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Idea & Info: Reshooting Ideas


So in most of the different ideas threads people will at some point suggest an idea which just isn’t possible with the footage available.  Sometimes people just suggest reshoot the Prequels in their entirety, but assuming that would be just too costly, I was thinking maybe we should have a place to discuss new scenes or shots which could be useful to help portray a specific idea.

For example I would really like to see a new scene in RotJ where Luke constructs his lightsaber.  However, as much as it can be mocked up with existing shots, it would be very hard to edit those shots enough to make the footage look new.  So a way of solving that could be to edit the shots where you see Luke’s face, but film new shots showing Luke from the back or distant shots where his face cannot be made out properly, then if editted carefully it could provide a whole new scene for RotJ.

Another idea could be shooting a few new shots for the duel between Obi Wan and Vader in ANH so the fight can be tightened up a bit, but without having to reduce its runtime or reuse footage (just tightening it up the way ADY tried to).

Anyway, so many people benefit from bouncing ideas off one another that I figure whilst most people don’t consider filming new footage, this thread could eventually provide inspiration when somone finally does.


My idea for ROTJ would be one new shot that would totally change the tone.

In the Ewok village, just have one shot of a pile of beat up Scouttrooper armor, sitting by the cooking fire.

BOOM. Ewoks are cooler.


Yes, I didn't even think of using the costumes in this way, but it's perfect and meshes with our script!


TheBoost said:

BOOM GOES THE DYNAMITE. Ewoks are cooler.

Fixed. :p


First, you need someone who's willing enough to redo prequels. Then that person must get his/her story straight and make up a list of scenes and shots that he/she has problems with and let the fans start coming up with alternatives and scene suggestions.

Cause sitting around and just making scenes up without any sort of direction is basically what we already have - The Prequel Radical Redux Thread.

It may have 240+ pages of posts that a lot of people think no one will ever read, but if someone truly decided to fix Prequels - that someone wouldn't have a problem reading through all of them.

So, there's no need to make more threads and scatter our ideas.



Just my opinion.


Reshoot the Imperials vs Rebels Endor land battle, and Replace the Ewoks with Wookies....

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"Many a doctrine is like a window pane. We see truth through it but it divides us from truth." - Kahlil Gibran


I think this is a great thread, and I don't think it applies just to the PT.  It's a focused idea.


A bit of a tall order but most of these posts are.

I've never really liked the scene of Vader strangling Captain Antilles.

It's framed in a boring way.

I prefer the low angle interpretation of the Marvel comics version of the scene.

Note how Vader slips back into his Anakin mode with his ejaculation of, "Liar!".


Bingowings said:

Note how Vader slips back into his Anakin mode with his ejaculation

My page hung on this for a few seconds which perplexed me.

I see what you mean. Even it could be redone so we see him being held, and being left off the floor at the same time perhaps? It would be good if he left him whilst delivering the line, or using the force to slowly lift him whilst just standing there.