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Idea & Info: a Preservation of Alien Evolution doco? — Page 7

The Transfer of the CBS version to Dvd is complete. It is a basic transfer (no menus) of the original 3 hour CBS broadcast complete with intros and commercials. I lost track of who is doing what, Who needs to gets this ?
Great news suntech !

I'm presuming it's going to Ash595 - unless anyone says otherwise (though triffid would potentially give his first born to see it at the same time !)
Great news indeed!
I really wish to see it after all these years. Can I send you a PM?
Also, can you explain to me the few details unknown to a guy from non-English speaking country? It is not a joke, I really do not know nothing about the TV channel. In the LD archives they mention both CBS and ABC abbreviations. What is the connection between these two?

Originally posted by: triffid
Great news indeed!
I really wish to see it after all these years. Can I send you a PM?
Also, can you explain to me the few details unknown to a guy from non-English speaking country? It is not a joke, I really do not know nothing about the TV channel. In the LD archives they mention both CBS and ABC abbreviations. What is the connection between these two?

I believe it is:

American Broadcasting Channel (ABC)
Central Broadcasting System (CBS)

Someone correct me if I am wrong.

They are just 2 different, competing television networks.
Originally posted by: meedermow
Great news suntech !

I'm presuming it's going to Ash595 -

no, it is not for me

for the Alien Pepsi commercial. A friend of mine has it on VHS
No problem.

Then if you want to send it to me suntech - I can strip all of the intros and commercials if necessary (I'll keep them if people really want !) then that will form a unique disc, alongside the Evolution. If everyone's cool with that then suntech can you send me a PM ?


Originally posted by: triffid
Great news indeed!
I really wish to see it after all these years. Can I send you a PM?
Also, can you explain to me the few details unknown to a guy from non-English speaking country? It is not a joke, I really do not know nothing about the TV channel. In the LD archives they mention both CBS and ABC abbreviations. What is the connection between these two?

ABC in the us is American Broadcasting Compay
in Australia it is the Australian Brodcasting Company

CBS is the Columbia Broadcasting Compay it was part of a family (Columbia Pictures Columbia Records/ Epic Records in the US now owned by SONY) CBS TV is owned by Viacom (Showtime/ MTV etc). Columbia had distribution rights with FOX for a while. the early home video versions of Star Wars were on CBS FOX VHS and Beta.
I'd rather the commercials be left in, with the chapters set up so that you can play the film with them or without them. If you do remove the commecials though I'd like to get a copy of them.

To contact me outside the forum, for trades and such my email address is my OT.com username @gmail.com

Originally posted by: klokwerk
I'd rather the commercials be left in, with the chapters set up so that you can play the film with them or without them. If you do remove the commecials though I'd like to get a copy of them.
Yeah, I just wrote something like that to Suntech. Please do not let me suffer anymore. I am waiting for this version for 10 years. No kidding, I remember that I bought the Alien-special Italian magazine in Milano in late summer 1995. And when my friend bring Legacy to me from USA in 1999, I was disappointed to find inside "only" the longer cut (which I already owned at that time).

If our head-soundmaster is interested in the 70 mm soundtrack, the cheapest copy (for the price I foretold, including a shipping within USA) is HERE
I'll do my very best. Can't promise seamless branching, but I'm sure I'll be able to come to a solution that is good for all (maybe a la Special Edition Hype with the option).

suntech - PM sent.
Giger’s Alien (from Necronomicon/GA eBay DVD or from LD if we find any; the version from Meedermow’s Archives is probably worse, right?)

Hello there, i have a first gen. VHS copy of the original Giger VHS on DVD. If needed i can send you a copy, so that you can review it's quality and maybe use it for this compilation? Let me know if my offer is any intresting, i will check my other Giger VHS if there's some more Alien stuff on it.....

With kind regards,


Hey Marco !

That's great, sounds very promising

Indeed, if you want to send it across I'll happily compare it like for like with the other versions on offer.

Send me a PM.


OK, people, I am back in front of my computer. I started to check the available material. And there were many surprises waiting for me.

Alien Evolution – End of one Mythos
First of all I must send my greetings to Jonno again. His transfer is simply fantastic and I think that it is even better than the one in Quadrilogy. All these minor mistakes I saw on PC disappeared on big TV screen. I am definitely against any touches into this our first disc, i.e. adding any other footage or menus. It is great exactly as it is now.
Surprise #1 and an advice that applies to anything that follows below: Never trust your feelings or your memories. Since that time I saw AE in AQ in 2003 I believed that this new version is a violent edit of the Channel 4 original (which I had on VHS already). I never tried to compare them. Did you know that the AQ version is even few seconds longer than the TV version? The nice Kermode’s narration is gone, A2 – A4 are gone and the running time is still 64 min! I read somebody‘s complaint about this in 2003. He wrote that the TV version’s length was at least 75 min and I felt like „OK, I got that one, I am a king.“ But the truth is that now we have here two full stand-alone versions in high resolution and no 75 min version. And I do not believe that there is any. I had no time to watch both of them today and look for any clues verifying that Fox re-edited it on purpose and filled the empty space with some ballast from its archive. I do not believe this since it means too much work for them. If they did not like the A3 comments, they could simply discard the whole documentary from AQ.
Or everybody knows this already? No new continent? Did I miss something?

Giger’s Alien
Forgot the Necronomicon/GA eBay shit forever. Last time I watched it (spring 2005) I was sure that it is from VHS. I bought it for 8 dollars only and thus I did not feel to be stripped too much. Then my memories (again memories!) faded. Today I am sure again. The start of the video shows signs common to damaged videotapes, few secs are missing on both the beginning and the end. If there was any Japanese VHS edition, it comes from it. If not, then it is a LD –> VHS –> DVD recording. The PAL copy from Archives 2 is better, but still not good. After its end there are remnants of the LD copyright info and it is plain to see that the letters are not as sharp as they could be. On the other hand, watching of AE (I mean the sequences taken from GA) reminds me of the fact that the original footage itself is really poor. At least the subtitle-less copy they used in AE does not fill my heart with joy. Whoever owns the master print, they should restore it ASAP before it falls apart.

Making of A3 and A4
I always hated VHS tapes, even in times when there were no DVDs yet. This magnetic shit have almost all disadvantages I can imagine. Today I watched these two after a long time. They are both originals, I bought them sealed and used them maybe four times each. They are properly stored and once per year forwarded/rewinded to avoid folds (right E. word?). But I am sure that the magnetic information slowly vanishes anyway. I compared the A4 VHS and VCD. I thought the VCD was made from an original studio master as a regular licensed product (memories, part 3). Now I doubt it, the picture looks much more like a copy from NTSC laserdisc. These two are totally different – The tape is grainy, oversaturated PAL with rich, full sound. The VCD picture is much softer, cleaner NTSC with pale colors, low contrast and Chinese subtitles. I really do not know. I think we should buy the laserdisc instead. Either with or without subtitles.

Shock & Awe
I saw it for the first time today. Nice documentary, even if they have not much to say, no interesting facts. Hope that tb1971’s copy is better. This one from Archives 2 is really bad, especially considering its age. It should be of almost the same quality as Jonno’s AE. Plus, I do not understand the strange 1.66:1 format. Was it broadcasted like this?

To 8t88: You wrote “VHS copy of the original Giger VHS“. How do you know? Did you saw the original tape? I am asking since there is no proof yet that any „original“ tape exists. Original = full-color cover and trademark icons of appropriate companies (Sony and Fox in this case). Does your video contain Japanese subtitles?
For example last month somebody sold something like that on eBay. The tape on the attached photo was in all-white cardboard envelope (standard US-style, I hate it) with black letters inside a big black circle. That was a fake.

Hey triffid,

Good to have you back with a typically exhaustative overview !

I think Evolution does need just a final shove towards completeness. Albeit with no extras and certainly no compression of the feature, but something along the lines of what I've just sent you and Jonno in PM. Let me know what you think...

I do not know. I really like this "Transmission start" stuff. When Legacy came out, I even made a background theme for my PC from this motive ("Mother activated" etc.). But they used it three times already (Alien DVD, Legacy DVD and Evolution) and you want to use it again. Maybe if we can write brand new texts with the MOTHER font, for example "Welcome on board of..." or "Interface 2006.... Presents...." and extract the original beeps from Alien?

The 'original' VHS is created by Giger himself and released in a limited quantity of 500 pieces, therefor
it will not appear in any shop and it has no label on it of the major company's. The quality of the video is
quit good, but you can see that's it been made more then 25 years ago on not so good equipment.
So you will see some scratch's and image noise. As proof i included a scan of the original box.

I hope you have enough info for now....

With kind regards,


PS : i'm quit busy on the moment, but i'm considering a preview mpg and torrent this any intrests?
Yeah I appreciate it's been used before - but somehow I like the continuity of it !

It's easily amendable. I tried a Mother boot-up but it didn't work very well.

Was doing some credits last night and wondered if the team or the project needed a title ? I see you've dubbed it "Interface 2006" - any advance on that ?
Thanks for the info 8t88. Now I believe that your copy may be the treasure we are looking for. No Japanese subtitles. The rest of the material is not interesting for the current project because there is no Alien-related footage in it. But I am Giger fan too - is there any chance to get the full version from you? It is a nonsense to hope in finding of this diamond anywhere.

to Meedermow: That "Interface 2006" thing was just an example. This time Mother can start with "Interface 38" or "Special order No..." as well. If you want to name the project somehow, how about "The Complete Alien Doco"? Only those who know what "doco" is can enjoy the joke. And no, I do not think the team need a name. Ask the others.

Of course it's possible to get you a full copy, actually this is the second Giger video which was for sale i have the first also.... Have you ever been to the Giger Museum in Switzerland?


Nope. I've been in Switzerland two times, but I never had a chance to visit Gruyères. There was Giger's exhibition in Czech Republic a year ago, so I saw many of the goods on my own eyes, including Giger himself.

P.S.: Are you in touch with the owner of the original tape? Maybe he can make a DVD copy directly from his original to avoid the VHS to VHS phase.
Have been there last summer, it's very small but amazing!!! I have some picture's if you want? No original owner known, i have bought these copy's for a great deal of money in a Toy/Model shop in London (i have forgotten the name of it....)
No, I do not need the pics. I mean I saw many on Internet already. And I still hope to visit the museum in the near future, so I do not want to spoil the surprise, you know?
Better stick to the real visit indeed, so how do we get my copy to you? Do you want to torrent or maybe if you have something intresting for me we can do a old fashioned DVD trade (i don't feel like torrenting the two full Giger DVD's too, as i do not have a very good upload). Let me know what you want...
