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Indiana Jones 4 — Page 2

Originally posted by: Yoda Is Your Father
or a prequel, for that matter....

That is a completely different case, where the director intends the prequels to be seen first. Unlike, say, Exorcist: The Beginning.

Originally posted by: Han Solo VS Indiana Jones
As if things weren't bad enough, I hear there's a Back to the Future Part 4 in the works. God damn you, Hollywood!

Once again, no big deal. Even if it is bad, it will be cool to see the characters again.
The only plausible plotline for BTTF4 would be for Marty to travel into the future to a time when Parkinson's is cured. Michael J. Fox hasn't been seen much publicly for a reason: the guy is suffering. As far as rumors go, this is a bad one, probably resulting from some line dropped by an idiot first-year marketing exec at Universal in a brainstorming session. Milk that udder till it's dry and then lick off the drops.
I am fluent in over six million forms of procrastination.

That is a completely different case, where the director intends the prequels to be seen first. Unlike, say, Exorcist: The Beginning.

I'm not talking about viewing order....there are still certain storywise stuff that is out of wack in the PT to suggest to me that Lucas isn't up to the task of writing anything period.

Originally posted by: Adamwankenobi
Maybe he will fix that for the 2007 release.

Yeah...and pigs will fly out of my butt...

Well, he fixed the original trilogy for the 1997 and 2004 releases, I'm sure he can fix the prequel trilogy as well for the 2007 release.
Originally posted by: Adamwankenobi
Well, he fixed the original trilogy for the 1997 and 2004 releases, I'm sure he can fix the prequel trilogy as well for the 2007 release.

There's some story stuff that you just can't "fix" with CGI or re-editing.

I mean things like the Luke/Leia birth scene, which can be re-editied to reallign continuity with ROTJ. Also, the line in ROTJ where Luke says "I have no memory of my mother" will have to be cut.
Originally posted by: Adamwankenobi
I mean things like the Luke/Leia birth scene, which can be re-editied to reallign continuity with ROTJ. Also, the line in ROTJ where Luke says "I have no memory of my mother" will have to be cut.

Surely that would show, a sign of a bad filmaker (not saying he is), if he had to cut lines out of a film made 22/24 years ago to fit with a film made less than 2 years before if done in 2007 just to ensure contuinuty.
Originally posted by: Adamwankenobi
I mean things like the Luke/Leia birth scene, which can be re-editied to reallign continuity with ROTJ. Also, the line in ROTJ where Luke says "I have no memory of my mother" will have to be cut.

Wouldn't be necessary if he had done the prequels right the first time and then there wouldn't be any need to cut or re-edit anything, eh?

Or you could just watch the original version and pretend the prequels never existed. That would much better
"Yub Knub" by Warrick Davis
Originally posted by: kev
Or you could just watch the original version and pretend the prequels never existed. That would much better

Or not.
You just love following my posts and thriving for a response. Sad really
"Yub Knub" by Warrick Davis
I wondered how long it would take before the old Kev came back.

*sits back with a brew and bowl of popcorn*


Originally posted by: kev
You just love following my posts and thriving for a response. Sad really

No. You just can't seem to enjoy anything new from Lucasfilm. It's always "I refuse to like this," or "this sucks," or "this is shit." And, to quote you, it is "sad really."
Actually, Lucasfilm's output has been less than stellar these last ten years. Lucasfilm (which is one of those evil corporate STUDIOS you so love to bash) doesn't seem to realize that the cash cow that is Star Wars has been very low on milk for a very long time, and I'm just counting the days till it runs out. The Lucas Empire's movies AND games have been shoddy for quite a long time.

So, maybe I can't enjoy anything new from Lucasfilm because what they've given me so far recently wasn't any good. You can't seem to grasp the fact that the reason we don't like new Lucas stuff isn't because of OT nostalgia, or because we are bent against Lucas. We don't like it because it just isn't any good.

That is a completely different case, where the director intends the prequels to be seen first. Unlike, say, Exorcist: The Beginning.

Well, if you wanna play that game, "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" is arguably the worst of the IJ trilogy (but then again, that's like saying a Lamborghini is better than a Ferrarri, right?). But it's also technically a prequel. What if people saw that one, and didn't see the other two because they didn't care for it?


Originally posted by: Nanner Split

That is a completely different case, where the director intends the prequels to be seen first. Unlike, say, Exorcist: The Beginning.

Well, if you wanna play that game, "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" is arguably the worst of the IJ trilogy (but then again, that's like saying a Lamborghini is better than a Ferrarri, right?). But it's also technically a prequel. What if people saw that one, and didn't see the other two because they didn't care for it?

Their loss.
Originally posted by: Nanner Split
...but then again, that's like saying a Lamborghini is better than a Ferrarri, right?

Maybe then, they should just do more Young Indy episodes, if this film doesn't go through or work.
Honestly, I didn't really think the Young Indy show was all that great, either. I mean, it was okay I guess, but nothing special.


Young Indy had maybe 5 really good episodes in its run, but most were 'meh'.

Princess Leia: I happen to like nice men.
Han Solo: I'm a nice man.

Originally posted by: Adamwankenobi
Ever read any of the novels or played the games?

I read "Indiana Jones and the Seven Veils" By Rob Macgregor...........meh.

Games, as in "Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis"? Yes, that one was quite good. "Infernal Machine", not so much. "Emperor's Tomb" was pretty good too. My fave Indy game is the "Last Crusade" point-n-click adventure game


Originally posted by: GundarkHunter
Young Indy had maybe 5 really good episodes in its run, but most were 'meh'.
I never got to see any of them, although they were shown here in germany as well. So Darabont wasn't the best choice in terms of script writing for Indy 4 (as far as I know he was one of the writers for the tv series)?