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Help: looking for... a preservation of 'Into Pitch Black'


Has anyone ever preserved the tie-in to the Vin Diesel movie Pitch Black? It’s called “Into Pitch Black” and it’s not available on DVD in America. Here’s what I know so far:

-it’s only available on the Japanese DVD with non-removable subtitles
-apparantly, the SciFi Channel presented it at least once (of course, without the subtitles)
-it’s approximately 60 minutes long
-it’s the backstory of Riddick (which people say is different from the video game “Escape from Butcher Bay”)
-it has its page on Internet Movie Database
-most people who saw it say it’s good

Any help finding this would be appreciated! Oh and please don’t refer me to youtube 😃 I want good quality.


I have japanese DVD with Into Pitch Black on it.