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In defence of the 2004 DVDs — Page 2

The color and contrast on the '04 dvds is terrible. I not sure if it was the worst dvd release ever because Empire of Dreams is one of the best movie documentaries. It is probably the worst film restoration in history, even if you disregard the special edition alterations. After watching the dvd's, I rented the Faces vhs tapes from my college library because I wanted to see the original versions. And I thought they looked so much better. The dvd's look like somebody just pressed auto fix in photoshop.

1997 with ms Picture Manager auto fix applied

2004 dvd
Notice especially what happened to the lightsabers in 2004.

As for the audio, well that also sounds worse. It sounds flat and a lot of the dialogue sounds like it's being heard over an intercom. I wondered why everyone was complaining about the dialogue in the prequels. It didn't sound much worse to me than the Empire Strikes Back dvd. (I had not really seen any of the films all the way through until I got the trilogy dvd set for Christmas.) I'm sure the audio sounded fine to Lucas but then again he directed Hayden, who I've heard was good in Life as a House.
The '04 audio in Empire has some really bad things too. The music edited in during the new shuttle scenes is taken from the famous "No, I am your father scene," and it is a very abrupt music switch. I'm sure most of the fan edits did a better job blending accompanying audio when they either added or took out a scene. The other really bad mix I just noticed is that when Lando suprises Leia, 3PO and Chewy by helping them escape. Leia now says "You think after what you just pulled we're going GWRRRRRRRR WRRWGAAARRR WRRRAAAAAAAR." I think she was trying to say "we're going to trust you," but Chewbacca's loud growl drowned her last words out.

Take back the trilogy. Execute Order '77
