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I hate M. Night Ramalamadingdong! — Page 4

Originally posted by: Windexed
Am I the only one that doesn't hate M. Night Shamalhamdam? I mean sure he comes of as a sactumoneous prick at times, and his movies can be pretentious and are probably overrated. But I'd still rather watch anything he does over 75% of the shit Hollywood pumps out these days (Stephen Sommers, Paul WS Anderson, Wiseman, Ratner, the Scary Movie creators, ect.).

I always like M.Nights movies, as they are better then most crap out these days. I agree he overdoes it with the twists in EVERY movie, but the one thing I will give him is the story is atleast interesting and all his movies you kinda don't know where they are headed. This is so refreshing in todays age of movies where most movies are lame big budget sequels that the story is the worst aspect of the movie, and M.Night atleast makes a compelling story to hold your attention for 2 hours. Another thing is M.Night always gets great performances out his cast too, and plus he is from the Philly area, and so am I.
May this thread never die!
I am fluent in over six million forms of procrastination.

ADigitalMan said:

May this thread never die!

I think someone spoke too soon.

General thoughts about this thread:

I’m coming back 16 years later to say that The Sixth Sense is great. Unbreakable is great. Sure it’s “slow” but a better word is methodical. All of the negative comments here about them are frankly completely misguided. Just because you “guessed” the end of a film shouldn’t take away from the rest of the film if it’s a good film, which I believe both are.


Shyamalan reminds me a lot of Joel Schumacher. They both can/could make very good films, and also very poor ones.

“The simultaneous existence of opposite virtues in the soul — like pincers to catch hold of God.”

― Simone Weil

“Reality is the original Rorschach.”

― Malaclypse the Younger


I think Disney should give M. Night Shyamalan his own Star Wars trilogy. Of course, Shyamalan’s films always need some crazy twist at the end. So maybe the twist could be that Vader is secretly Luke’s father. Nobody would ever predict that one. Also, Luke was actually a Force ghost the whole time, and it turns out Palpatine’s one true weakness is water.


Star Wars already had a Sixth Sense moment with Kotor and Revan, I doubt it will ever happen again.

Vader being Luke’s father was lazy, like Leia the sister. Yes Vader being Luke’s father may be novel, but it changed the entire trajectory of the series and not for the better. To being all about Darth Vader. The 6 film Saga of the tragedy of Anakin Skywalker, Lucas didn’t even have any idea for he had barely one movie.