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Help: looking for... 'Angus' (1995) TV Version


Stations like TNT and TBS used to air this movie with deleted footage added back into the movie, I’m not sure if they still do or not, but I was wondering if anyone might have, or know where I can find this version. I found a rip of the VHS rip, and after only seeing the Extended TV Cut, it just wasn’t the same. A few of the scenes added back in include:

  • Extended dialogue between Angus and Troy in the locker room.
  • Scene with Angus helping his grandfather move some of his stuff to April’s house.
  • Scene with Angus talking with his grandfather and April at April’s house. The scene also shows the grandfather’s dance move “the irish swoon” which is described to Angus earlier in the film.
  • Extended scene where Angus goes to the dancing lesson, including Angus and Troy commenting on the teachers good looks.
  • Scene with Angus and his mom eating Hagandaas ice cream in the kitchen where they talk about the upcoming dance.
  • Extended scene where Angus is trying on suits.