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I love the DVDs! — Page 3


Originally posted by: Darth Justin
How are O-OT lovers fanboys? A lot of them despise Lucas and hate everything he's done since...that doesn't sound like fandom.

You've got to remember that Peeler is an idiot, with the command of the English language of a 2-year old.

His definition of the term Fanboy means "someone who disagrees with me and George!"

What a tool.


It's an immature attitude, and in the case of this site it really hurts our cause.

Trust me Lucas Lover, your cause ain't our cause.

Originally posted by: Sam_Lu

Originally posted by: Darth Justin
How are O-OT lovers fanboys? A lot of them despise Lucas and hate everything he's done since...that doesn't sound like fandom.

You've got to remember that Peeler is an idiot, with the command of the English language of a 2-year old.

His definition of the term Fanboy means "someone who disagrees with me and George!"

What a tool.


I've explained my POV. You're the moron who can't grasp basic concepts like, oh, I don't know, not pissing off the one guy who can give you want youn want.

Want to talk comics, RPGs and other stuff? Visit otherearths.coml

Unless you are a Star Wars Fanboy, then you can visit : Lord Peeler Vs. The Fanboysl

Originally posted by: Sam_Lu

It's an immature attitude, and in the case of this site it really hurts our cause.

Trust me Lucas Lover, your cause ain't our cause.

So you don't want the O-OT on DVD? Then why are you here?
Want to talk comics, RPGs and other stuff? Visit otherearths.coml

Unless you are a Star Wars Fanboy, then you can visit : Lord Peeler Vs. The Fanboysl
Hate to break it to you bud, but pro-SE fanboys do the same stuff in reverse to the O-OT fans. People didn't make up stories about people booing TPM...it was a generally hated movie that further helped to split the SW fan community after the SE. Hell, people laughed at AOTC when I saw it. There are just so many goofy moments for people to take it seriously. Nobody made up stories...

How can you even support and respect a man who puts out so many versions of "his" films?? You can't even see the original theatrical cuts of Episodes I and II on DVD for Christ's sake. And the way he talks to people who want the O-OT on DVD...

"They're on VHS, if anybody wants it..."

First of all, what a jackass. He KNOWS that thousands want them on DVD!!


You're the moron who can't grasp basic concepts like, oh, I don't know, not pissing off the one guy who can give you want youn want.

Oh, and you're the genius who actually thinks George "The Senile Madman" Lucas is going to actually release the Original Trilogy in their Theatrical Versions?

Go on record Peeler, and say YES or NO.

Is Lucas going to release them uncut, uncensored and unedited?

No fanboy BS, just a YES or NO?

Originally posted by: Darth Justin
Hate to break it to you bud, but pro-SE fanboys do the same stuff in reverse to the O-OT fans. People didn't make up stories about people booing TPM...it was a generally hated movie that further helped to split the SW fan community after the SE.


I've never seen any pro-SE fanboys here saying only the SEs should be out and flaming you guys. If this is the case than please PPOR. Just post one link of someone saying they only want the SEs and that you guys suck.

I saw the movie in the theaters 10 times, and not once did anybody ever boo.

Secodnly, if the movie was generally hated, then why is it the fifth highest grossing movie of all time? $431,088,301 to me indicates a successful movie.

Not only that, but even the majority of the critics liked it. According to rottentomatoes.com TPM scored higher than 60%


Hell, people laughed at AOTC when I saw it. There are just so many goofy moments for people to take it seriously. Nobody made up stories...

Again, nobody booed. I don't believe you when you claim people booed because I'm looking at the hard facts here.


How can you even support and respect a man who puts out so many versions of "his" films?? You can't even see the original theatrical cuts of Episodes I and II on DVD for Christ's sake. And the way he talks to people who want the O-OT on DVD...

"They're on VHS, if anybody wants it..."

First of all, what a jackass. He KNOWS that thousands want them on DVD!!

Again, I'd like to see the O-OT on DVD, if for no other reason than achieval. But Peter Jackson put out his extended editions of LOTR on DVD, so I don't have a problem with Lucas doing it.

I have a problem with the SEs being the only versions avaibale.
Want to talk comics, RPGs and other stuff? Visit otherearths.coml

Unless you are a Star Wars Fanboy, then you can visit : Lord Peeler Vs. The Fanboysl

Originally posted by: Sam_Lu

You're the moron who can't grasp basic concepts like, oh, I don't know, not pissing off the one guy who can give you want youn want.

Oh, and you're the genius who actually thinks George "The Senile Madman" Lucas is going to actually release the Original Trilogy in their Theatrical Versions?

Go on record Peeler, and say YES or NO.

Is Lucas going to release them uncut, uncensored and unedited?

No fanboy BS, just a YES or NO?

As long as you guys keep acting like twits? No.

If you guys start acting respectful? Maybe. The market is there, and Lucas is all about the Benjermins.
Want to talk comics, RPGs and other stuff? Visit otherearths.coml

Unless you are a Star Wars Fanboy, then you can visit : Lord Peeler Vs. The Fanboysl

I'm gonna finish this for all of you!!


(sorry, just hadda do it; you can't tell me this thread wasn't begging for it.)
"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia'."
--Vizzini (Wallace Shawn), The Princess Bride
Kevin A
Webmaster/Primary Cynic

If you guys start acting respectful? Maybe. The market is there, and Lucas is all about the Benjermins.

Yeah, I'm sure if Lucas came on here, and saw me being nice, he'd have an epiphany and suddenly reverse his comments that the Original Trilogy DOES NOT EXIST and they will NEVER be released.

Yeah sure.... I'm assuming this is some weak ploy, as if you really believe this BS, then you're too naive to live.
For as much as some people claim to hate what Star Wars has become, they sure seem incapable of shutting up about it.


I've never seen any pro-SE fanboys here saying only the SEs should be out and flaming you guys. If this is the case than please PPOR. Just post one link of someone saying they only want the SEs and that you guys suck.

I saw the movie in the theaters 10 times, and not once did anybody ever boo.

Secodnly, if the movie was generally hated, then why is it the fifth highest grossing movie of all time? $431,088,301 to me indicates a successful movie.

Not only that, but even the majority of the critics liked it. According to rottentomatoes.com TPM scored higher than 60%

They were most likely just shell-shocked at the time (ie the effectsand the overall "Hey it's Star Wars!" feeling).

About the pro-SE fanboys, make a visit to Starwars.com.


Again, nobody booed. I don't believe you when you claim people booed because I'm looking at the hard facts here.

I didn't claim people booed, I claimed people laughed. Obviously in your world, people all have the same reactions at movie showings. This is the dumbest argument you've made so far.


Again, I'd like to see the O-OT on DVD, if for no other reason than achieval. But Peter Jackson put out his extended editions of LOTR on DVD, so I don't have a problem with Lucas doing it.

I have a problem with the SEs being the only versions avaibale.

And just because Jackson does it makes it ok? What the hell's that all about?
Nice to see my that my post went to great use.

Lord Peeler, culd you give people credit for their experiences? Just because everyone cheered at your showing, doesn't mean they did at every showing. Your experience does not make it make for every one elses. You weren't with them when it happened, how do you know that they're making it up? As for the money TPM made, ever hear of Star Trek: The Motion Picture? It's an ok film, but it made more money then it would've had Star Trek still been playing at the time. It had been a decade since new Star Trek, people were starved. Same goes for Menace. Sixteen year, and no new film makes anyone want to check it out. I like TPM and AOTC, but I don't mind if some here don't.

Also, just because all you've seen is O-OT "Fanboys" doesn't mean SE fans don't do it. That's a self-rightous attitude, and an incorrect one to boot. Assuming only one side is guilty is wrong. One of the main reasons I'm here is because one can say, "I though the new Yavin battle could've been better" or "Why does Hayden look so creepy?" and they are shredded. I've seen it happen. Look up Darth Firth on TF.n, he'll tell you you're living in the past if you have any misgivings on the changes. People who didn't like the prequels are told that they aren't Star Wars fans, and that their opinion doesn't matter. Then again, you're going on my word, and since I hate the SE(not Lucas' right to change but the changes themselves) I must be making it up.

I support Lucas. I read his EU, which some fans claim isn't Star Wars and will bash you if you don't agree. There was a huge thread on whether Boba Fett lives, which existed only to turn the two sides against one another. I watch and buy his prequels. I may not agree with everything(not all stormtroopers are clones), I still accept them in my kanon. I also enjoy Magnolia Fans edits, I suppose that means I really hate the prequels, right? The only thing I don't except is the SE. That makes me a black sheep in most communities, and this isn't one of them. Thank heavens for this site.

Now, I'm not against you, but if you don't choose to join in civil discussion, then there's nothing more to say. Please continue your "fanboy witchhunt" elsewhere. Don't act surprised at being flamed, as it seems that's what you want. I won't be doing so, as I respect others opinions, but only if they respect mine.

Made for IE Forum's Episode III theme month - May 2005.

Nobody is on a witch hunt here, well except the fanboys with the tourches out in front of Skywalker Ranch hanging Lucas in effegy.

KlingonJedi, do not be surprised if some of the folks here turn on you for admitting to like the PT.

If your theories on why TPM were true, then why did it sell so many millions of dollars in home video sales???

Finally, I doubt what the people here say because so much of what they say is BS. For example, ILM invented CGI, yet on this board I've seen people say that ILM sucks at CGI. And if a film was universally hated as they claim TPM is, then how on Earth did it make $431 dollars and score so high on the Tomatoe meter??? Your argument that it was the first Star Wars film in 16 years doesn't hold water, because people had to keep going to see it more than once to add up to those numbers.

Catwoman was a movie that was universally hated. It failed to make $ 100 million. If you give TPM an opening weekend take of $100 or so, that doesn't add up to $431 million if people went to it and hated it.

You don't hate it. I don't hate it, so that means that not everyone hates it.

People here claim everyone hates it and it was booed. Well, if the first part doesn't check out that casts doubts on the second part.
Want to talk comics, RPGs and other stuff? Visit otherearths.coml

Unless you are a Star Wars Fanboy, then you can visit : Lord Peeler Vs. The Fanboysl

Originally posted by: Lord Peeler
Nobody is on a witch hunt here, well except the fanboys with the tourches out in front of Skywalker Ranch hanging Lucas in effegy.

You are on a witch hunt. You sit here, twisting other people words against them. You sit here, poking fun at others. You sit here, heckling other people for their beliefs. If someone calling an entire board a group of "fanboys" isn't a witch hunt, what is?


KlingonJedi, do not be surprised if some of the folks here turn on you for admitting to like the PT.

Shows how little you know of these boards. I've been here for months with my thoughts on the PT well known. Never once have I been attacked here for liking the PT. People like me, who hate the special editions for whatever reason, are attacked elsewhere. This board's downright tame in comparison. You've been posting here less than a month and presume you know everyone here? No sir, I will not let you classify people I enjoy talking to in such a way, or anyone for that matter. You do not know the people here, you do not talk to them outside accusing them. Do not act so high and mighty when you are oblivious to this board, as even my patience will wear thin. If it's one thing I truly despise, it's people who make wild generalisations based on ignorence. Just because we have some radicals, doesn't mean we're all radicals.


If your theories on why TPM were true, then why did it sell so many millions of dollars in home video sales???

Again, don't asociate success with universal popularity. Starving the fans got their butts in the seats. Naturally, some liked it, others didn't. ID4 was popular too, does that mean everyone bought it? No it doesn't.


Finally, I doubt what the people here say because so much of what they say is BS. For example, ILM invented CGI, yet on this board I've seen people say that ILM sucks at CGI. And if a film was universally hated as they claim TPM is, then how on Earth did it make $431 dollars and score so high on the Tomatoe meter??? Your argument that it was the first Star Wars film in 16 years doesn't hold water, because people had to keep going to see it more than once to add up to those numbers.

It does too hold water, as not everyone draws the same conclusions on first viewing. I'm not saying everyone hated it, nor are they. I am saying that just because it was successful, doesn't mean everyone loves it. Also, people will buy stuff they don't want. My dad does that. They'll also love a brand, no matter the quality. Add in the fact that there are people who could care less, and you have people buying it for whatever reason. From liking it to just because they collect videos. It's called an opinion, and they have every right to say they hated it as you do liking it. Same as they can have the opinion that Weta or Digital Domain does better CG work. Even if they did "invent it" as you claim, does that automatically make them the best, no matter what? I could care less what the critics think. Troy got lousy reviews, and I saw that twice. Guess I'm the exception to the rule, or do you not believe that possible.

Secondly, ILM didn't create CGI. Ever hear of "Tron"? It was the first film to use extensive computer special effects. At the time, all ILM did was a brief CG sequence in Star Trek II. They didn't have a CGI breakthrough until 1985 with Young Sherlock Holmes(a film which bombed). That's a full year after the CGI marvel of it time, The Last Starfighter. Do your homework next time. ILM has contributed to CGI, they didn't create it. I hold ILM as the best in the field, but I think their work on the Special Editioms was below their efforts. 1996's Star Trek: First Contact has effects well above the SEs. That was ILM at it's best. I couldn't believe why they slacked off on the SE.


Catwoman was a movie that was universally hated. It failed to make $ 100 million. If you give TPM an opening weekend take of $100 or so, that doesn't add up to $431 million if people went to it and hated it.

You don't hate it. I don't hate it, so that means that not everyone hates it.

Nice that you understand that. Now understand that just because we like it, doesn't mean anyone else will or has to. My sister doesn't care much for them. Why should you care? Also, you've talked to maybe five people on this board. Most have not liked the prequels. Since that's five out of the 1,000+ members we have, does that mean everyone here hates it. Are you suggesting that I'm the lone exception?


People here claim everyone hates it and it was booed. Well, if the first part doesn't check out that casts doubts on the second part.

When they saw it, it got booed, FACT. Chances are, when they discuss it, they've met more naysayers. They're going on their experiences, you're going on yours. Not everyone loves it, and I don't care. Not everyone hates it, and I don't care. Why, on Earth, does it matter to you? Where do you get off telling other people that all they spout is lies and BS? Who made you the infalible one? You claim that because you haven't experienced something, it makes it not so? You claim that just because something was successful, everyone must like it? If what they say is BS then you're guilty of it as well. I don't mind discussing things with you, in a civil manner. However, if you feel that must poke holes in their and my arguments, no matter what we say, then just say so. Say that you don't give a damn about others' right to an opinion, declare yourself eternally right, then leave us in peace. Because if that's the case, then you're wasting all our time. Opinions shall be heard, trolls shall not. If you can't trust anyone here, then what do you plan to accomplish? Bashing people certainly won't make them change their minds. If anything, you're causing more harm. If I had a mild problem with something, having someone heckle me for it only turns annoyance into anger.

Jay, if this doesn't clear up, please lock this thread. Any other forum would've long ago.

Made for IE Forum's Episode III theme month - May 2005.

By the way:

1. fanboy

1. A person who is completely loyal to a game or company reguardless of if they suck or not.
2. A pathetic insult often used by fanboys themselves to try and put down people who don't like whatever it is they like.
3. See fool or SEGA.

"If you don't worship SEGA and send them all your money and pay $500 for the copy of Panzer Dragon I'm selling on ebay then your obviously a Sony fanboy even though I've never heard you mention a single thing about Sony the entire five minutes I've known you." Said the SEGA Fanboy.

"Yeah but the SNES didn't have Blast Processing" Said the Sega fanboy.

"FF7 sucks" Said the [SEGA Saturn fanboy.
Source: Sega Slayer, Jun 26, 2003

3. fanboy

A person who loves something without question.

Martigen is such a fanboy.
Source: bah, Jan 27, 2003

4. fanboy

A person who has an undying urge to sway everyone that is not a believer of the belief system they have towards a game or system or every piece of hardware. If they do not succeed, they will not sway from their statement infront of anyone who knows their stancel.

ATI vs. Nvidia, Counter Strike vs. Unreal Tournament, AMD vs. Intel.
Source: {LoC}Deathscythe, Apr 11, 2004

8. Fanboy

Biased people who think that the things they worship about are the masters of the universe. However, since they are biased, they will constantly bash opposing things instead of thinking about it and stating its positive and negative attributes.

Others say XBOX is the best for its graphics and games. Well, not really. PS2 and Gamecube has some more interesting games. And what makes a game a game is that it is fun to play with, not what it looks like.
Source: thesunfiredblanks, Dec 2, 2003

I think this one fits the situation best.

15. fanboy

A very, very stupid word used to try and rob 'fans' of something of their credibility and validity. Usually used in the video gaming world, and employed by those who could be described as 'fanboys' themselves.

The word totally fails as an insult, and serves only to make the attacker seem incredibly childish. It also fails in that nobody is ashamed to call themselves a 'fan' of something - are they?

Ooooh, don't call me a FAN, I'll be so offended.
Source: Bal-Sagoth, Jul 2, 2004

Made for IE Forum's Episode III theme month - May 2005.