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Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: Unholy Edition (Released) — Page 3


Hi all any chance of some advice with rapidshare?

 I've downloaded all parts except numbers 2 an 16 which will just not work.  I always get the "you're IP address is already downloading a file" error. I can still download any other files ok.

I even tried it at my brothers house who has a different service provider and IP (obviously).

Any chance of putting these two files on another site? Or are the links just broken?

Thanks to anyone in advance.


I just tried the links and they work fine for me.  I suggest clearing all your cookies, and temp folders, and trying again.  what internet browser are you using? might want to try another too.

ThrowgnCpr’s edits on Fanedit.org


Hi and thanks for the reply.  Yeah I tried all that, used firefox and internet explorer, both on my system plus a totally different system in another house with another isp.  Those two links still will not work, all others are fine though.  Its just plain weird.

Thanks again anyway.  Will just have to miss-out on this one.


NO! You need to watch Excalibur, King Arthur and Monty Python and the Holy Grail before you made this edit!

Yes I am being sarcastic you fucking wanker.


So another LUCASH apologist attacks infodroid.  Man if you don't like his edit and enjoy the original movie don't watch it, and don't post in his thread just to start a flame war.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.

MTHaslett said:

Reading my posts, I hope I was civil. I think it's good to hear more about where you're coming from to better understand your review, Negative1. Thanks.

I am definitely of the opinion that the first movies (Star Wars and ROTLA) got it right. Period. And anything that comes along later and contradicts it is sub-par work. Even as much as I enjoy Empire Strikes Back, I can't give it my whole heart because it fundamentally contradicts Star Wars (plus it doesn't even end). So I am an eager fan-edit devotee when someone comes along with my bias.


The unholy edition of TLC is definitely for fans of ROTLA who want more of that flavor.


But Empire didn't contradict Star Wars, it elaborated on it. A big part of Star Wars was the dedication and faith Luke needed to win against the Empire. It wasn't until the end when he turned off his computer and used his heart and instincts that he won. Empire was the logical continuation -- it was a way of saying: "Ok, you're on the right path, but you're going to need to go much farther and make a lot more sacrifices before things REALLY change." So all the plot threads from the first continue on their unavoidable course -- Han is caught, the Empire, ya know, strikes back, etc. Luke continues his training to become the man he set out to be in the first one ("I want to learn the ways of the force and become a Jedi knight like my father"). It's absolutely an extension of the first one, and not a contradiction.


Empire didn't contradict Star Wars?  What fan edit are you watching?


The opening crawl establishes by way of an omniscient narrator that destroying the Death Star will restore freedom to the Galaxy... except Empire proves that was a lie. 


Luke's father was a great Jedi and cunning warrior who was betrayed and murdered by Obi Wan's apprentice Darth Vader... except Empire proves that Obi Wan is a liar and Luke's father is Darth Vader.


Thus begins the path down which even the sub-title "The Adventures of Luke Skywalker" is proven to be a lie since Star Wars was really only Episode IV in the fall and rise Anakin Skywalker.


There is nothing about Empire that is "unavoidable" from what came in Star Wars.  In order to be true to what was in Star Wars, most of Empire would be impossible.  Only by retroactively undoing things and making Obi Wan into a liar is Empire possible. 

And even as great as Empire is, it doesn't END-- but that's another issue.


I knew I should've taken up bowling...or golf or something....


Why this as my hobby??? 






I can PIF to the next 3 people who PM me.....


Forgive me-- not only has ID danced this dance with me before, but he is currently burned out on a certain Lucas controlled space opera.


Last Crusade Unholy Edition Rocks!


Thanks, Ripplin!  Thanks, Stossmo!  And thanks MTH!  :)



Ripplin said:

Stossmo is a good guy. He sent me the Purist Edition of ANH:R. :)


aw shucks, thanks man.



Hey guys!

I just downloaded InfoDroid's Unholy edit off fanedit.org, but the files aren't unpacking properly. When WinRAR or 7-Zip gets to VTS_01_1.VOB, I get a CRC error that the password is wrong.

I tried "Keep broken files" and that didn't work either.

Any help here?

asterisk8 said:

Hey guys!

I just downloaded InfoDroid's Unholy edit off fanedit.org, but the files aren't unpacking properly. When WinRAR or 7-Zip gets to VTS_01_1.VOB, I get a CRC error that the password is wrong.

I tried "Keep broken files" and that didn't work either.

Any help here?

One of your files is probably corrupt (or multiple).  I uploaded these, the files are fine.  I've uploaded an md5 checksum file.  Use that (with a program like hkSFV) to check your rar files.  It will tell you which one(s) are corrupt.


ThrowgnCpr’s edits on Fanedit.org


Thank you ThrowgnCpr and Ripplin. That's exactly what the problem was. Redownloaded part3, and it unpacked perfectly. About to watch it now!


Hey guys just bumping this thread. Anyone able to help get hold of this edit please?


Is there still a way I can watch this? It sounds good. I read about it on the IFDB.


I like the way you cut down lot of fluff on an already great movie. Please send me link if possible. Thank you.


hello this sounds interesting, does anyone know how I could get a link?