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How will you be watching the saga in preparation for Force Awakens? — Page 4


I’ll be watching them in release order, official Blu-Rays. All in a row.

Not enough people read the EU.


And afterwards, I’m thinking of watching the movies the way they are viewed to the people in the Star Wars universe. Like, watch TPM, then wait 10 years, and watch AOTC, then another 3 years, and watch ROTS, etc.

Not enough people read the EU.


LuckyGungan2001 said:

And afterwards, I’m thinking of watching the movies the way they are viewed to the people in the Star Wars universe. Like, watch TPM, then wait 10 years, and watch AOTC, then another 3 years, and watch ROTS, etc.

And by TFA you’ll be dead. Cool.

And in the time of greatest despair, there shall come a savior, and he shall be known as the Son of the Suns.


Of course, he could cheat by using a time machine to skip over the intervening years.


Here’s my definitive movie marathon.

Star Wars
The Holiday Special Boba Fett Cartoon
The Empire Strikes Back
Return of the Jedi
The People Vs. George Lucas

I decided to skip the prequels after about 45 minutes of The Phantom Menace.


Wasn’t there a PvGL2 discussed about a year ago - anybody know what happened to it?


If it’s still happening, they’re probably waiting until TFA has been out for a while. The landscape of the fandom will be different.

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Where were you in '77?


Anchorhead said:

I may watch 1977 Star Wars. Haven’t really decided yet.

I can’t do it. I got out the DVD and put it in the on-deck circle (where it’s visible as the next thing I’m going to watch). I looked at it sitting there for over a week and put it away two days ago. I just can’t go backwards. I can’t bring myself to watch it.

It’s the GOUT, which is a huge F-you from Lucas to the original fans, and it’s (to me) an abridged version of the story. I made the switch to the NPR version years ago and I just can’t go back. I thought I could at least this once now that I’d seen how fantastic the Abrams film and new leads look to be, plus the original cast are back. I was wrong.

If Disney ever does the right thing and releases a proper version of the 1977 original and shows the film, actors, entire 77 crew, and the fans respect, I’ll buy it and watch it. Until then, I just can’t watch anything Lucas had a direct hand in making.

With that said: This week has been my personal Star Wars canon. The NPR version during my work commutes. I have about four hours left, which should take me up to Sunday morning. If I get antsy and listen while I’m working, I’ll go back and revisit a few of my favorite episodes.

Driving home yesterday (yes, I pulled over to take the picture).

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