- Indy's Friends and Enemies - Indy's Friends and Enemies
- Iconic Props - Iconic Props
- The Effects of Indy - The Effects of Indy
- Adventures in Post Production - Adventures in Post Production


And updated with run times:


  • Adventures Of Post-Production (12:43 minutes)
  •  Iconic Props (9:58)
  •  Indie's Friends and Enemies (10:09 minutes)
  •  Indie's Women (9:20 minutes)
  •  The Effects Of Indy (22:40 minutes)
  •  The Light and Magic of Indiana Jones (12:19 minutes)
  •  The Making Of Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade (2003) (35:00 minutes)
  •  The Making Of Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom (2003) (41:06 minutes)
  •  The making of Raiders of the Lost Ark (2003) (50:48 minutes)
  • The Melting Face! (8:12 minutes)
  •  The Music of Indiana Jones (12:20 minutes)
  •  The Sounds Of Indiana Jones (13:17 minutes)
  •  The Stunts Of Indiana Jones (10:53 minutes)
  •  Vintage: The Making of Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) (58:08 minutes)


I thought if anyone knew of any missing documentaries it would be you guys.

"Well here's a big bag of rock salt" - Patton Oswalt


I don't see "Great Movie Stunts", or "Great Adventurers and their Quests". Both vintage docs were released on VHS and LD.

Doesn't look like "The Making of Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom", is there either. It only aired once or twice on PBS back in 1984, and never saw a home video release.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


zombie84 said:

Trooperman: You may be in luck, most 35mm prints of TOD are very "used" looking if you know what I mean. A digital presentation may come from a studio master, and in almost all cases are better than vintage prints. Although I know it's cool just to say you've seen a certain film on film...

I would love to see the new restored prints of ROTLA. I've seen the film on 35mm a few times, but all prints are going pink and the ones I've watched have some rough spots in them too.

Basically, imagine the supersaturated look of the first teaser trailer of Raiders lasting for the entire film, and you begin to get the idea of what the restoration looks like. It is insanely bright, except for the opening in the jungle, and even then the sky is so bright that the while lettering of the opening titles blends in the with the sky. Sharpness is also insanely high, seeming possibly tweaked along with the contrast levels.

I saw it in 35mm and other than a few very awkwardly placed reel changes, it seemed fine-though not exactly like the film was shot to my eyes. I also noticed some faint lines that seemed to be attempts to digitally erase damage done to the negative during the Tanis dig sequences.

I'm thinking that some of this stuff I was noticing may be seeing slightly past the 4K workflow due to being printed to 35. The print was brand new and it was all source artifacts and not print damage.

georgec said:

I know I read a review somewhere about an HD showing of the trilogy earlier this year. Someone perhaps at AICN reported the movies were intact (truck going off cliff reverted to original shot in Raiders). The only change was the snake reflection was still scrubbed out, and that's such a small change (probably for the better).

The snake reflection is indeed still gone, just as the rod removed for the boulder has been confirmed as gone. (I always miss spotting it though.) Makes me wonder why they copied these moves done at the time of the Lowry DVD cleanup for a supposed archival restoration.

Audio is the same 5.1 mix, which doesn't seem to have had any changes made. I think the audio I heard was run in Dolby Digital right off the print, and it was completely underwhelming. Think like you have the DVD turned way down so that the surrounds are hardly ever on. The Blu audio will likely be a DTS-HDMA version of the same track.

Silver, I am not surprised on the vintage docs not being included. They reveal too much truths and are typically too honest. Plus no one like to take 5 minutes and go through the vaults properly. ;)

VADER!? WHERE THE HELL IS MY MOCHA LATTE? -Palpy on a very bad day.
“George didn’t think there was any future in dead Han toys.”-Harrison Ford
YT channel:


Indy Zippo


They caught me with this zippo in the Box. :)


I really like the movies, and I have some audio issues with the german DVD Box, I think the Audio in the german box is a tune to low. I hope the BDs have a better german audio track, wich sounds like I happen to know them...

"I kill Gandalf." - Igor, Dork Tower


captainsolo said:

"just as the rod removed for the boulder has been confirmed as gone."

Thank you for finally illuminating for me just what was done to that shot!

Heck, I only just saw a youtube comparison of the snake pit reflection a few months ago, and that was after hearing about it for all these years!

I've just spent the last several minutes searching google for a visual comparison - in any form - of the digital alterations made to the boulder shot, but I haven't been able to find anything.

Could someone help me out????




New info on the impending release. Raiders has that new color timing, which I'm not sold on, but TOD and LC are supposedly also from 4K scans. (Isn't this the Lowry scan? They look identical.) LC has some artifacting etc. on screencaps over at caps a holic, but otherwise everything seems ok. (At least nothing as in what's going on about the Hitchcock set.) I'm just not enthused about the new Raiders audio.

The bass and surrounds have been redone to meet modern standards, but to me the sonic identity of the original mix is a part of the film's identity. I hope it isn't lost with new stereo surrounds being done (Didn't Jambe's Raiding confirm that the film was originally mixed for stereo surrounds?) What would have been really interesting would have been to actually incorporate the 70mm mix and find some way to incorporate that baby boom experience. (Actually, would this be possible with the LFE cable being split to two subwoofers playing the same content?)

The new 35mm print sounded terribly dull.

But if they redid the work, went to the original negative, and changed nothing-WHY PAY SOMEONE TO REMOVE THE SNAKE REFLECTION?

VADER!? WHERE THE HELL IS MY MOCHA LATTE? -Palpy on a very bad day.
“George didn’t think there was any future in dead Han toys.”-Harrison Ford
YT channel:


kenkraly? IN MY HOME THEATER FORUM? Madness!

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


captainsolo said:



New info on the impending release. Raiders has that new color timing, which I'm not sold on, but TOD and LC are supposedly also from 4K scans. (Isn't this the Lowry scan? They look identical.) LC has some artifacting etc. on screencaps over at caps a holic, but otherwise everything seems ok. (At least nothing as in what's going on about the Hitchcock set.) I'm just not enthused about the new Raiders audio.

The bass and surrounds have been redone to meet modern standards, but to me the sonic identity of the original mix is a part of the film's identity. I hope it isn't lost with new stereo surrounds being done (Didn't Jambe's Raiding confirm that the film was originally mixed for stereo surrounds?) What would have been really interesting would have been to actually incorporate the 70mm mix and find some way to incorporate that baby boom experience. (Actually, would this be possible with the LFE cable being split to two subwoofers playing the same content?)

The new 35mm print sounded terribly dull.

But if they redid the work, went to the original negative, and changed nothing-WHY PAY SOMEONE TO REMOVE THE SNAKE REFLECTION?

So Raiders is gonna suck. Great.

I love everybody. Lets all smoke some reefer and chill. Hug and kisses for everybody.


bkev said:

kenkraly? IN MY HOME THEATER FORUM? Madness!

He's everywhere.


Raiders looks like it's been given that orange/yellow glow to match KOTCS.

“Grow up. These are my Disney's movies, not yours.”


Kenkraly said:

Paul_Scott I think your over re acting about the new transfers way too much and the set is not even out yet. Like I said before directors change the look of their catalog films when they come out on Blu-Ray it's nothing new get use to it.

You know, I thought Captainsolo was just... well, being Captainsolo (:P)... until I saws those comparison frames. That is a rather significant change in the color timing. Guess I'll be sticking to HDTV rips then. It's not quite as pleasing to the eye if you ask me.

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


Being Captainsolo is a state of mind...;)

What we don't really know is how this corresponds to the original negative, but I'm fairly certain that it wasn't quite like this. Spielberg has even admitted to tweaking the opening sequence.

In 35mm this looked like a different film at times, and was insanely bright. The new transfer often resembles that over saturated teaser trailer. The sound stank.

It's not awful or anything by any means, but it isn't quite the original is it?

VADER!? WHERE THE HELL IS MY MOCHA LATTE? -Palpy on a very bad day.
“George didn’t think there was any future in dead Han toys.”-Harrison Ford
YT channel:


So did they do a third transfer of raiders because the japan hdtv broadcast which i assumed was from the 4k restore had the theatrical colors.

Damn now i will have to track that down and it has burned in subtitles.

I am talking about the transfer that made Lowry's look like a joke.


As far as i am aware none of the Lucasfilms Lowry worked on was at a higher resolution than HD 1080P.

Raiders appears to be the first Lucasfilm scanned at 4k or higher.

I am sure George could have just dumped the existing transfers to BD like star wars, but Steven knew better.


In a perfect world we would also see a 4k or higher scan of star wars '77 and an imax release of that without any of the cgi redoes or bad 3D.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.


I'm really starting to hate all the color changes for HD releases. Multiple versions of films. Difficult to be 100% sure of what's most true to original presentation.


“Grow up. These are my Disney's movies, not yours.”


I will say that we could very well be wrong about this if only because of this shot:
The one on the left, which is in fact from the blu, matches my recollection of the 35mm print I saw 2-3 years ago better than the DVD cap. Maybe the rest of it is just down to aesthetic tastes? I don't know. I think I'm going to retract my statement about not buying it though.

I'll wait until I see this restoration on the big screen this weekend to make a verdict on if it's worth a purchase. If the colors turn out that unappealing, I can probably adjust my TV to my liking.

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


It's always looked more golden/warm theatrically than the modern laserdisc and DVD look. Dunno if this much difference was always there, but it doesn't look crazy wrong to me.


hopefully it won't look like fucking garbage like the theatrical imax release did
