- Time
- (Edited)
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All in all pretty pleased with this movie, but the intro (which is great) had some things that really stood out for me at least. I have made a re-edit of the intro if anyone is interested in adding to their own copy. The edits that I think really make this thing pretty solid, are as follows:
• Traditional Paramount peak/logo transition added as the intro into a shot from the film and then that small shot not used later as to not duplicate. This was a big one for me, since all Indy films should start this way with that peak blending into some point, mountain tower (whatever). It’s the James Bond gun barrel of the franchise in my opinion. When I saw the Lucasfilm logo attempt to fade to black and then a padlock In the theater, I thought it was a trailer to another movie (was that noticeable for me at least). The padlock is still their of course, we just need a real Indy intro to make it feel authentic.
• Removed the “tick…tick…tick” in the beginning" that did not make any sense and replaced with just fade in bombs and explosions’ in the distance. A good friend pointed out this is probably an artistic way to show passing of time or a “time theme” like he is dreaming it all or something ( does appear to be the same ticking from the clock in New York Bedroom)…but it still feel it is out of place as we don’t get that in intros in other Indy films (intros are all flashbacks that are not a dream or are happening in real-time. (It’s a small edit but fits the mold).
• “1944, France” title added in to be consistent with every other Indy intro that has the date and location. I also added in “New York, 1969”, since the intro moves to this time and it was done for Crusade when “Intro” jumps. The exclusion of these titles were a another big deal for me. We should not have to listen to bonus features to find out the dates. It was such a simple edit that I can not believe got missed. I downloaded the actual font from Raiders that someone had online to use as well for this.
• Fixed audio sync issues on first shot of Indy and old Harrison voice in some spots so it’s not an 80 year old voice with a ~45 year old Indy. While I did have to do some syncing, the Voice AI credit on 4 lines has to go to a Youtuber “Jason S” who did the voice fix, to which I could not do better even using 11labs(not sure what he used). This really helps I feel. Rest of Indy is fine though - almost like Ford got better at “raising his voice to a higher register” in the shots other than the intro.
-Fixed Indy’s mouth not moving in some spots at the very end of Indy “Come on Baz” “Let’s Go”. It’s very subtle thing but if you look at the original on a decent size screen, his mouth does not move when talking at the end, so tried to at least fix some of it.
• If you have the latest edits of my Indy series they have been edited so the “Lucusfilm LTD etc”) all happen at the same time. This was the case for all films (even Dial) but Temple of doom was off by a few seconds. I have made it all consistent. This shows how much they really wanted these film to be consistent even down to the timing and why I think having the start of these film follow the pattern is so important. Hat’s off to the editors of the original films trying to keep this all consistent. Probably no one else noticed this one though 😃
PM if you want a link to check out the dial intro.