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How did Vader deflect those shots? — Page 2


C3PX said:

Yes, one of the books in the series was called The Glove of Darth Vader. They were written for children and contradicted other SW EU from the very start (started coming out around the same time Timothy Zahn's first SW books were being released). Though perhaps other EU stories borrowed from this or also tried to turn Darth Vader's glove into a mythical Sith artifact.

When those books first came out, I was under the impression they were not meant to be taken as a serious part of the EU (after the battle of Endor, Lando goes on to buy a themepark), but rather part of some subcategory.

 They're considered canon now.


TheBoost said:

I've always liked the scene because "We would be honored, if you would join us." isn't just evil... it's SARCASTIC. It's the only time we see Vader just straight be a dick.

 What about "apology accepted, Captain Needa..."?  I'd say that's pretty frickin sarcastic.