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How did you first see the Star Wars films? — Page 5


If I recall correctly I watched almost nothing but the 1992 Pan & Scan VHS release of IV - VI for years on repeat. I remember being too young to know what roman numerals were so I had no idea which order the films went in, so I just watched whichever one I felt like at the time and was always sucked in the moment the movie started.

I begged my Dad to take me to see TPM when it came out in 1999 and mortified my mother by talking endlessly about how Darth Maul was cut in half; I learned years later my father got in a lot of trouble for that 😛
My Dad then took me out of school to see both AOTC and ROTS in theatres the day they came out.

For TFA I took my Dad, which was a really nice experience to share considering the first film he ever took me to the cinemas for was TPM.

R1 same sort of deal.

I’m honestly not a fan of these annual releases; Star Wars always felt like a huge event but it’s feeling less so now that it’s going to be non-stop for a while, kind of takes a way a bit of the ‘specialness,’ in my opinion anyway.

I wish life were still as simple as just sitting in front of a crappy tube TV all day watching Return of the Jedi over and over again, sleeping, rinse and repeat.


The first contact with Star Wars was in 1980 or 1981 already, in the age of 6 or 7. I remember a movie Magazine for Empire, that they sold at the cinemas. It was the famous Empire Poster with just Darth Vaders helmet in front of a star field, and i was fascinated by it. At least, thats what my mother has told me. I also recall a specific Image inside the Magazine, and it was a couple of guys (Special effect People i guess) Standing around a tiny At-AT model and looking at it.

The first time i saw a Star Wars movie was Return of the Jedi in 1983. Eventually they showed Empire and A New Hope, but i watched only Empire twice, because my mother didn’t had the time for A New Hope, and both movies were aired for only a week. Empire is still my favorite for all these years, first it was for the battle in the snow, but when i grew older it was the whole package.

Of course i had tons of Star Wars toys, and i still have them all. I still like how sturdy and nice they look and feel. These old Kenner toys are simply quality stuff. Then in the mid eighties the Star Wars craze started to fade and all the things in the Shops dissappeared…until 1992 when Star Wars came back slowly.

I bought the Dark Horse comics (its 781 comics in my collection) and eventually the Marvel Collections named “A Long time ago…” with all the Marvel SW Comics, republished by Dark Horse. I spend a lot of Money on Star Wars stuff, especially when Kenner started the Star Wars Toy line again.

When the Special Editions came out in 97 i watched each twice, and was looking Forward to the prequels. I watched EP 1 12 times…don’t look at me like that. 😉 I was in the german Military at that time, in a tiny town and the Cinema was the only way to get some distraction from duty. I just didn’t care to hang out with the other guys. I watched each Episode twice, and still can’t get around hating them. I can see the flaws, and the stupidity of some things (midichlorians??) but altogether i think they are still Ok to good movies with Revenge being the best. The Scene with the annihilation of the Jedis is a well made piece of cinema, but it was stuck in a Trilogie with too much mediocrity going on and therefore it doesn’t get the recognition it deserves. Also i have to say that John Williams made some great music for these films.

When Disney bought Star Wars i was interested in what would happen next, but i wasn’t fearful nor excited. At that time in my life, Star Wars wasn’t just super important. It was never away for me, but it was very much on the sidelines. I discovered the japanese singer Nana Mizuki (who is also a big Star Wars fan, see my avatar) in 2012, my mother died a year later, and i was unemployed the same day. However, when it turned out that Lucas wouldn’t be involved, my SW friends and i, would be joking how great Star Wars movies without ol’ Georgo L. could be. I don’t think that George Lucas is the evil wizard, many seem to think he would be, but he messed with SW just too much. All these Special Editions and Re-Edtions that add stuff, and take it away again, and some of the prequal stuff.

When they announced TFA i was pretty excited that Luke, Han and Leia would return and i thought the movie was great. Eventually i noticed all the similarities to a new hope, and that first impression faded a bit. But that thing i cringe every time is that Reichsparteitag on Starkiller Base. Its so silly and in our face, with the comical speech of General Hux (“The new Republic LIES to the galaxy!” Well, big whoop, you big baby!). The german voice actor is the same guy who did Dr Christopher Turk in Scrubs and that makes the speech even more hilarious. But the imagery was the worst. Star Wars always had tons of references to earth things, like Vaders Samurai/German helmet, Cowboy movies, Flash Gordon and 30’s Monster films, but that scene in TFA was far too close to reality, especially with those huge red banners in the background. This was done by people who didn’t understand the Star Wars concept to take things that are familiar to us, and present them in a new centext.

In December i saw finally Rogue One and i always thought that this movie could be more interesting that TFA and IMO it was. When i read somewhere that Disney wants to do movies outside the well trodden Star Wars ways with Sith and Jedi and so on, i was super excited. Those Dark Horse Comics were very often about eras, events and characters that aren’t even mentioned in the movies, and yet most of them were great, because in Star Wars, some character passing by for 3 seconds in the background look more interesting than the main actors in many other movies. Now Rogue One is on my SW movie ranking on place #3, right after Empire and ANH. I saw it three times so far and liked it each time more. Tarkin and Leia were already good at the first time, but on the second and third viewing i forgot that they were CGI altogether. When i saw Rogue One for the first time, it was right the day after Carrie Fishers passing and that made the ending especially emotional.

That was longer than i wanted it to be, but here it is.


I first saw the OT in around 1998 when I was around 7. My mum would always go out with my gran on a Friday night so my dad would look after me and my sister. We’d go to the shop across the road and grab a ton of sweets and fizzy drinks and sit down in front of some great older movies. Close Encounters, ET, the Indiana Jones trilogy, the 90s Batman & 70s Superman series, and of course Star Wars. Out of all of them, I adored SW the most (though I still love Indiana Jones with the exception of Indy and the Goddamn Bombproof Fridge).

Being young I was somewhat unaware of the fact that they were making a new series film until that ENORMOUS marketing push. I’m not ashamed to say I swallowed the hype - I was a kid, and almost everyone swallowed it. Even my normally level-headed dad did. Even ‘invested’ in a nearly-complete collection of the Commtalk action figures that have never left their packaging. Not even ashamed to say that as a kid I was enraptured by the prequels on screen. Nowadays I can see them for the flawed films that they are, though I do still enjoy RotS more than I probably should.

Of course I was more than aware of the potential for a sequel series and was distinctly unsurprised when Disney announced it after their purchase. Once more though I was spirited away to that child-like hype state no matter how much I tried to temper it with adult skepticism. On seeing TFA on opening night I was like that awestruck child in that cinema seat. My smile on the opening crawl and that stirring John Williams theme didn’t fade except for at that moment on the catwalk. I was much more cynical about Rogue One, but coming out of seeing it I was stunned - it was the prequel we deserved.

And now I’m itching for that first Last Jedi trailer to come out so I can go back to that Friday afternoon in school. zoning out of maths and looking forward to seeing what comes next in the saga.


I don’t recall when I saw A New Hope or Empire Strike Back, as I was too young to remember, but I remember going to see Revenge of the Jedi, as I saw the trailers on TV for it. So, in 1983, I was 12 yrs. old. I went to the theater in Yuma, AZ, where they filmed the Jabba’s sail barge/ Sarlaac Pit just outside of town in the sand dunes.

I finally got my ticket for Return of the Jedi, so while I’m sitting there about to watch the movie, they were having trivia contests, asking people about certain things in the first 2 films, and if you got it right, you got special toys and gifts from Lucasfilm. I was never called, but people in the front were. I did get to see some of the toys after the movie, as people walked out looking at them, and a nice little entourage following them, me being one of them.

So, while I was watching the film, it came to the unmasking of Vader, I was so scared to watch, as I peeked through my fingers, as I covered my eyes with my hands. I saw Luke lift Vader’s helmet and when I saw him, I dropped my hands, as I wasn’t scared anymore. It’s a memory I remember vividly, I will never forget going to see it. I loved the special effects in the movie, they were incredible, and I had never seen anything like that before, like the speeder chase, it was unbelievable.

Since I lived there in Yuma, AZ. I collected a really cool newspaper pull out in 1982, while they were filming out in the desert. It says on the front page Revenge of the Jedi, and it’s really old, but I have it to this day. In the newspaper, it has some pictures of Jabba’s sail barge and the actors behind the scenes. The newspaper journalist asking George Lucas questions about the sequels and prequels, and stuff like that. It also has advertisements for Atari games and McDonalds. The funny thing about those, is that the prices are super low. It’s a really interesting read, but, this is my memory of going to see Return of the Jedi.

I might put some images up this weekend, so you all can see it. I have to go for now, be back later.


Here are some pics of the newspaper pull out for Revenge of the Jedi in Yuma, AZ in May 1982.


That’s about all of them.

One came out blurry, I have to retake the photo of it.


Cool! I’d be interested in seeing the rest.

“That Darth Vader, man. Sure does love eating Jedi.”


CarboniteSolo said:

Here are some pics of the newspaper pull out for Revenge of the Jedi in Yuma, AZ in May 1982.


There’s more if interested.

Very cool! I love modern artifacts like this!

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


Saw the original three in order on VHS at a friend’s house in 3rd grade (grew up in the 90s). Pretty sure it was one of the last pre-special edition VHS releases, because Han definitely shot first. It was a sleepover party right when the 90s Star Wars Renaissance was taking off, so as a result of that party my parents and relatives were constantly spammed for Star Wars Action Fleet toys and various Star Wars-based video games. 😃

Then it was the prequels in theaters as they came out, then I refused to buy the blu-ray editions on account of Lucas’s modifications (the CG blinking Ewoks were just too much…), and consequently discovered Harmy and later Team Negative1.


I first saw a fullscreen version of ANH as a kid, I guess I was like 8 or 9 which was at the end of the 80s. My uncle was a movie “nut” for the time and he had a big TV with a ProLogic receiver and four speaker setup to rock the living room… I stil remember that I was absolutely taken away by the “space knight” narrative and re-enacted with my friends with growing sophistication 😉
I remember not even knowing at the time that it was actually a trilogy, as I was absolutely psyched when my dad told me that he had “pts.2 and 3” on video a few months later. For whatever reason my family didn´t really care that much about TV and so we had a somewhat small TV from another room in the house as fill-in during the summer when the main set broke. But that didn´t matter when I could watch ESB and ROTJ on back to back days during the summer school break. Funny how as a kid you couldn´t care less about the quality of the movie delivery, as it was all about the magic that happened on screen, even on a 20in TV.

Then I lobbied for the THX VHS trilogy set, when I moved into my own flat out came the SE re-releases at the movie theaters. I actually DO remember quite fondly, with exception of the actrocious song replacements and a couple really cheesy CGI. However, for someone not from the States and having experienced the movies on video first, seeing the trilogy on the big screen with big sound was still a great experience all in all. Then came the 2004 DVD and the 2011 BluRay.

Oh, and as for the prequels… Well, I went to midnight premiere and was absolutely thrilled to actually see a new SW movie at the theater in my life. I really, really wanted it to be good. At the opening crawl, the whole theater burst into applause, and I actually thought that it did have potential while obviously being vastly different from the original trilogy. I was even willing to accept my first impression that it was obviously very much tailored towards kids. But then I watched it again after a week and actually went to see it a third time and then it sank in that this movie was nowhere near being able to re-capture the true enchantment that I experienced as a kid. Whether that meant having become an adult and thus not as easily impressed, or simply the movies not actually being able to provide that spark, I was not immediately sure. But after a couple of days, it was absolutely clear the GL had lost his touch. But that´s for another topic…


The best I can remember is watching my step father’s special edition VHS of both Wide and Full screen copies and my biological taking me to see all the prequels when they were released in theaters. I was fortunate enough to be allowed to re-watch the original trilogy as much as I wanted which fueled me to get the toys and games. Never really noticed the heavy edits of the 4,5, and 6 until I saw Hayden Christensen replace Sebastian Shaw at the end of 6 which always annoyed the hell out of me.

I was finally able to watch 4,5, and 6 in theaters last year during Almo Drafthouse’s Return of the Trilogy event. Glad to have watch Star Wars on the big screen and not on a TV in my room. 😃


Attack of the Clones was on TV when I was 8. I don’t believe I started from the beginning, and I couldn’t sit through it. At that time I mostly liked Star Wars because everyone else liked it.

It was only a couple years ago when I had properly watched Star Wars through the DeSpecEd.


ANH - I honestly don’t remember… pretty sure it was a Betamax tape at a friends house (I was a bit too young - born in 1976) to see it in the theater)

TESB - Saw in the theater with my dad, might be the first movie (was one of the first) I ever saw in a theater

ROTJ - Saw in the theater; I still remember what a huge deal it was. They were selling T-shirts and other ROTJ stuff outside the theater.

TPM - Saw it in the theater

AOTC - I think I waited for DVD (might have seen in theater but don’t remember)

ROTS - I’m pretty sure I waited for DVD (might have seen in theater but don’t remember)

I was so excited for TPM that I can remember vividly seeing it in the theater (and in fact the first viewing was pretty enjoyable; I hadn’t seen any new SW films since 1983!)… sadly the film didn’t hold up for me and I don’t really even remember the first time I saw AOTC and ROTS (pretty sure it was on DVD, but I might have gone to the theater for AOTC).

TFA - Saw in the theater with my oldest daughter in her Rey T-shirt (She was 6). Awesome experience.

Rogue One - Saw it in the theater with both my daughters (7 and 4). My 4 year old actually sat through the whole thing and my 7 year old loved it. Another awesome experience (there’s nothing like seeing a new SW film with your kid; the excitement and wonder is contagious)


I first saw the OT when the 2004 DVDs came out. I watched the first two prequels on DVD and Revenge of The Sith was the first Star Wars movie I saw in theaters.


Empire Strikes Back : 1980 in theater
A New Hope : 1980 on VHS
Return Of The Jedi : 1983 in theater
The Phantom Menace : 1999 in theater (in Brasil !!!)
Attack Of The Clones : 2002 in theater
Revenge Of The Sith : 2005 in theater
The Force Awakens : 2015 in theater
Rogue One : 2016 in theater


I don’t really have a clear memory of seeing Star Wars for the first time the way a lot of you do.

I got into Trek first. My mom rented Search for Spock when I was 5 (1990/91) and from then on I was hooked (I detailed this recently in the Star Trek thread in off topic).

Star Wars was just something I always kinda knew about, and it was finding out relatively early on that ILM had also worked on several of the Trek films that I think helped me avoid the “Trek vs Wars” thing, though I was definitely the outlier in my class of 30 for liking Trek. All the cool kids were “down with the trilogy” (they didn’t actually say that, I’m just quoting Clerks II).

There was another connection to a separate “franchise” I remember finding out about. Really random memory time here, but back in the early days of Sci-Fi Channel there was this mini-vignette they would always play during commercial breaks. Voiceover guy was talking about so-and-so who won such-and-such awards for his work on Star Wars and Battlestar Galactica, and I remember very clearly they played the shot of Artoo and Threepio crossing the Tantive corridor as blaster bolts somehow miss them. It was only in recent years that I realized they must have been interviewing John Dykstra. In any event, I don’t really have an earliest Star Wars memory.

One thing I do remember quite clearly is being in first or second grade (91/92) and looking through one of those children’s story books lying on the shelf in the classroom. It had photos from the movies (possibly it was only from RotJ). At one point, I was on a page with that photo of Jabba with Leia in the metal bikini. A friend of mine goes “you know who that guy is?” as he points to the green-armored person with the helmet standing by Jabba’s side. “That’s Boba Fett,” he tells me.

I must have seen the original movie or at least gotten the gist of it, because I remember staying over at my relatives’ place and popping in their vhs of RotJ they’d recorded off a tv broadcast. They had a whole drawer full of movies they’d taped off tv years earlier before they had ditched cable. Smart thinking, really. Since it had the word “Return” in the title, I incorrectly assumed it was the second movie of the trilogy and not the third. By the scene where Han still frozen in carbonite was revealed, I realized I had no idea what was going on. Must’ve ejected the tape not long after that.

I must have just sorta known Vader was Luke’s father, because I definitely saw RotJ first. It must’ve been when USA network was airing them in the early-to-mid nineties, or possibly when Sci-Fi Channel showed the movies letterboxed. Actually, I remember vividly my first time seeing the “I am your father” scene from ESB and I’m pretty sure it was as a clip in some retrospective vignette they were playing on Sci-Fi channel right around that same time (early to mid 90’s).

So yeah, my first clear memory of watching the OT would probably be as the USA network P&S broadcasts. I still remember it cut to commercial right after the Emperor’s “So be it … Jedi” and my dad echoed the words.

VHS rentals helped fill in the gaps, of course. I’m pretty sure that’s how I actually sat down and watched the first two films properly for the first time. My mom also ended up getting me the Faces VHS of ANH for Christmas of '95.

I saw the SE’s once each in the theater (was eleven, same age as JJ in '77) and got the widescreen vhs SE trilogy “silverbox” for Christmas that year. For seven years, that was my Star Wars. I actually have to credit my mom with getting me fascinated with aspect ratios, whether she meant to or not. Funny how almost every time I saw the SE vhs set sitting on someone’s shelf it was almost always the fullscreen “goldbox” when seven years later it was jarring to see an '04 dvd set that was gold instead of silver.

We got the ‘04 dvd set of course, a month or so after it was released. It was sheer curiosity about the fanmade bootlegs that led me to this place. During the couple hours’ wait before the midnight opening of RotS, I noticed someone in one of the rows closer to the screen watching ESB on their laptop … and it was the original version. Started lurking here later that summer, finally got around to downloading Cowclops v2 in March of '06. That was an experience, and what I would probably call my first time seeing these movies in something halfway resembling how they were originally shown in theaters.


Star Wars - not sure when I saw it… some time in the early 80s on Video tape
TESB - In theater
ROTJ - In theater
TPM - In theather
AOTC - In theater (I think)
ROTS - DVD (might have seen in theater… can’t remember)
TFA - In theater
RO - In theater


Star Wars: About a thousand times on VHS taped off of HBO, from about 1981 to 1983. (To me, the HBO theme circa 1981 is just as integral to the film as the 20th Century Fox fanfare.) I still don’t know how my parents wound up with that tape—we never had HBO!

Empire Strikes Back: At a friend’s house in some bootleg form around 1981. It didn’t capture my imagination like Star Wars, and I didn’t see it again until I got the trilogy VHS set in maybe 1992.

Return of the Jedi: Theater. My first memory of seeing a movie in the theater, and it was everything I could possibly have dreamed of as a follow-up to my worn-out Star Wars tape. Somehow I got an off-HBO tape of this too, and wore that out too from 1984-1990.

The Random Premise: In the theater, weeks and weeks after release. After the atrocity of the SEs, I was in no way “fooled” by the previews. It was clearly dreck in every respect, from the cartoonish CGI (just like the SEs) to the “rabbit guy’s” shenanigans. When I finally got around to seeing it, though, it was even worse than I had imagined. It wasn’t just bad, it was a confounding embarrassment on every level to the people involved in making it.

Attack of the Clowns: Theater, opening day. My roommates were all going, it was the last day of some final exam or another, and I was inebriated. I “talked myself into” thinking “it’s not that bad.” When I finally rewatched it on video, I was astounded at my desperate reaction formation the first time. It, to a slightly lesser degree that TRP, was a travesty and a humiliating failure for Lucas and his army of cowed yesmen.

Return of the Shit: Theater, while hype was in full swing. I liked it, despite acknowledging its profound flaws of execution, and I still maintain it’s got some deep thematic worth.

The Fourth Awakening: Netflix Blu-ray.

Episogue One: It’s “on the queue,” but I am going to watch it only for cultural edification, since I am fundamentally opposed to the CGI necromancy of Peter Cushing, and will never support this manifest evil in any way.

Jedi II: Will probably get it on Netflix, depending on how tasteless Episogue One is, and whether I hear of any necromancy in this one.


I got lucky- I was born in '89 so when the OT was re-released in theaters in the late 90s I got to see them on the silver screen for my first viewing. It was almost like being a kid in the late 70s - early 80s, or at least for me it was because up until that point I hadn’t had much exposure to TV or films at all and Star Wars just blew my mind. So it went something like this:

ANH- in theaters, sometime in February of '97 (wow, I’ve been a SW fan for 20 years)
ESB- in theaters, shortly thereafter
RotJ- in theaters, shortly thereafter
TPM- in theaters, midnight viewing on opening day
AotC- in theaters, midnight viewing on opening day
RotS- in theaters, midnight viewing on opening day
TFA- in theaters, 7:00 P.M. on the day before opening day (in Hawaii, midnight releases are shown at midnight EST which is 6 or 7 P.M. Hawaii time depending on DST)
R1- in theaters, 7:00 P.M. on the day before opening day
TLJ- I’ll see it in theaters at midnight like all the rest, and I no longer live in Hawaii so it will actually be at midnight

A few notes:
I remember being scared out of my mind at the end of RotJ when the lightning came out of Palpatine’s hands. I ran out of the theater and watched from the crack in the door. Hey, I was seven.
I remember liking TPM when I first saw it at 9 years old, so well done Lucas, you pleased your target audience. By the time AotC came out I was already sick of TPM and aware of its inferiority to the OT. Episodes II and III did not redeem it, and I only saw each film once in theaters and didn’t watch them again for years.
Though the first versions I watched were the Special Editions, I distinctly remember watching an old VHS set dozens of times after I saw them in theaters. That old VHS set was NOT the Special Edition, and years later when I bought the DVDs I remember thinking “what the hell is this crap?”

Edit: I also will never forget the audience’s reaction to Yoda fighting Palpatine in RotS (edit to the edit: it was actually Yoda v. Dooku in AotC). The entire audience literally started laughing out loud at how ridiculous it looked. I didn’t really know how to react.

Edit 2: like Bobby above, I also remember the burst of applause when the opening crawl first started in TPM. Man, what a waste.


This is gonna reveal my age, but I got the RotS video game when I was young. Later my parents got the movie for me and I watched it. It makes pretty decent sense on its own, I didn’t even notice that I was missing two previous movies in the trilogy. I guess I didn’t look at the title of the video game or the movie, or the crawl, because I wasn’t phased by it being Episode III.

At a birthday party, in March 2006, I got the Phantom Menace as a gift. Since TPM also stands decently on its own, and has a conclusion, I didn’t feel like I was missing an Episode 2, or the OT. I just assumed they were two standalone movies that happened to have the same characters.

Sometime before Spring 2007, I saw AotC. I know this because I remember walking in the snow with my brother, pretending we were Mace Windu and Obi-Wan from AotC. Sometime before May 2008, I was pretending to be Darth Vader (using my toy helmet), and my mom said “Luke, I am your father”. I didn’t know what she meant so she showed me the OT. I know this was before May 2008, because after the Clone Wars movie came out, I insisted on calling RotS “Episode 4”, SW “Episode 5”, ESB “Episode 6”, and RotJ “Episode 7”. I saw the Clone Wars movie in theatres, but the theatre was pretty empty so it was probably later in its run.

Obviously saw TFA and R1 in theatres.


Hello there…

this is a nice thread which makes me think about old times.

I first watched Star Wars on german television on march the 15. 1990 lying on the floor in front of my grandmas tv. I was 11 years old. It was the first time the movie was shown on german television. By that time the USA were far far away.

The following weeks my grandma had to record ESB and ROTJ because we did not own a video-recorder.



Star Wars - At a drive-in theater
Return of the Jedi - At the theater (during a friend’s birthday party; notably, I had not yet seen The Empire Strikes Back)
The Empire Strikes Back - On Laserdisc at my aunt’s house (This seems to be the only Star Wars movie that I didn’t catch during its original release in the theater.)

The Phantom Menace - At the theater
Attack of the Clones - At the theater
Revenge of the Sith - At the theater

The Force Awakens - At the theater
Rogue One - At the theater


Was at my Grandma’s house back in the early 1980s. She either had a VHS or Laserdisc of Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back. Watched it often. Also remembered seeing Return of the Jedi in cinemas when I was only a lad in 1983. Then one of my friends had both CED and Laserdisc. Was able to finally watch the OG OOT in OAR while we took turns flipping the LDs. Great times.
Same Grandma also had tons of James Bond movies and 1930s-1950s stuff too. She passed in 2000.

PT all in cinemas. The Force Awakens and Rogue One also in cinemas. Also went to see the 1997 20th Anniversary Special Editions of Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi in cinemas too.


My father made friends with a local theater owner, and we got to watch all six films in 2006, I believe. At the time they had prints of the OUT, except for ANH, for they had the 1981 version. I’m pretty sure they partially restored those pints at the time I was seeing it, because there were very few missing frames when I first saw it.

this post has been edited.


Dat_SW_Guy said:

My father made friends with a local theater owner, and we got to watch all six films in 2006, I believe. At the time they had prints of the OUT, except for ANH, for they had the 1981 version. I’m pretty sure they partially restored those pints at the time I was seeing it, because there were very few missing frames when I first saw it.

Sounds reasonable.


In the early nineties I saw the Star Wars films on TV–but I believe it was only the first two. I never got to watch Return of the Jedi on TV release or in the theater when the Special Editions came out. To this day it is the only Star Wars film I haven’t watched in the theater.

Besides Clone Wars, because that film had no business being released in theaters.

EDIT: I did eventually watch Return of the Jedi for a while of never seeing it. Being familiar with the first two films in the trilogy but never seeing the conclusion to the Saga was interesting for me. I had to grab every ounce of Star Wars things I could, and I went to the library and read all sorts of comics and books that were set after the original trilogy. They were something special, and somehow I missed any reference to Vader’s redemption and the Emperor’s death. When I finally watched Return of the Jedi it was pretty much everything I wanted it to be, and its now my favorite film of the original trilogy.