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Help: looking for... 'Pat Garrett and Billy The Kid' - HD version of Turner Preview?


Is anybody aware of a HD version (perhaps from Television?) of Pat Garrett and Billy The Kid? Specifically, I am looking for the Turner Preview version which IMHO is so much preferable to the 2005 special edition?

I beats me that this classic still has not been released on BR, and I am fearing the day that only the miserable special edition will be put out.


I've been keeping my eyes peeled for it but I don't think there is one. (The new cut is out there on some HD streaming things like Vudu and even the theatrical cut has been on some HD channels a few years back). But it raises a question, what is the master they used for the turner cut dvd? When they did the blu for Alfredo Garcia they just utilized the same master as the dvd, so I wonder if a turner cut blu could be done as simply.


Hopefully both cuts will be preserved in HD… there are a lot of differences not only to the picture cut but Bob Dylan's music as well.

“That’s impossible, even for a computer!”

“You don't do ‘Star Wars’ in Dobly.”


This may eventually float out as part of a Peckinpah set from Warner, akin to the legendary westerns set. Probably as WB doesn't really license out to the smaller labels, and I don't see it as an Archive title.

Needs one badly. One of the great American Westerns and one of the most genuinely death ridden films ever made. The new cut was terrible.

Perhaps an SE with Turner cut, additional scenes not used and the theatrical release version?

VADER!? WHERE THE HELL IS MY MOCHA LATTE? -Palpy on a very bad day.
“George didn’t think there was any future in dead Han toys.”-Harrison Ford
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Any news on this one? I can’t believe that the Turner Preview version is not shown on television in HD…


I’ve got some news on this front: German cable station “TNT Film” is showing this on October 29… since this is TNT, I am assuming that it will be the Turner Preview Version, and as I understand it, they broadcast in German and English simultanuously. Here is the challenge: Apparently, TNT Film only boadcasts in HD on Unity cable (that is in the states Northrhine-Westfalia and Hesse). Does anybody have a contact there who could record this?


laxotter said:

I’ve got some news on this front: German cable station “TNT Film” is showing this on October 29… since this is TNT, I am assuming that it will be the Turner Preview Version, and as I understand it, they broadcast in German and English simultanuously. Here is the challenge: Apparently, TNT Film only boadcasts in HD on Unity cable (that is in the states Northrhine-Westfalia and Hesse). Does anybody have a contact there who could record this?

this has got to happen! don’t know anyone who knows anyone from the area but I’m keeping my fingers crossed.

You really only need to hang mean bastards,
but mean bastards you need to hang.

John ‘The Hangman’ Ruth


I put some major effort into getting the right technical equipment to record this on hard disc. I am currently trying to merge the different files I received into one bit. What I got was underwhelming:

  • It was the Turner cut
  • resolution 1080i (?)
  • English and German dub (which I like, it was the first version I ever saw)


  • not the correct aspect ratio (probably closer to 1:2.2 or so)
  • lousy bitrate: the total file is only around 6GB large
  • German title/credit
  • the “TNT Film HD” logo on the top right side

Comparing it on a large screen to the DVD version (Turner cut) upscaled, I find it hard to choose a winner. Maybe marginally this new version.

I still have a bit of hope - one guy in the cable/sat shop showed some mercy after I returned again the third day in a row to figure out the right configuration, and offered to record it for my on his satellite set-up. If has has done this, this could be a substantially higher bitrate. Will keep you posted


if not too much of a hassle, post a screenshot or two.

You really only need to hang mean bastards,
but mean bastards you need to hang.

John ‘The Hangman’ Ruth


Mmhh… not entirely sure how to post a screenshot. Will try to PM you.

A new opportunity is coming up to grab it with higher bitrate - it is aired again by TNT Film on Nov 28. It seems that satellite broadcast is much richer (bitrate) than via cable… so we need somebody with satellite access who can record this.


Sky Cinema Classics HD in Germany is broadcasting this in February, but I am pretty certain that this is only the inferior 2005 cut.

Did anybody come across the Turner Version in HD in the meantime?

As long as there is no HD version, there is at least the old DVD with the damaged sound - did anybody hear of a release with corrected sound on the Turner Version?


I wouldn’t hold out much hope for a true HD screening of the Turner cut anytime soon.

According to Paul Seydors’ " The Authentic Death and Contentious Afterlife of Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid
The Untold Story of Peckinpah’s Last Western Film" (an essential read for any PG&BTK fan), when the 2005 DVD release was in the planning, Warners refused to stump up the money for a new master of the Turner cut.
He also claims his contribution to the project went unpaid. Such is the disdain Warners hold for this classic.

Unless Warners have a change of heart or they license this to some other company that will show it the love it deserves, we’re stuck with the same SD print that’s been circulating for the past 30+ years.

I actually wouldn’t mind seeing the theatrical cut in HD/proper aspect ratio. If anyone knows where it can be found, I’d appreciate a heads up.
I have the Pan/Scan MGM Laserdisc. It’s atrocious!


TonyAniante said:

Hi there,

on amazon you will find a decent HD version of the theatrical cut. maybe there is some preparation
to release at least the theatrical cut finally on blu-ray?

see ya

Appreciate the heads up (and Screen grabs) but are you sure this is the original 1973 theatrical cut that’s being screened?
I’ve let my Amazon Prime subscription lapse and I’d hate to sign up again only to find this is the revamped Paul Seydor version from 2005.


Looking at the reported runtime (115m) it looks more like the Seydor Version…


It seems to be on TCM (www.tcm.com) as well… it should be obvious that they would be showing the Turner Version. I unfortunately can’t access their site from Germany, could somebody perhaps please check from elsewhere?


sorry for that, was not aware that there was another version of it


Looks like they missed the opportunity to get it right with the 50th anniversary cut AGAIN. Fortunately, Criterion is including a new preview cut - judging from the pics on DVDBeaver this will need a color regrade though…