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Important news for vegans and women!!! — Page 3

Unless there is an official weighin, I think I know what might have the thickburger beat....THE GILBERT BURGER.

A Burger King sandwich exclusive to Green Bay back near the end of the 90's, the sucker had maybe 4 patties, lots of bacon, lots of cheese, etc, all on a sesame seed bun. The thing cost like 7 bucks.

If anyone knows who Gilbert Brown of the Packers was, then you know any burger in his name is massive.
Which is the more foolish, the fool (the OT) or the fool who follows (the PT)?

"Stay back, or Mr...Fett gets it!"
As I recall, the Gilbert-burger had no pickles. I never had the chance to get one, but I did hear about them.

For those of you that don't know of Gilbert:
Gilbert Brown was the anchor of the Packer defensive line for many years during the mid and late-90s. His weight was the topic of many discussions. His printed weight was in the 370lbs range, but everyone knew he had to be tipping the scales at 400 or more.
Last year was his last year in football (pending). He sustained a ruptured bicep during preseason, and everyone thought that was the end of his year. Surprising everyone, he ended up playing about half the season, before his weight made him too tired to play and his knees began to give out.

I think I got all that right.

Green Bay does not hold exclusive rights to NFL burgers. In the early 90s, shortly after we moved to Cleveland, McDonalds began running an NFL promo burger of its own.
The MDP, named for Michael Dean Perry, the Browns star Defensive Tackle during the time.
I don't recall the specifics of the burger, only that MDP would be in the commercials, stating that during the season he would eat 92 of these burgers (92 was his number).

Cleveland has also seen the Thome Triple, from Burger King. It was 3 beef patties with Mayo on a hoogie bun. It was named for Jim Thome, our all-star 1st baseman before he ran for the money in Philly.

Originally posted by: starkiller
Jim Thome, our all-star 1st baseman before he ran for the money in Philly.

And he wanted to be a Cubbie before this past season. Damn us all to hell for not nabbing him while we could. But, we do have Derrek Lee so I'm not bitching too terribly.

Regional burgers sounds kinda cool. I don't think we've had anything like that at fast food burger joints here in Chicago. However, Subway recently had a promotion with a South Side vs. North Side sandwich. The South Sider was for Ozzie Guillen (White Sox manager) and the North Sider was Dusty Baker (Cubs manager). They had the promotion centered around which one sold better. Even though I'm a Cubs fan, Ozzie's sandwich was much tastier.
"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia'."
--Vizzini (Wallace Shawn), The Princess Bride
Kevin A
Webmaster/Primary Cynic