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Indiana Jones 4 — Page 3

Have any of you read any of Carrie Fisher's books? I've only read bits and pieces, and man she is friggin' hysterical!


Originally posted by: Adamwankenobi
Why would anyone go see a sequel before the original in the first place?

I don't know Adam. Why would anyone watch Star Wars episodes 1, 2 and 3, before they see ANH, ESB, and ROTJ.

Originally posted by: Adamwankenobi
Once again, no big deal. Even if it is bad, it will be cool to see the characters again.

No it won't. It would be like a 20 year high school reunion where you find out that your good friends whom you haven't seen since you graduated have all had their lives go down the toilet. Mary is 300 pounds over weight, Sarah is working as a short order cook at a dirty truck stop. Melissa has been divorced 3 times. Josh is addicted to meth, Jason lost his leg in a drag race, and your old math buddy Nicole is on welfare with her 5 fatherless children (all with different fathers.)

You telling me it was "good to see them again?" Hell no. I would rather retain my memories of the "good ol' days" where we all had dreams and ambitions rather than find out that all their lives went to hell.

Back to the Future 4 will be a trip to hell.

Originally posted by: Adamwankenobi
Well, George Lucas fixed the original trilogy for the 1997 and 2004 releases, I'm sure he can fix the prequel trilogy as well for the 2007 release.

Ha ha ha! You said "fixed!" Ha ha ha!

I think you meant to say "fucked up."
"I am altering the movies. Pray I don't alter them any further." -Darth Lucas
Originally posted by: Invader Jenny

No it won't. It would be like a 20 year high school reunion where you find out that your good friends whom you haven't seen since you graduated have all had their lives go down the toilet. Mary is 300 pounds over weight, Sarah is working as a short order cook at a dirty truck stop. Melissa has been divorced 3 times. Josh is addicted to meth, Jason lost his leg in a drag race, and your old math buddy Nicole is on welfare with her 5 fatherless children (all with different fathers.)

HOLY CRAP, JENNY!!!! You were at my high school reunion too!!!!!!!! I shoulda said 'Hi'!!!

Originally posted by: Invader Jenny
Originally posted by: Adamwankenobi
Why would anyone go see a sequel before the original in the first place?

I don't know Adam. Why would anyone watch Star Wars episodes 1, 2 and 3, before they see ANH, ESB, and ROTJ.

Because THEY ARE INTENDED BY THEIR CREATOR to be seen before ANH, ESB, and ROTJ. Sequels, on the other hand, are intended to be seen afterwords.

It would be like someone saying "Why would someone watch ANH before ESB?" Well, because ESB is INTENDED BY TIS CREATOR to be watched after ANH.

Originally posted by: Invader Jenny
Originally posted by: Adamwankenobi
Once again, no big deal. Even if it is bad, it will be cool to see the characters again.

No it won't. It would be like a 20 year high school reunion where you find out that your good friends whom you haven't seen since you graduated have all had their lives go down the toilet. Mary is 300 pounds over weight, Sarah is working as a short order cook at a dirty truck stop. Melissa has been divorced 3 times. Josh is addicted to meth, Jason lost his leg in a drag race, and your old math buddy Nicole is on welfare with her 5 fatherless children (all with different fathers.)

You telling me it was "good to see them again?" Hell no. I would rather retain my memories of the "good ol' days" where we all had dreams and ambitions rather than find out that all their lives went to hell.

Back to the Future 4 will be a trip to hell.

Well, to me it would be fun.

Originally posted by: Invader Jenny
Originally posted by: Adamwankenobi
Well, George Lucas fixed the original trilogy for the 1997 and 2004 releases, I'm sure he can fix the prequel trilogy as well for the 2007 release.

Ha ha ha! You said "fixed!" Ha ha ha!

I think you meant to say "fucked up."

Nope, you read correctly.
Originally posted by: Invader Jenny

No it won't. It would be like a 20 year high school reunion where you find out that your good friends whom you haven't seen since you graduated have all had their lives go down the toilet. Mary is 300 pounds over weight, Sarah is working as a short order cook at a dirty truck stop. Melissa has been divorced 3 times. Josh is addicted to meth, Jason lost his leg in a drag race, and your old math buddy Nicole is on welfare with her 5 fatherless children (all with different fathers.)

You telling me it was "good to see them again?" Hell no. I would rather retain my memories of the "good ol' days" where we all had dreams and ambitions rather than find out that all their lives went to hell.

Back to the Future 4 will be a trip to hell.

Originally posted by: Adamwankenobi

Well, to me it would be fun.


"Yub Knub" by Warrick Davis
Well, let's take Young Indy, for example. Was it spectacular? No. Was it groundbreaking? No. Was it fun at times? Yes. And plus, in it, we got to see 93 year old Indy, and he wasn't an embarrasment like some say an older Indy would be. We even got to see Harrison Ford as a 50 year old Indy in one episode. Was he as bad as some say he would be? No.

(And, BTW, the Young Indy series serves as proof that Indy will not die in Indy 4, as he was shown as an old man of 93 in the Young Indy series.)
Originally posted by: greencapt
Originally posted by: Invader Jenny

No it won't. It would be like a 20 year high school reunion where you find out that your good friends whom you haven't seen since you graduated have all had their lives go down the toilet. Mary is 300 pounds over weight, Sarah is working as a short order cook at a dirty truck stop. Melissa has been divorced 3 times. Josh is addicted to meth, Jason lost his leg in a drag race, and your old math buddy Nicole is on welfare with her 5 fatherless children (all with different fathers.)

HOLY CRAP, JENNY!!!! You were at my high school reunion too!!!!!!!! I shoulda said 'Hi'!!!

Sounds like the future of my school.
Originally posted by: Adamwankenobi
Well, let's take Young Indy, for example. Was it spectacular? No. Was it groundbreaking? No. Was it fun at times? Yes. And plus, in it, we got to see 93 year old Indy, and he wasn't an embarrasment like some say an older Indy would be. We even got to see Harrison Ford as a 50 year old Indy in one episode. Was he as bad as some say he would be? No.

But just how much action did the 93 and 50 year old Indys take part in? Were they swinging from whips, outrunning boulders, pistol-whipping Nazis and bangin' German women?


I don't think Nazis would be around for the the 1990 (assuming he was 93 at this time.)
Originally posted by: Nanner Split
Originally posted by: Adamwankenobi
Well, let's take Young Indy, for example. Was it spectacular? No. Was it groundbreaking? No. Was it fun at times? Yes. And plus, in it, we got to see 93 year old Indy, and he wasn't an embarrasment like some say an older Indy would be. We even got to see Harrison Ford as a 50 year old Indy in one episode. Was he as bad as some say he would be? No.

But just how much action did the 93 and 50 year old Indys take part in? Were they swinging from whips, outrunning boulders, pistol-whipping Nazis and bangin' German women?

Well, that was a bad example, I suppose. No. He was too old to do those sorts of things at 93. But... at 50, he could have, they just didn't show it in the show. But, I just don't get why people have something against an older Indy. People age. It is a part of life. Naturally, Indy would get old. What on earth is so bad about an older Indy going around on adventures? To me, it would be a fitting end to the series to show a somewhat older Indy as this film will, and prove to the world that he is still ready for adventure, even at an old age.

So is Rocky...

So is Rambo...

You can't keep an old dog down...

George Bush hates old people.
Since Harry Ford is playing Indy I bet his enemy(instead of Nazis) will be communist Russia and the Cold War.
"All to easy"
I hope that the rumors really are true and he goes after the lost city of Atlantis in this final film. That would be the ultimate find! But it would give Lucas too many chances to use CG, so...
hey wait a sec....i thought that Indy couldn't die. At the end of the Last Crusade, Indy drank from the Holy Grail, thus living forever right and also never aging? Correct me if I'm wrong.
And the red one, come on. Well, come on, Red, let's go!
No, the knight said that the price for immortality was that you had to stay within the boundaries of the seal (which would suck), so no, he wouldn't live forever, because he went beyond the seal. However, we do know that Indy will still not die in this film, as he was shown to be 93 in the Young Indiana Jones Chronicles.
well, actually, he says "You have chosen... wisely. But, beware: the Grail cannot pass beyond the Great Seal, for that is the boundry, and the price, of immortality."
And the red one, come on. Well, come on, Red, let's go!
As far as I understood it, you have to keep drinking from the grail to cheat death over and over again, so each drinking elongates your life for another few more years. Although I sometimes wonder where that knight got his fresh water supplied from anyways.
The way I understand it is that 'the price of immortality' is that the grail's powers only work within the seal, even if you could remove it without the temple crumbling. Therefore, if you want immortality, you have to live your immortal life in a very small space, and that is 'the price'.

War does not make one great.

And then, of course, there would really be no point in having eternal life.
Originally posted by: Adamwankenobi
And then, of course, there would really be no point in having eternal life.

Exactly - it's a sort of catch-22 scenario.

However, if like teh Knight you have sworn to protect the grail, devoting your life to the task, then eternal life within the room that houses the grail would come in quite useful. Beyond that though, no point. Perhaps the only reason the grail grants eternal life to someone who drinks from it is as a sort of defense mechanism to ensure that the person chosen to defend it is always around to do so. Of course, if the power of the grail is useless beyond a certain point, then I guess there is no real need to defend it in the first place....Even if the Nazis did get hold of it, beyond the seal it's nothing more than a cup.

Anyway, if Indy's eternal life ceased to be once he passed the seal, what about Henry's wound| Shouldn't it have reopened causing him to die?

War does not make one great.

Originally posted by: Yoda Is Your Father
Originally posted by: Adamwankenobi
And then, of course, there would really be no point in having eternal life.

Anyway, if Indy's eternal life ceased to be once he passed the seal, what about Henry's wound| Shouldn't it have reopened causing him to die?

Well, I suppose Lucas' explanation for that would be that it was "the cup of Christ," as they say, and thus, it would still heal someone, and its effects would remain even if they passed the seal, while eternal life would merely be something extra.
Well, if that's the case, I guess I can see why the Nazi's would want the grail - instant healing for wounded soldiers, just add water.

War does not make one great.

I have a question for anyone that can remember the script better than I... didn't the knights drink from the Grail before traveling to the location where Indy found the Grail? What I mean is, as I recall, they traveled there but it wasn't until well after their normal lifespans would have ended. So, they were drinking from the Grail and extending their immortality before this seal was placed and whatnot. So, the seal idea was an afterthought? Or is this a plothole?

And who's this Fat Jedi guy using my avatar? D'oh! I'd gone nearly three years without anyone using my avatar! Jay! We need the new software so we can have unique avatars again!
"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia'."
--Vizzini (Wallace Shawn), The Princess Bride
Kevin A
Webmaster/Primary Cynic
Plothole. Jeffrey Boam is good, but not that good.

Princess Leia: I happen to like nice men.
Han Solo: I'm a nice man.