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Idea: Revenge of the Sith: Extended Edition — Page 5

Yeah, some lines might well be incorporated in a fan cut. But here we're talking about an extended cut, and that's not about creating new things in the movies, but adding already existing deleted scenes .
I however would be interested in doing my own cut of the film and so I'd certainly like to perhaps use some lines (as they really sound like Temuerra). However, I only have the german version, so I'll need to get the lines from somewhere. But in Republic Commando, there's also a ton of cool lines that might be used for the clones .
Originally posted by: Hardcore Legend
This is a bit of an unusual way to start a thread, since I won't be the one that actually is doing the editing. After losing about 3 weeks worth of rotoscoping frame by frame lightsabers in ESB, I've given up on editing.

However, I would love to see a Revenge of the Sith Extended edition made on a dual layer DVD.

I know there are people that are prepared to do fan edits and such, but I don't really want a version that changes the plot so much as re-inserts the deleted scenes and shots. Of course, some editing is going to be needed to bridge in the music and to choose wipes to be used. Sometimes there may be redundant dialogue and would also cause some editing to be needed.

A short list:
Shaak Ti killed by Grievous
Dooku's line of "Just because there are two of you, don't think you have the advantage" before the duel
Rebellion meeting in Bail's office
Rebellion meeting in Padme's apartment
Rebellion confront Palpatine
A Plot to destroy the Jedi
The Emperor's shuttle approaching the planet
Exiled to Dagobah

Those are the list of deleted scenes that we will have in DVD quality that can be re-inserted.

I'm hoping one of our fine editors on this site can make this a possibilty. I know I would certainly be *willing* wink wink to make a substaintal Paypal donation to that editor should the work be satisfactory.

What do you all think?

You list this one:
The Emperor's shuttle approaching the planet

Is this the one from the SW3 trailer? Just a short flash of the Emperor's shuttle flying to Mustafar?

Does ADM's extended cut have this shuttle scene and the Dooku line?

Same Make. Same Model. New Mission.

Originally posted by: Hal 9000
Can anyone think of any bits or sequences from ROTS that could afford to be removed for time's sake when editing?

I think the first two and a half hours of the film could be cut. That would really improve the running time without destroying the film.
Watch DarthEvil's Who Framed Darth Vader? video on YouTube!

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Some of the nonsense during the space battle maybe. Maybe find a way to edit the balcony scene and cut out the Younglings slaughter.
Cut out the robot gags during the jedi and r2 battles. They're just toy commercials with no impact on the story so snip snip.

I'd have only Anakin battle Dooku instead of that retarded 'obiwan gets knocked out' cop-out. Did Lucas not realize he was just repeating what he did at the end of AotC only with Obi-wan unconscious. It was ridiculous and bad for obiwan's character to show him be so easily defeated. The whole PT makes no sense really but this particularly irks me because I'm a fan of Ewan and I don't like to see him become such a pussy so early in the film. But there's nothing one can do to fix it... Once again Obiwan's no match for the mighty force push. Just needed to get that out of my system.

Thankfully jar jar's nothing but an extra but if you find a shot with him in it, I won't miss it if it's gone.

Yoda and Chewie adventures. Nuff Said.

Parts of Palpatine's dialogue during the opera scene need to go. Talk of midichlorians is unnecessary here, it just seems to me like GL trying to find some way to make that shit relevant again. This line is more retarded than usual : "the dark side has many pathways to abilities some consider to be unnatural." To whom, jedi who can move things with their minds?

ANY of the crappy love scenes Lucas decided to bore us with again.

It might not be possible to do but I'd love it if somehow lessen Yoda's lightsaber time during his duel with Palpatine. I like the idea of them just showcasing their mastery of the force rather than appeasing fanboys by bashing each other with glow sticks, plus it just looks ridiculous to me. check the sig.

Get rid of the droid saying padme's physically fine but is losing the will to live. How silly a thing to say. Make her die from childbirth like it was predicted. It's difficult to believe since here on earth with good medical care, chance of dying during birth is slim, but it's the best we've got to help explain her exit from starwars besides it being some nonsense about losing the will to live. Might as well have said Anakin's midichlorians killed her... This woman fought a war; she was a ruler of billions. Grow a goddam spine you embarrassment to the strong female character that came out of your vagina...

He big in nothing important in good elephant.

"Miss you, I will, Original Trilogy..."

"Your midichlorians are weak, Old man." -Darth Vader 2007 super deluxe extra special dipped in chocolate sauce edition.

Originally posted by: Hal 9000
Can anyone think of any bits or sequences from ROTS that could afford to be removed for time's sake when editing?

Take out Dooku's flip off the balcony before he fights the Jedi. Instead, have footsteps on a metallic staircase in the background while Anakin and Kenobi talk in front of Palpatine.

During the final duel between Kenobi and Anakin, remove:
-Obi Wan's CGI flip when kicked by Anakin
-All of the conversation between them while they fight on the floating things, with the exception of "this is the end, my master" or whatever the line is
-as much pointless riding around on the floating things as possible

You know of the rebellion against the Empire?

hi, fans, i'm actualy working on ROTS, editing, trimming, removing, adding some stuff to this movie, it's a long work, but it containes some of your ideas.. i've already has "a draft version" (i've done it, just one week after having my EPIII DVD ) can't tell when it will be finished so keep going with your ideas.

(scuze my english)
Hi fans, here's my first sample, of my EPIII REedition, this is Mace and jedis confrontation with palpatine, and the anakin allegiance to the dark side. i've trimed, moved, replaced here and there shots and music to give more 'vivacity' in the duels, now palpatine is not injured with the 'reverberation (or ever what it is) of the lightning force, he becomes sidious because he want it to , i've tryed to show the face transformation, hope you enjoy it..any ideas(critics will be welcome. MTFBWY ...it's xvid file.

"EP III REedited" Duel Mace Vs Sidious
(scuze my english)
"The Yoda and Chewie Adventure."

I agree, I was watching last night and I think its cool to see the clones searching for Yoda on the pre-imperial walker thing but watching yoda leave and shout out tarful and chewie was unforgivable. I like the idea that we dont need to see how he escaped, it should be assumed that yoda is clever enough to get off the planet. And I dont mind chewie half as much if he isnt pointed out...some of us that dont like the idea can pretend that its a similar wookie and try to forget that George ever thought that was a cool idea. I look forward to seeing the re-worked duel....

Yeah I was sitting there with my popcorn watching that and thinking "yeah this is actually pretty good. Maybe George finally redeem..." then Yoda just had to bash us over the head with how he's hanging with Chewie... I wanted to leave so badly after that. It numbed my brain that no one saw this scene at Skywalker ranch and tapped george on his shoulder to say "hey, uh, I know you sign my checks but seriously, this is a little too ridiculous don't you think? Out of the millions of wookies in the galaxy, yoda would know the one wookie that Obi and luke meet randomly in a bar? Come on..."
He big in nothing important in good elephant.

"Miss you, I will, Original Trilogy..."

"Your midichlorians are weak, Old man." -Darth Vader 2007 super deluxe extra special dipped in chocolate sauce edition.

Originally posted by: cbaka
Hi fans, here's my first sample, of my EPIII REedition, this is Mace and jedis confrontation with palpatine, and the anakin allegiance to the dark side. i've trimed, moved, replaced here and there shots and music to give more 'vivacity' in the duels, now palpatine is not injured with the 'reverberation (or ever what it is) of the lightning force, he becomes sidious because he want it to , i've tryed to show the face transformation, hope you enjoy it..any ideas(critics will be welcome. MTFBWY ...it's xvid file.

"EP III REedited" Duel Mace Vs Sidious

very nice work, the scene actually has some potential...its amazing how much better it works without that terrible stab that was executed so slowly that you cannot possibly comprehend how the first two jedi were completely unpreparred. The only thing that stuck out for me was placing that original stab on tin after fisto gets it, it looks like palps and mace walk into the middle room and then the stab is there and the backround looks like they are still in the first room....

regardless I think you did a really great job, esp with the transformation.
yeah, you're right bout that, i'm still working on it, but in some shots i really like palpy's expression, and hates others, so i've got some others ideas to improves some scenes (yoda vs sidious..)..all the beginning of the movie is complete different editing..i'll post that very soon...any ideas is welcome...MTFBWY
(scuze my english)
I've been away for a while...however, ADM had the right idea.

It wasn't about taking stuff out, it was about putting it all back in and seeing what George had before he did his final editing. There is still a lot of deleted scenes and footage that he clearly didn't release...however I think I listed a pretty good chunk of what was out there. Did anyone get a copy of Dooku's line from the video game or the musical cue from the original Greivous Bridge Battle?

Honestly, it's been so long since I've been here that I don't even know what ADM actually did.

The Jedi are all but extinct.......
There was a musical cue from the original Greivous Bridge Battle? Shoot. I figured it was missing music, so added the music from the sail barge scene in ROTJ for myself.
I'm pretty sure that was the cue. If you have the Star Wars EP III video game, you can hear it.
The Jedi are all but extinct.......
hi, fans, here's the Grievous Bridge Battle sequence that i've done for my ROTS 1st edit with ROTJ sail barge scene music, it's a different montage from the original, let me know what u think bout it.

ROTS Grievous bridge battle with ROTJ score
PS: it's in french..
(scuze my english)
hi fans, here's another clip of my EPIII Edit, it's the shot when yoda meditates On the isolated asteroid of Polis Massa, i've added qui-gon talking bout the new power of the jedi, music and reediting the sequence, let me know what you thing bout it. THANKS.

Here's the link, it's an xvid file.

Qui-gon talking Yoda
(scuze my english)
Originally posted by: Hardcore Legend
This is a bit of an unusual way to start a thread, since I won't be the one that actually is doing the editing. After losing about 3 weeks worth of rotoscoping frame by frame lightsabers in ESB, I've given up on editing.

However, I would love to see a Revenge of the Sith Extended edition made on a dual layer DVD.

I know there are people that are prepared to do fan edits and such, but I don't really want a version that changes the plot so much as re-inserts the deleted scenes and shots. Of course, some editing is going to be needed to bridge in the music and to choose wipes to be used. Sometimes there may be redundant dialogue and would also cause some editing to be needed.

A short list:
Shaak Ti killed by Grievous
Dooku's line of "Just because there are two of you, don't think you have the advantage" before the duel
Rebellion meeting in Bail's office
Rebellion meeting in Padme's apartment
Rebellion confront Palpatine
A Plot to destroy the Jedi
The Emperor's shuttle approaching the planet
Exiled to Dagobah

Those are the list of deleted scenes that we will have in DVD quality that can be re-inserted.

I'm hoping one of our fine editors on this site can make this a possibilty. I know I would certainly be *willing* wink wink to make a substaintal Paypal donation to that editor should the work be satisfactory.

What do you all think?

I'd like to see an extended edition but without the Shaak Ti death so that it doesn't contradict the Clone Wars cartoon.
Except she has to die. Otherwise all the Jedi other than Ben and Yoda getting wiped out doesn't jive.
The Jedi are all but extinct.......
All the Jedi other than Ben and Yoda DON'T die.

Ben and Yoda recalibrate the emergency signal so that the remaining Jedi don't fall for the trap.

You know of the rebellion against the Empire?

Originally posted by: Spock

I'd like to see an extended edition but without the Shaak Ti death so that it doesn't contradict the Clone Wars cartoon.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Clone Wars end with Shaak Ti chasing after Grevious after he kidnapped Palpatine? So I don't see the contradiction. Of course, it has been a while since I've seen Clone Wars, and I could be mistaken.
Another supposed deleted scene has her meditating in the Jedi Temple, where Vader/Anakin cuts her down from behind. There is a picture of Vader/Anakin standing behind her, but the scene never appeared on the DVD. That scene would of been good to include in an extended DVD, but I don't think its available.
Originally posted by: Number20
Originally posted by: Spock

I'd like to see an extended edition but without the Shaak Ti death so that it doesn't contradict the Clone Wars cartoon.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Clone Wars end with Shaak Ti chasing after Grevious after he kidnapped Palpatine? So I don't see the contradiction. Of course, it has been a while since I've seen Clone Wars, and I could be mistaken.
Another supposed deleted scene has her meditating in the Jedi Temple, where Vader/Anakin cuts her down from behind. There is a picture of Vader/Anakin standing behind her, but the scene never appeared on the DVD. That scene would of been good to include in an extended DVD, but I don't think its available.

No, it ends with Greivous tying her up and Mace finding her.

I've heard of the other Shaak Ti death scene too, though. It wouldn't make much sense because she would have been able to sense him if she was meditating.
Hi fans, look what i've found, while doing my EPIII ROTS Edit...can someone tell me what's that...is that John Knoll ghost...if this is a LF members easter egg..well..it's verry funny.. ..hum hum..


(scuze my english)