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Interested in everyones opinion when ROTS DVD Comes after Nov 1

I am very interested to see everyones opinion when Episode III DVD comes out after November 1st.

I grew up and loved the OT, and was very letdown by the first two prequels. They had great moments that were very entertaining, but there were BAD moments which I can't forget which I think have tainted Lucas' new movies and definitely seperated them from the OT.

I saw ROTS twice in the theater, and I liked it alot. It definitely was the best prequel, in a sense it was lightyears better than TPM & AOTC. I really thought it would equal the OT movies, but unfortunately it didin't, and that is where I was letdown. Rather than the first two prequels, this movie had more BETTER moments than bad moments, so I don't bury this one like the others. But it still had its share of bad: The quick turn, Padme dying of giving up, and NOOOOOOOOO!

When I get the DVD in 3 weeks, I will watch it a couple of times and see how it holds up. I am really hoping that I like it alot more now after the dust settles, and now my expectations of the prequels are alittle lower overall.

There are three ways we can all go after watching ROTS:

1. Realizing it is better than TPM & AOTC, but overall is not satisfying, and in a sense writing off the prequels, and coming to the conclusion that Star Wars is Episode IV, V, VI and that is it.

2. Realizing it is a really good Star Wars movie, and it is so much better than TPM & AOTC, that I really won't watch them anymore, and the saga will be III, IV, V, VI.

3. Being satisfied with the movie, that you finally accept the prequels for what they are. You accept the cringing moments, but overall it is Star Wars, and yes, the PT could have been better, 6 Star Wars episodes are better than 3. Even though you feel the OT is better, you will see the saga as I, II, III, IV, V, VI.

Hopefully I can fall into Category # 3, but I don't know, I waver too much on the prequels, and cant get past Jar Jar sometimes, so I will probably fall into Category # 2. But then again it may not hold up, and I will be fed up and feel the last 10 years were a waste, and go back to old days of wondering why Darth Vader turned to the darkside, maybe it was funner that way.

Which category do you think you'll fall under?
No.2 For me Sith is welcome. Clones is slightly redemmable but not to the extent but not to watch all the time(and not part of my saga), Menace to put it nicely I would rather watch the Holiday Special(as said in another thread parts of Menace are beyond redemption least in the H.S you have Luke Leia Han and Chewie)

With the addition of Sith I have a nice little saga, without too many descrepancies...

I won't be buying Sith on DVD.
I might by a 6 movie box set when it inevitably comes out, but until then, nope.

War does not make one great.

I'm more #3 at this point. Yeah, the first two are kind of not so great, but its all Star Wars and in the end, they're just movies. I'll probably stick to watching the fan-edits in any case.

Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here, this is the war room!

#1 TPM was the last new star wars movie I saw at the theatre and the last.
I think I fall into #3. The prequels do not come close to the originals, but they have their moments. Jar Jar stinks, the love story in AOTC was poorly done, etc, but there were some good points.
I'm mostly a #1. I can and prefer to see the trilogy as standalone without having to get into all the drama and stupidity and continuity errors of the prequels. But I fall into some #3 elements too, because sometimes I can accept the prequels and find them enjoyable to an extent, although I'd see them as IV, V, VI, I, II, III, rather than I, II, III, IV, V, VI.

There is no lingerie in space…

C3PX said: Gaffer is like that hot girl in high school that you think you have a chance with even though she is way out of your league because she is sweet and not a stuck up bitch who pretends you don’t exist… then one day you spot her making out with some skinny twerp, only on second glance you realize it is the goth girl who always sits in the back of class; at that moment it dawns on you why she is never seen hanging off the arm of any of the jocks… and you realize, damn, she really is unobtainable after all. Not that that is going to stop you from dreaming… Only in this case, Gaffer is actually a guy.

Yup. Sign me up for #3. The prequels never bothered me much aside from the poop jokes. And as far as other hot points like Vader's Noo!! scenes or Greedo shooting first, eh, I just don't care anymore. I was betrayed by them Ewoks back in '83, spent years stewing over the faults, and now I just don't care. I'm turning a blind eye to the faults.

Besides, thanks to the work of such brilliant editors like ADigitalMan, MagnoilaFan, Darth Editious, and old OPCMovie (the G-man), well have tons of .vob files to choose from. Just plug-in what you like and there ya go. We'll all have our own personal edits then.
I'm somewhere between 1 and 2 (1.5, I guess). Ep. I and II are damaged goods, and largely in-name-only SW movies-- look, they said "I have a bad feeling about this", blahblahblah, but the proceedings were half-hearted and lackluster. I saw ROTS 3 times in the theater, and each time I felt the same moments of good and bad. Yes it was the "best" prequel, but there are enough little annoyances (and rather large flaws, i.e. "the quick turn") that I'm actually more psyched about any fan edits of it. There were cool elements there to make a good SW film, but it was still kind of all over the map to really stick.

That said, I am kind of excited to comb over it on the small screen.
We don't have enough road to get up to 88.
I had ROTS on DVD since it was released in the cinema and have watched it about 30 times now(a good copy, none of this time code shit). I WILL be buying the official DVD when released.
For me this is a great film. I love it. Much better that the other 2, and IMO no 2 fave film of the 6, Empire being no 1.

I'll still watch the other two films from time to time...I do actualy quite like 'em!


i just wish the prequels had been trimmed down a bit, espescially ep 1 and 2. i thought rots was fine, a little clunky here and there. although i dont like to over complicate ep 4 too much by thinking of the prequels, i think it works better without them . also i miss the fairy tale qualities in the pt. thought that was what sucked the most about them, they felt too contemporary for some reason
Star Wars is Star Wars. I fall under three. Aside from Jar-Jar, the bad love scens,the awful dialogue, greedo shooting first, the errors in cloud city, and the ewoks, in the end I will always love these films no matter how bad some moments are. So yeah, all the movies have their faults, but it wont bother me to watch all six. Yeah the OT was better, but Sith redeemed some of the PT at the end.
Originally posted by: Krycek87
Star Wars is Star Wars. I fall under three. Aside from Jar-Jar, the bad love scens,the awful dialogue, greedo shooting first, the errors in cloud city, and the ewoks, in the end I will always love these films no matter how bad some moments are. So yeah, all the movies have their faults, but it wont bother me to watch all six. Yeah the OT was better, but Sith redeemed some of the PT at the end.


I started this topic, but you 100% summed up the way I feel about the saga. My only conflict I have with myself, is are we shortchanging ourselves when we say how we love the OT, and the fact that is better, and though it is Star Wars we put up with all the bad crap from the PT. In a sense I will always watch them because they are Star Wars, but on the other hand I am quick to acknowledge how mediocre, especially TPM & AOTC is cause they are Star Wars.

It is the most ironic of ironies. The OT we defended because we loved those movies, and nobody was going to question them, because they were the best movies growing up. Now we defend the PT only because they are a fraction of what use to be a great saga, partly because it has the name Star Wars at the start of each movie. Weird, isn't it.
I fall into category #2. I hated, hated, hated TPM and AOTC, but when I saw ROTS I thought that it was pure gold. I actually saw it twice in the theaters.
well, i'm definitely a #1 ,i'd like to have all memories of this "crapylogy" erased from my mind!
to make it short i don't give a f*** about this dvd!

Originally posted by: Hal 9000
I fall into category #4... Re-edit them to your own personal liking!

Well I was going to say #4 but...

#5) Watch them the way they came out... IV,V,VI then I,II,III. Sure Ep1 was pretty bad but it did get you to know more about Vader, I never had a problem with II, and III damn I did not know if I should hate Vader or feel so damn sorry for him. Yeah, 4-6 are the best, but 1-3 do add to the story, I just dont hold them in the same light.
I felt both the screenplay and the novelization were better because they left the deleted scenes intact, which helped make the story make sense. If they just kept them in the movie even though the film would have been three hours long but more comprehensible. we have sat through three 3 hour lord of the rings movies, one star wars 3 hour movie would've been great even if some of the scenes would've brought the film an R rating or slowed down the pace of the film. The film should have been more important than the kiddies it was a pg-13 that just barely dodged the bullet of getting an R, or the advertising like action figures etc.

Lucas may be a shrewd businessman for trying to make tons of money on the toys market, but that certainly does'nt give him good filmaker status, he lost that after return of the jedi.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.


I have never read the novel, was Anakins turn longer and different, I know the book was much more intense than the movie

It would have been a good idea for a 3 hr Star Wars, (but would Lucas want it too run that long) as this was the most important film in the prequel maybe saga as it covered Anakins descent and turn in to evil (which was considered weak by some- people) and the other important points such as The Rebellion scenes etc

It would have been interesting to see it as an "R" (i assume your highest rating) with the scenes but would the key SW audience be unable to attend(I am not to sure on the American Rating System) and it would definatly play on Lucas/Lucasfim mind, I know they had problems with the U.K censors over AOTC they had problems with a headbutt(Jango and Obi Wan) and were offered it uncut at a higher rating, but took the slightly lower rating with the headbutt cut out
In Australia, we have G for General Exhibition, PG for Parental Guidance Recommended, M-15+, MA-15+, and R-18+.

So when an American says something about an R-rating, I immediately think, WHAT?! That's not porn!

MTFBWY. Always.

You know something... I will forever look back on the PT and think: Damn those had some excellent trailers. Anyone else view them as the best part. Of course it's no secret that most trailers out now are misleading in terms of what the final product actually is. (They're supposed to be PREVIEWS, not music videos...) Shouldn't it have been the other way around? Shouldn't the movie have felt more like star wars than the short preview? It hurts to think about this. (ep 3 of course being closest one to the target) I'll never forget how I felt after seeing the trailers for episodes 1,2,3 and then having all that built up anticipation/hope ripped tp tiny pieces, stamped on, and burned in a furnace.

Lol (sigh...)
He big in nothing important in good elephant.

"Miss you, I will, Original Trilogy..."

"Your midichlorians are weak, Old man." -Darth Vader 2007 super deluxe extra special dipped in chocolate sauce edition.

we have sat through three 3 hour lord of the rings movies, one star wars 3 hour movie would've been great even if some of the scenes would've brought the film an R rating or slowed down the pace of the film. The film should have been more important than the kiddies

The instant anyone asks for "R Rated Star Wars" is the minute they've lost touch with the films themselves. You can't say 'the film is more important than the kiddies' as the films were always intended FOR the kiddies. Even Episode III, with the gruesome immolation of Anakin--that fits pretty well with the old Aesop's fables and Grimm's fairytales sort of stuff that had darkness and violence in it. But to push that violence and darkness to the point where you exclude the very audience the movies were created for? That's way beyond shortsighted.
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