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Indiana Jones 4 — Page 4

I always assumed you had to stay there and continue to drink to prolong your life. The Grail can't pass the seal. So if you want immortal life, you have to stay with it. That is the price of immortality.

The brothers walked out of the desert 150 years later or whatever, I think it's safe to assume they'd all stayed behind ... probably building the temple, setting up the booby traps, etc. Rome wasn't built in a day, ya know.

So Indy (and his Dad, for that matter) had one swig from the cup. That probably revitalized him and kept him from aging a day. That's all. Had they stayed behind the seal yet never drank from the cup again, they'd probably have no extension to their life span. Like most fountains of youth in literature, immortality is a double-edged sword -- granted only to those who slavishly drink from it for all eternity, addicted to it, knowing that abandoning it will mean certain death.

Just my interpretation.
I am fluent in over six million forms of procrastination.
From MTV.Com:

Harrison Ford's not getting any younger (and Karen Allen's not getting any more relevant), so fans can't help but wonder: When, exactly, are we going to see the long-promised fourth Indiana Jones movie? "We just keep working on it," shrugged series writer/producer George Lucas. "You know, we just write and write and write and write and write. But we are getting closer, and hopefully this year we will have a start date and we will have a script that we all love and hopefully it will come out next year." Lucas added that Jeff Nathanson ("Catch Me if You Can") is the newest addition to a pile of screenwriters bigger than the Cairo swordsman's weapon of choice. Ford has said that he will reprise his whip-wielding adventurer role for the first time since 1989's "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade," and Steven Spielberg is making plans to direct. ...

Story here.
I think we should ban/boycott Indy 4.
I'd like a qui-gon jinn please with an Obi-Wan to go.

Red heads ROCK. Blondes do not rock. Nuff said.

From IMDb...

Sideways star Virginia Madsen so impressed co-star Harrison Ford in new thriller Firewall, she's now the frontrunner to play his love interest in the fourth Indiana Jones adventure. Madsen plays Ford's wife in the new movie and admits they both found an unusual chemistry on set - after the ageing action man handpicked her for the role. And now Madsen is a clear favorite to play the leading lady in Indiana Jones 4. Ford tells movieline.net, "She was an absolute delight - professional, very talented and simply, very sweet. She also took what could have been a fairly one-dimensional damsel in distress role and added so many layers to it - there isn't many who could do that. I'd work with her again in a heartbeat. I'm actually hoping she'll come over for Indiana Jones. We've talked about it."
"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia'."
--Vizzini (Wallace Shawn), The Princess Bride
Kevin A
Webmaster/Primary Cynic
Maybe he'll fall for her in real life and get rid of that god-awful Calista Flockhart. Sheesh. Might as well have married an anorexic duck!
I don't belive Indy 4 will ever see the light of day. It would be the greatest comeback fo a film from a pre-production limbo ever. Not gonna happen.
“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” — Nazi Reich Marshal Hermann Goering
Ain't gonna happen. The script is still on Lucas desk with his doodles of him swimming in a pool of money all over the front cover.
"I am altering the movies. Pray I don't alter them any further." -Darth Lucas
Originally posted by: greencapt
Maybe he'll fall for her in real life and get rid of that god-awful Calista Flockhart. Sheesh. Might as well have married an anorexic duck!

I thought she was an anorexic duck.
"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia'."
--Vizzini (Wallace Shawn), The Princess Bride
Kevin A
Webmaster/Primary Cynic
quack quack! "No time for l'orange, Dr. Jones!"
Originally posted by: greencapt
quack quack! "No time for l'orange, Dr. Jones!"

Ford could do a lot better than her.
I'd like a qui-gon jinn please with an Obi-Wan to go.

Red heads ROCK. Blondes do not rock. Nuff said.

Indy should get back together with Marion in Indy 4. A perfect way to end the series, IMHO.
I kinda like the idea of Virginia Madsen. I had a huge crush on her while in high school.
"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia'."
--Vizzini (Wallace Shawn), The Princess Bride
Kevin A
Webmaster/Primary Cynic
Virgina Madsen has been smokin' in every film she's been in, regardless of quality.

Princess Leia: I happen to like nice men.
Han Solo: I'm a nice man.

...and she's got great cans. While I'm on the "never gonna happen" bandwagon, one thing in particular that is bothering me (along with the usual qualms) is that Kaminski is on board to be the DP. Don't get me wrong, the guy does great work, but I just don't see his style working well with this movie. I find his work harder and harder to watch with each movie, so it goes without saying that Indy 4 would look nothing like originals from a film stock standpoint. Not to mention, if they film anything in a desert, all you'll see is a big white blur on screen.
40,000 million notches away
Originally posted by: ricarleite
I don't belive Indy 4 will ever see the light of day. It would be the greatest comeback fo a film from a pre-production limbo ever. Not gonna happen.

I may get skewered for this, but I hope it DOESN'T happen. It's highly likely it will be terrible and not meet anyone's expectations. Better to leave the franchise alone, so we can remember a time when movies used to be well made, with actual effort put into them, instead of recycled schlock with bad CGI.
And if it came out, that'd mean another box-set, and I quite like the one I have TYVM
I don't hold out high hopes for it, since I thought most of Last Crusade was flogging a dead horse. But what do I know?

Princess Leia: I happen to like nice men.
Han Solo: I'm a nice man.

Originally posted by: TR47
Originally posted by: ricarleite
I don't belive Indy 4 will ever see the light of day. It would be the greatest comeback fo a film from a pre-production limbo ever. Not gonna happen.

I may get skewered for this, but I hope it DOESN'T happen. It's highly likely it will be terrible and not meet anyone's expectations. Better to leave the franchise alone, so we can remember a time when movies used to be well made, with actual effort put into them, instead of recycled schlock with bad CGI.

You don't know that. But.. it is better that you have low expectations so that you may enjoy it more that way.
I hate having to lower my expectations, unless there's good reason to do so.

Princess Leia: I happen to like nice men.
Han Solo: I'm a nice man.

Well Gundark look at it this way. You end up happier when you lower your expectations. On all films you look forward to, you always risk being disappointed by the outcome. However, if you go into every film with low expectations, you are more likely to enjoy that particular film more.
I've figured it out! I've figured it out! I now know why Adam liked the prequels so much! He has low standards!
You are correct, sybeman. I have very low standards. THAT is why I am able to enjoy things so much. When I first saw TPM, I had no standards. Therefore I enjoyed it much more.