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Help: looking for... 'The Big Blue' - US version — Page 3


Hey film_fan, I haven’t had any luck with this. The archivist I connected with said the same thing as others about it not being available. I personally only have a digitized version of the VHS. But I’d really love to find an HD digital version.

film_fan said:

SS said:

Agreed! So good. And so rare to find folks who know/care about this. I’m going to try reaching out to some film archive folks…

If you have any luck, please let me know. I’ve been seeking this cut for years. My VHS copy bit the dust a long time ago and I’m just not a fan of the extended version with the Serra soundtrack. I guess that’s because my entire experience had always been with the US release.
I just sat and listened to the Conti theme half a dozen times in a row. To me, it’s pure magic with that black and white opening sequence. It just conveys a completely different vibe. The only place I could find it was YouTube…supposedly the full Conti soundtrack is available at mp3mixx.com for $3.30, but you have to use a credit card and the minimum buy is $30. The site isn’t well reviewed in terms of web safety, which is unfortunate. Blows my mind that the soundtrack was never released on CD. 😦

“Well if it isn’t the little Frenchman. How is the little Frenchman?”


Does anyone have a copy of the Big Blue US version on DVD or available for download? I saw this movie in the theater in the 80s and loved it. I had the directors cut DVD but I didn’t like that version. Thank you!


I’m looking for a DVD or a download of the US version also. Thank you for your help!